Reviews (2)

  • Frida is the story of a woman who has an obsession with the physical image of herself. During the course of the movie she suffers from a profound identity crisis. The viewer will immediately notice the lack of dialogue in this film. The absence of dialogue represents the fact that communication for Frida is visual, not verbal. Her works of art speak for her as she communicates her pain and suffering through her paintings. Frida Kahlo's obsession with her physical abnormalities drives her to paint herself disfigured and in pain and directly reflects her personal suffering. The viewer realizes that art is life for Frida. Art was the way in which she communicated but unfortunately, the public does not seem to get a firm understanding of her pain nor the manner in which she expressed herself.
  • This melodrama directed by Maria Luisa Bemberg is a story of a passionate woman who wants nothing more than to pursue her desire for love and life. The movie shows the audience the importance of the church and social classes and enables us to view the attitudes and emotions of people living during the dictatorship of Juan Manuel de Rosas. However, it is evident that Bemberg has a slight bias in that the movie is seen through the eyes of Camila O'Gorman. This film is a wonderful example of how the movies intend to manipulate the viewer, allowing Camila to have all the rights and giving none to Rosas is rather biased. The film strongly emphasizes the dictatorship of Rosas and the viewer is given the opportunity to see the profundity and power of this dictator.