
IMDb member since February 2000
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Les visiteurs

Immensely Enjoyable
Looking at some of the other comments, not everyone is in agreement here, but I have really liked "Les Visiteurs". The original is so good, its a pity they had to spoil with the Americanized version - 'Just Visiting' - which is at best an insult on the intelligence of the American viewing public.

For us that do not understand French, they have done a tremendous job with the English subtitles (translating a kind of 'medieval' French into a comparable type of old English – modern swearwords included). In fact, the job is so well done, that we had a lot of laughs just by comparing the film's verbal antics to the translation. Even though I do not speak French myself, it is quite clear that a lot of effort had gone into this. Sometimes the conversations are fast and furious, so it's worthwhile to see the movie a second time. Even on the second pass, there was a lot to laugh at.

This is meant to be slapstick and the story is a total farce, so it's hard to see why some viewers apparently expected more. I thought it was well done, and very well executed. Even though this whole thing is intended as a joke, the reactions of the medieval guys are quite believable.

The movie is a blast!

Welcome to Woop Woop

Brilliant Black Comedy
Welcome to Woop Woop amounts to a farce with a very unique (and appalling) storyline. The town Woop Woop is literally 'off the map' and its inhabitants interact in a surreal and disturbing fashion.

Fleeing from danger in New York, the lead character (Johnathon Schaech) makes it to Australia, only to walk into a much bleaker situation – a kind of time-warp - where Daddy-O is the law, the judge, and the executioner. Rule number one: no-one escapes from Woop Woop.

Unfairly criticized as vulgar and offensive, many have missed what this film is all about. Properly understood, however, this makes for highly entertaining (if somewhat foreboding) viewing. Great stuff!

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