
IMDb member since March 2000
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    24 years


Dancing on the Moon

A magical movie, for the whole family!
Dancing on the moon follows the great magical surroundings that Rock Demers' has made over the years. Since my youngest days, his movies have amazed me, and the first movie I saw in my whole life was one of his; La Guerre des Tuques, a classic! I saw all of his movies, and I always enjoyed the watch!

Dancing on the moon is poetic and dreamfull, and a will please the whole family, from the kids to the parents, the cousins to the granparents!

Watch it! It's really beautifull and true! :-)

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The best television series ever...
What to say about Star Trek TNG? I could say, it was good, but it wouldn't be enough, I could say it was great, still not enough, or even the best television series EVER, now it's closer to what is it...

This show was my favourite in all of Star Trek series, for its cast, its ideas, its concepts, its humour, its everything...

This show was, is and will always be the best, I'll never get tired of watching reairings!

Go go go Enterprise! Go Picard, Go Riker, Go Troi, Go Data, Go Worf, Go Jordi, Go Crusher, Go Q, Go Go Go!!

Can't wait for Star Trek X, woohoo yay wee!!!!


It was just plain... great!!
Being an all-time David Cronenberg's mega fan, I gotta say that I wasn't deceived at all! I saw that movie for the first time when it first came out in the video stores.... *sigh* living in a very small town I didn't had the chance to see it on big screen... but hey that's life! :b

Cronenberg has this cool crazy wonderful touch in his movies... and that makes the best movies ever! No movies are better than his ones... he's the master!

And the cast! Oh what a cast! POWERFULL! GREAT! Jude Law was almost unrecognizable... he was sure as cute as always :-) but he didn't had that.... hmmmm how to say.... "noble" england side... he's just such the greatest actor! from one side to the other... wow! but i sure prefer him all-natural englandly him! he's just too charming! :p

And Jennifer Jason Leigh was as peaceful as always... even though that movie was quite moving on the go woo!! :-)

If you want to see a totally wonderfull movie made by the greatest and with the greatests, well eXistenZ is THAT movie! Go go go! Go rent or buy it!

By the way, I give it 10 on 10! A master-movie!! :-)

Weehoo! I loved it!!!!

Jaws: The Revenge

Looking for stupidness... you got it right there!
The first Jaws was a work of art, a suspensful incredibly strong movie.... and the fourth? Just guess! The stupidess movie you'll ever seen! So unbelievably low, boring, no-brainy! I could go on and on talking about the infinite bad sides of this movie. Good sides, you ask... I haven't find a single one!

Believe me, if you want to see a good movie this weekend, go rent either Jaws (the first one of course!), Pulp Fiction or The Matrix... at least you'll get some action for your money!

Species II

I liked it!
Yeah, I know... I'm a weirdo! I actually liked this movie... well probably just because Michael Madsen was in it... and yep, I'm a weirdo! There are so much movies nobody liked and I did, hmmm... not that much but a couple of ones! Like the Postman for example! :)

I rate it 8.5/10! Yep!

Louis 19, le roi des ondes

A low-budget movie that is quite a movie!
This movie wasn't made with a great budget, but the result was astonishing and unique. It talks about Louis Jobin, a very normal guy who wins a contest and who has to be filmed 24 hours a day.... and it gets on his nerves after a while! The concept of this movie was so refreshing and great that it was bought by Ron Howard for his movie EdTV, made in 1999 with a great cast composed of Matthew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, Jenna Elfman and Elizabeth Hurley. Cool!

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