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From the makers of beloved twisted Christmas movie Rare Exports comes Sisu.

I was able to see Sisu at the U. S. Premier at the Florida Film Festival 2023.

If you pay close attention you will recognize some of the same actors from Rare Exports, most notably the father and the son.

Sisu is a violent, gory, feel good movie all about one man's determination to keep a hold of his well earned prize with his dog in tow.

The main character has isolated himself in a remote part of Lapland during WWII, where the Nazi's have begun a scorched earth policy and we follow his journey through this desolate land.

Highly recommended, funny, fast paced.

Meek's Cutoff

Meeks Cutoff was so plodding. It was like an unrequited love. Waiting so long for the payoff which never comes and leaves you exhausted, unfulfilled and lonely in the end. I wanted it to end with a bang so bad but it just suddenly ended.

The actors were very believable. The scenery was perfect. The situation made you thirst for water and for more story, the paranoia, desperation and heat were all present in Spades

I was so excited to see this movie, but sadly it didn't deliver. So unsatisfying, So Wrong, makes you wonder what the objective was. Did they make it? The World may never know.

Surfer, Dude

57 days without surf
There are a couple main plot points here: some business type money hungry former surfing bastard is trying to harsh his mellow and get Surfer dude to sell out and it's been weeks and then months without surf in California and thus pushing Surfer dude to do things he doesn't want to do.

I didn't expect much from this movie but I got a lot out of it. I really loved it. Maybe it's because I was trapped on a plane and this was sort of an escape. There is a little bit of deep meaning in this movie if you think about it.

If you are looking for one of those modern dumb comedies with hilarious laughs this is probably not it.

If you like the stoned out surf culture and can laugh at it but still can see the heart in surfing and the deepness in it and in not selling out, you will like this movie a lot.

Tom Dowd & the Language of Music

I loved this. I'm a fan of a lot of the musicians and bands featured in this movie so that makes me a little biased. That aside Tom Dowd as portrayed in this film is a wonderful, truthful and inspirational person. He produced and engineered all kinds of music not sticking to just one genre. He seemed to excel at everything he tried. If you are interested at all in the recording process or are a fan of the allman brothers, eric clapton, ray charles, booker t. and the MGs, aretha franklin, cream, duane allman then I recommend this movie. It shows footage of some of the artists in the studio and has tom talking throughout about everything. It also covers the history of Atlantic records and criterion studios in Miami. Don't forget to find out about the 5 M's

Thank You for Smoking

4.5 Stars Very Funny may have an agenda
When I first heard of thank you for smoking the title turned me off. I'm a nonsmoker and I think like most people? that cigarettes are death sticks.

Once I saw the trailer I was more interested because it looked pretty funny and Aaron Eckhart is an actor I find interesting. I watched the movie yesterday and I really enjoyed it, it was quite funny and it also makes you think about the issue.

**POSSIBLE SPOILER*** What it came down to was would you make something harmful illegal or would you let each person make that choice for themselves. I believe in the latter.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

wow, if your a fan at all of these books or movies you will love this one, gollum looks amazing much better than jar jar, he looked very real, also I didn't notice near as many cgi/fake shots in this one as last one. the only complaint I have is its really hard to follow the action cause it's so in your face you can't see who's who and its just so fast and dark and crazy. I loved the movie though.. be warned don't drink anything for a few hours before hand or else you might miss something.


can't you see the signs?
I really enjoyed this movie, I saw it with a friend and I didnt' expect it to be very good or scary, but boy it was good. It has the very slow and quiet tone of Night's last two films but when the scary stuff comes down it is good. the cop lady talked very strange though her acting was weird. Bo the young girl was really GREAT! I liked her acting and her character a lot. Listen to the POLICE song synchronicity before you watch this film. 9/10 go see it

Ali G Indahouse

if you like the show...
If you like his show you might be a little disappointed. This movie has some very funny moments and the laughs are pretty constant but none are very memorable or as funny as the things on the show. The beginning sequence is really really silly and funny, and a great start. YEs! borat does make a cameo appearance.

if you are a fan then watch it! if you don't know him or don't like him then don't bother. 6.5/10

Amores perros

a dogs life
this movie was really cool. It has 3 inter-related stories and I especially liked the first and third ones. There are a lot of "dead" and mauled dogs in this but its all Hollywood magic so don't worry. Great movie 9/10. In Mexican/Spanish with subtitles.

