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Euphoria: Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys
Episode 3, Season 2

A Twisted John Hughes Mini-Movie
As a GenXer, I absolutely loved the first 15 minutes of this episode with Cal's backstory complete with a killer soundtrack. A sweet and innocent Molly Ringwald storyline which culminates in a long-awaited first kiss from two soulmates who deserve to live happily ever after, but just as fast as Cher can slap us across the face with "SNAP OUT OF IT!", we end with the scene of Jake Ryan getting the call from Caroline that she's pregnant with his baby and we remember what show we are watching where there can be no joy or happy endings (yet?) I have to confess that I replayed the first 15 minutes a few times, but stopped it just before the phone rings.

The next episode where Cal returns to the gay bar is especially heartbreaking and throws more cold water on episode 3's brief moment of optimism because Cal's not only missing Derek, but also lamenting his lost youth and the might-have-been. In another universe, Derek might have been waiting for him at the bar when he arrives as The Thompson Twins' "If You Were Here" plays on the juke box, but I digress.

*Footnote, the scene where he is thrown out of the bar is perhaps my favorite scene from the entire series, complete with disco ball.

The Flight Attendant

Jumped the shark at episode 3
This series started out strong with episode 1 and it totally hooks you in. I loved it at episode one. Episode 2 was great, and then at episode 3 it goes downhill. I thought maybe it was that middle episode thing where there is one or two bad ones to get to the finish, but episode 4 was just at bad with repetitive situations that felt like episode filler. At episode 5 it just jumped the shark and was downright annoying with writing with situations that weren't believable and seemed like plot devices to string out this series for an 8 episode commitment to Warner Bros. I got so annoyed that I skipped to the last episode out of curiosity how they wrapped this turkey up. The character was just as annoying at the last episode and obviously hadn't had any kind of arc and was still acting the same as she did in the first episode. I went back and hate-watched the other episodes later while doing other things so that I wouldn't totally waste valuable time on this.

Man of Steel

Gets tiresome halfway through
This film starts out promising, but loses its way halfway through in which it basically becomes the Transformers. At that point, the film relies less on story and more on back and forth fighting special EFX which quite frankly look more like something on a Playstation than a Hollywood blockbuster. Bring earplugs as a lot of these scenes rely on loud sound effects and after 3/4 of the film you are truly exhausted from having to endure it. One thing that I couldn't help but notice is the scenes of planes going into Metropolis/Manhattan buildings and then having them collapse on people who are just standing there gaping mouthed. If the filmmakers were going to be so insensitive about 9/11, then at least get it right and show what really happens when planes go into buildings that end up falling on people. One element that doesn't get developed is the attraction between Lois and Superman. Maybe I am not an expert on the comic, but wasn't there an ongoing sexual tension between the two? At 2 hours, the film starts to desperately try and wrap itself up to finish at which point the cast start to finish each other's sentences about how the strategy to defeat the enemy will work as if all of a sudden they are experts on worm holes and the inner workings of alien spacecraft from Krypton. After wasting half of the movie's runtime on the said video game fighting filler, the bad guy is finished off with a simple sleeper hold (oh gee, why didn't I think of this 90 minutes into the story?). No great finish here.

Latter Days

Not bad, except for some for some of the acting.
Good storyline here and excellent supporting cast. Why couldn't they get a good actor as the lead. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the lines delivered by Ramsey, in particular the scene at the airport. Director Cox has powerful supporting players here, especially Bissett and Place, but it seems that they are wasted in scenes when played against Ramsey. Sandvoss is great, but again, in scenes that don't involve Ramsey. Several scenes are lessons in bad acting, such as the scene between Ramsey and the guy he picks up in the middle of the film, the other being the scene between Ramsey and his roommate when he sees her music video. These actors make the writing seem contrived and cliché.' I found them painful to watch and almost felt the need to fast forward ahead to scenes with the real actors. I have not seen Ramsey in any of his other films, so perhaps he was just miscast here.


With all of the hype about this miniseries, NBC should have given more attention to the cheesy special effects let alone the bad script. During "the big one" in LA, much of the 10.5 quake is a tight shot of a bunch of bad actors and extras running to and from the camera screaming. The camera during this is doing quick zooms in and out as it pans and shakes. This went on for the entire fifteen minutes of the quake and even broke for a commercial and came right back to the shaking and zooming camera with the extras running in and out of frame like a bad episode of Southpark.

Lucy Calls the President

I remember this
I do remember this TV movie just a little. Commenting on the other reviewer, on thing that I do remember about this show is the joke about the hors d'oeuvres. Mary Jane's character had made 50 deviled eggs that she was setting out for the president who was coming over. Vivian Vance went up to the tray and ate one as Mary Jane panicked and told her that each one represented a state and she had just eaten Kansas. Vivian Vance replied "for heaven's sake, I just ate my home state!" I didn't really get most of the jokes being just ten years old, but I do remember my grandmother laughing a lot.

Hitlers Frauen

I was very disappointed by this "documentary," and I use the term loosely. At the very least I expected to find an unobjective account of Reifenstahl's career and her role in making films for the third reich. What I found was a biased attempt to discredit her life and career and even flat out say that she is only getting respect now because of her age. It also suggests that she had an affair with Hilter by showing us that he sent her red roses once when her film opened. I found the scripted narration very opinionated as well, which made the whole program feel preachy and like an extremist's newsletter. In my opinion, She is an amazing filmmaker who deservea all recognition the same as all of the American filmmakers who made propagand Roosevelt to boose national morale such as the films promoting the building of TVA.

Planet of the Apes

I wasn't sure what to make of this film. Was Tim Burton doing a parody of the first movie? It felt like Fox was rushing through production to complete this movie before a writers strike and sacraficed the writing itself. The film never really explains itself and relies upon the audience knowing the premise of the first film for plot guidance. When I saw this film, the audience actually exploded in laughter during the final scene clincher. Was that supposed to be funny? The only saving grace of this film was the acting of Helena Bonham Carter which makes Marky Mark's acting appear even worse than it is in their scenes together. I should have waited for it on video.

Mama's Family

Still Fresh
This is a show that I enjoyed back when it was in prime time. I remember it all the way back to when it was on the Carol Burnett Show. It is still in syndication and due to its quirkiness, it has stayed fresh and timeless and still holds up today. A true underrated gem!

Trilogy of Terror

Check under the bed!
I remember seeing the ad for this movie in TV Guide when I was about 7 years old and being terrified by the picture of the doll. I had nightmares about this doll for years even though I never saw the movie until I rented it as an adult. It was still scary seeing it as an adult, and you'll find yourself putting your feet up on your chair and checking under the bed before you go to sleep.

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