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Inhebek Hedi

Where feelings are repressed prioritizing tradition
A story of a young man immersed in a society where feelings are repressed prioritizing tradition. A place to discover the authentic, means radical break with its future scheduled by his family. Least what it appears at a time, although the end is very open to personal interpretation of the viewer.

Outstanding performance of Omnia Ben Ghali, and a plot very well developed. A high quality film.

Children of Men

Excellent film of genre
The good of the genre films, as happens with science fiction, is like a laboratory, reactions and developments of the global society in light of developments and events that are sufficient significance to change the perspective of our priorities.

The placid state of mind that gives you everyday, I broke the drastically the scene of the attack occurring in the coffee shop of London city, before the perfect embedding the name of the film on the screen.

This scene achieves its goal, providing the necessary care to introduce you to another world future, maximum target of the genre, so you feel part of the plot.

I feel that this film is excellent, because it meets its goal, it makes you reflect on the priorities in a life that varies quickly the status quo, which rewards growth individual, and although the author does not clearly testifies that is against this situation, but simply explained that happen in a hypothetical situation where there was a translation of a non-secure future, a world of punk message, indeed extend to almost 100% of the population, and where the revolutionary forces fighting for the durability of the species, but in a way too cold and calculator and not humanly acceptable as now our society.

Film faithful to the genre, because the important thing is not the end of the story, but does reflect on the essence of our existence in this global society.

Casa de Areia

A metaphor about our lives
The truth is that it has been difficult to me to enter a little in this film, I recognize that at first it is not easy that it hooks you, given that the requirements do not help to entering in the film, on the contrary, they identify a place of the that little people it would want to go or at least to live. A Brazilian zone very arid, desert, suns sand, and with the minimum of water to survive.

This makes that the role of the actors/actresses is more distinguished, more imported, for such keeps on being entered in their so particular world. Of first everybody we identify with the protagonist, feeble delivery of the story, pregnant woman who wishes to go in order to have her son in another place where the life is easier. Some characters that they sell are from the civilization and therefore they know that the to leave that place is necessary in order to make something in their lives. Him, the husband, a crazy man who does not want to know nothing of the civilization denies her, his son and the mother of her the possibility to come back there.

Detached they will be other circumstances and characters who will avoid the power to leave this desert place. The same actresses embody characters who evolve during the years, and interpret equally the mother, the daughter and the grandson although it is not makes stranger and do not make it enough understandable and at all confusing in a way.

To highlight the erotic scene, among Areia i Massu, a scene full of exoticism and sexuality, of the most exciting and intense that I have seen in the cinema in a lot of time. I believe that this film does not stop being a metaphor about our lives, about the desire to bring about our dreams and to wish the improvement of our reality. And like once not have to achieve these dreams, we end up clutching in our realities, and to the people that we love.

The final comment where Maria tells her mother Areia, already with a very advanced age, that the man has gone to the moon, it is great and and it finishes with a very personal message of the creator of the story. I interpret with this end, that Maria communicates metaphorically her mother Areia, that even if she has been able to go from there, in the requirement she has found the same miseries and difficulties. A great end.

The Gold Rush

A great classical film
Today I have recovered a classic one, after seeing the documentary "Chaplin Today" on its film of the 1925, and knowing peculiar things the running like for example the end different from the 25 the original version of and the definitive version of the decade of the 40, also mounted by the teacher Chaplin and where it put its voice to the personage "The Lone Prospector", and also to know since it has influenced in its east work film to the film director Idrissa Ouedraogo of Burkina Faso.

Before nothing to emphasize the facility to laugh itself, with the scene to cook its own boot, and when eats it with its companion of adventures, surely remembering the hungry that it was to pass in that another time of his life. To emphasize also fight of adventurer with few means (flat where it takes to writing in pencil the coordinates of a compass), an unconscious one of the high risks of its adventure (when it sees a congealed died poster of an expeditionary one, reacts with great surprise).

