
IMDb member since April 2000
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The Lord Protector

Was it meant to be campy?
Either this movie was a pretty funny camp film or the acting was pretty bad (way over the top especially for the male actors). Once I decided to consider it for its camp value, I ended up enjoying it.

The basic plot was okay; a pretty average sword and sorcery story, though the sorcery had elements of technology. Despite a narrator (Charlton Heston!) there was not enough back-story to understand the world but the characters' back-stories were explained as the movie went on. There were a couple of unexplained disconnects that were more or less confusing depending on how integral to the storyline they were.

I watched it free on Netflix. I might watch it again...but I wouldn't if I had to pay for it.

Pride & Prejudice

Beautifully filmed but...
This was a beautifully filmed movie. There were a couple of shots that wouldn't have looked out of place on a canvas in a gallery. There were also some scenes that were worthy of an art film, particularly the end of the dance at the ball at Netherfield. . . . But it would have been nice if the writers had used Jane Austen's characters. Most of the personalities were completely changed; the others were emphasized to the point of caricature. Only Caroline Bingley seemed to meet expectations and I will say that her and Elizabeth's parting comments after Jane's illness were delightfully catty. Interviews with the actors and director on the DVD seem to indicate that they believe their portrayals are accurate to the actual book; a fact that gave me the excuse to re-read the book to be sure they were wrong. . . The change of character personalities are the most unforgivable aspect of the film. The second insult to the book was the ignoring of the period's manners and dress. Some behavior and dress was too sloppy for even a setting in a pioneering western. Certainly the first ball looked more like a square dance than a ball to me. . . There are, of course, the changes that are necessitated by turning a book-length piece of literature into a 2 hour movie; unfortunate but understandable. . . Overall, I'd say that if you haven't read the book, you'll probably enjoy the movie. Even if you have, you could still enjoy the movie by just accepting that changes have been made and watch it as a slightly inaccurate historical film.

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