Reviews (6)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of the most boring movies I've ever watched. I had to watch in two sessions to stay awake. It was nice to see Cindy Williams and Harrison Ford in their young days, but that was the only redeeming feature of this movie. There is a scene with an unclothed woman before her intimate interaction with a man, so this should have been rated PG-13 at the lowest.

    The main character clearly portrays that he is conflicted and bothered by something, but this could have been done in half the time and would have been more effective.

    I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you're really into old, very, very, very, very, very slow moving films or the actors who are in this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this because Ioan Gruffudd is one of the actors. This character can't compare with his role as Horatio Hornblower, but he probably had a lot less to work with, script-wise, with this movie. I would have liked to have known why his character didn't seem to believe in the whole pearl story. Why did he hide the book if he didn't believe? If he did believe, why hadn't he been working to help break the curse, or why didn't he help Maria to do so?

    Maria's nanny was supposed to be funny, but she was a little too bumbling for my taste. The men in black would definitely be scary for children, so I personally wouldn't let children watch this movie. The lion reminded me of Aslan, which is a good association.

    Spoiler alert: I'm not exactly sure why Maria was willing to sacrifice her life at the end. It was noble, but I'm not sure they convinced me that she was invested enough in the whole thing to be willing to sacrifice her life.

    I gave this movie a seven, despite some misgivings, because of Ioan, because it was a pretty clean movie, and because it had a happy ending. Themes of sacrifice and the need for humility fit well with what the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ, so that was also a plus.
  • W a r n i n g: Possible spoiler!

    The power of a mother's love: that is what this movie means to me. It is one of my favorite movies. I love the suspense, but what I love most of all is Telly's undying love that will not give up on believing that she indeed had a son.

    The alien angle was unrealistic, of course, but I could live with it. No matter how many times I've watched it, I'm always scared when the people are suddenly sucked up into the sky. It is infuriating to watch Telly's husband in his disbelief, but maybe this shows that moms truly do have a connection to their children that dads will never have.

    I'm thankful to the writers that they didn't involve Telly and Ash in an affair. Yes, adults of opposite genders can work closely together without becoming involved in a sexual way! If you enjoy suspenseful movies with some alien life forms thrown in, and if you love your children with all your heart, you may just love this film, as well.
  • This movie could have been a great family film. The ratings board wasn't kidding when it was rated PG-13 for off-color humor!

    There were some truly hilarious moments in the movie, and I wished that I could share it with my children (teenagers), but there is no way I could do that in good conscience. If only the writers would have focused on writing a hilarious script instead of choosing to make it full of sexual innuendo! If they had kept it clean, they could have had a classic hit like Princess Bride. Cary Elwes is charming in his role of Robin Hood, reminiscent of his role in Princess Bride, but I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I got this movie with high hopes, first of all because I enjoy some of Richard Gere's other movies, and second because it was actually rated G! How I would love to see more G movies! The cover on the DVD showed a man happily smiling with his cute dog, so I was anticipating some sort of a happy story.

    The beginning was kind of intriguing, but as the movie wore on, the music was so slow, boring and sad that I knew that someone was going to to die. I had to force myself to stay with this movie, hoping that it would get better. It didn't.

    I don't know if was the directing or producing aspect of the film that made it so boring, but there was just something missing.

    I agree that the real-life story is an amazing and interesting one, but watching this movie version of it was not at all enjoyable for me.
  • This is one of my favorite movies! I love the suspense of wondering just who Richard Gere's character is, which is kept up throughout the story. Even though I know who the Sommersby character is, I find myself holding my breath with tension, waiting for the outcome. And no matter how many times I watch it, the end just kills me. It's a movie I watch alone so I can sob all I want to. I find myself wondering what I would do if I were in Mrs. Sommersby's place.

    Great acting, great editing, very gripping. The only thing I would omit is the sexual content, which wasn't at all necessary to advance the story. I'd recommend it for any adult, but not children.