
IMDb member since March 2000
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I think US should leave godzilla alone...
I am happy, but overall disappointed. Was a good movie to spend an evening, but nothing more. Won't spend my money for the DVD.

So heres what I liked and what I didn't

Liked: - like many said, Bryan Cranston, the part of a person obsessed with the truth, that with science wants to understand what is going on... getting on a post nuclear Jap... Cool!But they ruined this later in the movie.

  • Godzilla! Was close to the original one, including the walk and everything. Well, not the sound, but close enough

  • Hmm... did I mention Bryan Cranston?

  • The beginning was interesting

Didn't like:

  • Shoots. People will say CGI is better than Pacific Rim. I can't believe somebody really thinks that sorry. Haven't seen a fight with some light in the whole movie, faaar away from the boat bashing robots of pacific rim.

  • the son of Bryan Cranston character. Was annoying and irritating. Same face the whole movie, we are talking twilight acting here.

  • As many said, fights were hardly clear and were not the majority of the movie. Be prepared to see marines, bombs, marines on a boat, marines on a train, injured marines, marines evading, marines shooting stuff, family drama, 1 second of a monster, then start again.

All in all, I would much rather watch pacific rim 100 times than this. Japan, please, try to give us another godzilla (no, not the one with the little godzilla learning to fight please)(no, Hollywood, please don't remake the movie with godzilla's kid).

Masters of Horror

Nice series but...
I give it a 7... The series were lots of fun except of the Homecoming... It irritated me so much I had to pass to the next episode. It was pure (boring) political propaganda which really had nothing to do with the atmosphere of the series. I don't want to start a political thread on it so I'll pass - but it really makes me mad how a theme like this was ABUSED in this movie, so much that the director itself becomes one of the "players" in the "game" (as defined in the episode). Quite impressed by Dario Argento, since like many said, even though he made fun (not good and neither othe best of the series) episode, finally made something watchable after years.

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