A great film that says many things of the human nature, from the cruelty and deceit of at first platonic love, almost the culmination of a cannibal action, thanks to the loss of real conscience to do surely for a forced subconscious mind to fight to survive, but that is gained by the shouts of plea of the possible victim that makes wake up the mentally ill human conscience of the momentary one, and mainly the work in equipment and the fidelity of both partners, thanks to this commitment and fidelity that obtain therefore the objective fixed to the search of the mineral so valued.

El hijo de la novia

I will see so intense
Any years ago one friend, tell me says me that this film is a good film, and a film for crying. After this comments I see others films "Luna de Avellaneda", and other of Ricardo Darin "El Aura" and "Nueve Reinas". All this films liked me very much.

I'm a man that rarely I cry when I see a movie, and I don't like the cheaper dramatic films, but I will want to see this film because the director and the actor are good.

I don't believe before to see this films, that I will see so intense. I cry when I seeing this film, the scenes of love between the fathers, It's are very beautiful.

I see this film in a Dvix copy and I need buy yet the DVD.

Ladri di biciclette

Italian economic crisis
This film is about the Italian economic crisis after world war II. The hunger and the unemployment.

A man have a good opportunity to have a job, a job that will provide the need of his family. He only need one thing to obtain this job; One bicycle. He and his woman to pawn any clothes of home to obtain the bicycle. It's all right now, They surpass the problem and will obtain the wage.

Is the first day in the job, Antonio Ricci learn about the office of stick posters, one fellow worker teaches to him, clumsily begins but improving, but It's happen the tragic thing, and the leading of the drama. As you already imagine, they rob the bicycle to him. The rest of the film He an his son, will try recover the bike. At the end They find the thief, and his home, but the other residents of the street defend the neighbor thief.

At the end, Antonio will try to become a thief, but it does not come out the play well to him and it is retained by most of people, while his son contemplates the tragic scene.

I can't understand the voice in off that is listened to at the end of the film, perhaps It's a political message about the future of a nation.

To Have and Have Not

After Casablanca
Yes, It's clear that the Hollywood's studios needed other interesting film, and They had the formula after Casablanca. The place, the music bar, the piano, the conflict of the war...

I think but It's interesting film, better a good film. Casablanca Isn't my favorite film, but I liked It when I saw. This film liked too, perhaps the last words of Casablanca everybody remember today, but anybody remember any words of "to have and have not"? It's a few injustice I think because Casablanca is the original but this is good film too.

I hope that do you like this film.

Brokeback Mountain

The real feeling
Before one had seen this movie I was thinking that this will be an other love story with a few changes like the kink of couple. But I surprised this movie.

This is a story of the begin of a love between two men, and the fight to try change this situation, for the High social pressure in those years in the USA. The work of the two actors is very good, especially Heath Ledger in the personage of Ennis Del Mar. You can see in this personage yours change along the years of relations. He fight in the beginning to change It, and He will married and will have children, but He will be a unhappy man because He fight against his real feeling. He knows that they are happy when they are united, but He is not the sufficiently brave thing.

Jack Twist discover too the homosexuality with Ennis I think, and He try too, to change this feeling, this love with the similar strategy like Ennis, but finally He know that He is very unhappy and he must to live with his love Ennis.

A movie that has helped me to think about the important things of the life.

Te doy mis ojos

I think this film will be the great winner of the next night of the Goya's ceremony
I think this film will be the great winner of the next night of the Goya's ceremony, because It is a very good film.

I like very much the role of Pilar and Antonio. I think Laia Marull come out a big actor. Luis tosar I knew in `Dias al Sol', and He is a great actor too.

Two years ago, I saw `Flores de otro mundo', and I liked but, with his last film Iciar Bollaín to improve herself I think.

I like very much how Iciar to deal of this complicate theme, It isn't to much tense, and She include Rosa Maria Sarda that contribute to apply the comic touches.

The end of the film is a `hollywood ending', a happy ending. There are too much unfortunate ending in the real life about this theme.

Femme Fatale

Dejà vieu
It's a dejà vieu very long, but I liked it.

I think Brian de Palma is the master of the triller, I like his slow motion.

I saw Friday his film Body Double and I liked very much, today I see Femme Fatale and I'm liked more.

I think the films of Palma are art, thanks to directors like him, the cinema is the seven art...

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