
IMDb member since July 2000
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    23 years


Invaders from Mars

remake of a science fiction classic that missed badly
The original movie "Invaders from Mars" 1953 I believe, was a classic. This remake, even if you hadn't seen the original is not a very good movie at all. It's about a young boy who see's a flying saucer in the night. Later he believes that aliens are taking over the people, including his parents. Very poor acting in my opinion, the effects were ok, but the movie I wouldn't even recommend for a rental. a real dud.

Paper Moon

a true piece of Americana
This movie was filmed in black and white to give it that "old" effect, which worked really well. The movie is set in the

1930's during the depression. Times are tough and Mose (Ryan O'neal) schemes up ways to make money. He meets up with Addie, (Tatum O'neal) and gets talked into taking her with him to take her to a relatives home a few days drive away. The fun really begins at this point and for me one of the true "Americana" movies was born. If you like the 1930's era and good entertainment, you'll love this one. a must see!

March or Die

a great movie about the French Foreign Legion in the desert
This movie was a very good effort, full of great detail and authentic props. Gene Hackman is the leader of this group of men in the French foreign legion assigned to protect men that are digging up artifacts in Morocco. The natives aren't to happy with this and in the end one of the greater combat scenes on film unfolds.If you like seeing good battles and fights against arabs in the desert, you'll like this one.

Return to Macon County

Another great car movie set in the 1950's
This movie is a favorite of mine filled with alot of songs from the 50's. Two men in their late 20's are working on their Chevy to compete in races in the near future. On the way they meet up with a girl, and later have trouble with the law. Alot of good music, and car scenes.


human soldier that has emotions of a robot
I just watched this movie on cable. I didn't think it was too bad. If you're a fan of science fiction, I think you will find it a decent movie to watch. It has at times very good special effects, and other times cheesy special effects. The overall story line isn't bad. a soldier of the future is is unknowingly dropped on a planet where later he finds himself defending the people that are there from intruders.

Somewhere in Time

Great study of a man obsessed with a woman from the past
This movie was great in the respect that it made the idea of traveling in time seem possible. The movie was very well done, and really creates a unique story. Christopher Reeves becomes obsessed with a woman in a picture in a old hotel. Is it possible to travel in time to meet her?

Birds of Prey

Fancy Flying
This movie was one of my favorites as a kid. I have always been interested in world war 2 aircraft and the Flying Tigers especially. Harry Walker is a ex Flying Tiger pilot flying a modern day helicopter as a traffic reporter. The movie is filled with helicopter flying, all very good. The tv movie you see on tv has the original music, however the version you buy on vhs for some reason does not. I'm not sure why the changed the music, the original worked fine. I really enjoyed the character study of Harry Walker, thinking back of his war days, mixing in with the reality of his situation; chasing the new bad guys who have a hostage. I think most will enjoy this fast moving film.

The Egg and I

funny story of a man wanting to live the country life
This of course is a older movie, but to me is a classic. Fred Macmurry wants to live in the country and drags his wife along for the fun. She is very new to the country life and seeing where she ends up living is another riot. If you want a good laugh, this one will cheer you up.

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