
IMDb member since July 2000
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    23 years


Heavy Metal 2000

Good Sequel
In many ways this movie is better than the original. First the CGI is mixed with cell work to form a nice mix. Then, you have a gut gripping, seat ripping soundtrack. This movie also has an easy to follow plot line instead of multiple shorts about one object (a green ball). And then there is Julie Strain and artist Kevin Eastman. B-movie queen may have done her best performance ever and this is a good return of "TMNT" creator Kevin Eastman, who leads us on a action packed adventure through space. The humor is similar to Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards". If you liked Tarrna and Den from the first movie there are hints of those stories here. I was total blown away by this movie and can't wait to see it again.

End of Days

Another Arnold "Blow 'em Up"
The opening of the movie has a cultish feel to it which lingers throughout the movie. Arnold plays the same old unstoppable good guy that has almost become cliche for him. After the opening the movie plays like "Lethal Weapon" with hints of "Ghostbusters" & "Die Hard". It then turns to a "Silence of the Lambs" and ends almost exactly like "Resident Evil 2" for the Playstation. Over all I feel like Byrne played the devil to near perfection. Tunney takes her top off for the role, but it doesn't add anything to the movie. The only reason to get this movie is if there is NOTHING left to watch or you've already seen every movie at the video store.

Rock & Rule

Rockin' Movie
One of the best movies I have ever seen. First saw it in the late '80's on HBO. Better animation than "Heavy Metal" and a story that has been retold. A real "Good vs. Evil" movie with a little twist. Excellent soundtrack that was never released. Cheap Trick released songs from the movie on their "Sex America" Album. Would like to see this movie on DVD. A must see if you like anime or an avid fan of Ralph Bakshi or Crumb.

American Pop

Rock Epic
A story that transcends through the generations of a family. Starting in the "roaring" '20's the movie begins with the life of an immigrant boy and carries the viewer through a tapestry of jazz, swing, blues, classic rock, and early 80's rock. A completely different look than previous or later Bakshi works, but with the same quality. A must see if you want to forget you're watching an animated movie.

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