
IMDb member since January 2000
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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Automatic for the People
Episode 2, Season 2

I like this show. i really do. But this second episode of the second season was all over the place.

cuts and wounds seem to heal from shot to shot- almost as fast as wolverine while others don't.

conversations continually seem to jump over unspoken information.

scenes to connect one part of the plot to another seem and feel like they are missing.

Gaps in plot and action that goes against established lore.

I'm checking the older episodes and from what i've seen they haven't used this writer/ director before. Lets hope they don't use them again or this series will soon fall by the wayside.

the worst leap was how an older model terminator apparently copied someone once they were terminated. it seemed they were setting it up so we were under the impression that it was the t-1000 but nope- just a run-of-the-mill terminator. how did they have surgery and look perfect in a matter of a few hours? i GUESS we are to assume the terminator was studying greenway for a while and had the surgery done a while ago- and just moved in and took over on the faithful day? just a guess though since there is nothing in the story to suggest what was going on.

Just terrible and really strains suspension of disbelief.

worst episode of the series so far

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