The Bourne Identity

Worth your time
Finally a spy movie that does it right. Matt Damon really pulls it off playing Jason Bourne a operative working for the US government, who is found floating in the sea off Marseille, with a couple bullets in his back. He has amnesia, but he discovers he has many skills and knowledge of how to do many things that seem to be instinctual, but he can't remember who he is or where is from. He is nursed back to health by the captain of the boat, and that is where the real fun begins. Damon plays this role very well, and the girl who gives him a ride to Paris and eventually becomes much more than a chauffer, Franka Potente. With looks reminiscent of a more mature Claire Danes, and a sexy German accent. Every time she says Shiest! I fall in love again. Chris Cooper plays Damon's boss who is now trying to take him out, Chris you may remember as the Former Marine neighbor in American Beauty, he plays his role very well, and his final scene is both ironic and funny. Chris is very believable and a very powerful actor. Brian Cox plays the CIA Chief who seems to not know what is going on.. but there is more to him than meets the eye. Julia Styles is wasted talent in this movie as the operative who runs a safe house in Paris.

Overall this is a good return to the old James Bond type movie without all the witty comments, gratuitous sex and gadgets. Bourne is a great spy movie, hopefully they will make the other two books into the series into movies too, with Damon I hope cause he did an excellent job. Haven't seen a movie this good in a while. 8.5/10


Interesting, but too funny to be creepy
This movie has its moments, but overall its a bit disheartening. Jeremy Sisto plays the object of May's affections. May is a timid, sometimes beautiful, sometimes scary looking, veterinarian's assistant. May's best friend is a doll in a glass case that her mother gave her when she was young because none of the other kids liked her, they called her a pirate cause she had to wear an eye patch. Her lazy eye seems to be the real reason behind all of her unhappiness frustration and the whole point of this film. May grows to become a much more gutsy and exciting girl as the movie goes on. In the end you are left with a sense of longing for more of a ending. Good soundtrack with many songs by the breeders. The acting is very believable especially May, she does a magnificent job of bringing you into her, knowing her, and trying to make you understand her, she is creepy and sexy both, but in the end you just feel sorry for her. 6.5/10


Follow the effects of smashing a bug and all the wonderful things it leads to
I Last night I had the pleasure of seeing the movie BUG at the Florida Film Festival and let me say it was a real treat. The Directors were there and they did a Q&A afterwards. The movie begins with a young boy smashing a roach beneath his foot, a man who is nearby parking his car sees the young boy smash it and runs to ask the kid `why? why? did he have to kill that living creature?' in his rush to counsel the youth in the error of his ways, the man neglects to pay his parking meter, which starts off a whole chain of events involving people not at all related to him, some funny, some sad, and some ridiculous. This movie has a lot of laughs, Lots! and there are many actors which you will recognize. The main actors who stood out in the film for me were: Jamie Kennedy (from his comedy show the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, playing a fortune cookie writer; John Carroll Lynch (who plays Drew's cross dressing brother on the Drew Carey show) playing the animal loving guy who just can't get it right; Brian Cox (The original Hannibal Lecter in Manhunter) playing the germaphobic owner of a Donut and Chinese Food Take Out joint. There is one line where Cox tells his chef to wash off some pigs blood that is on the sidewalk by saying "clean up that death" which is quite funny mostly because of Cox's "obsessed with germs" delivery. The funniest moment in the movie comes when a young boy imitates his father, whom he heard earlier in the day yell out `MotherF*****', while in the classroom. Another extremely funny and surreal scene is when Trudie Styler (Mrs. Sting herself) and another actor perform a scene on a cable access show, from the film the boy in the plastic bubble. The actor who hosts the cable access show is just amazing he is so serious and deadpan and his performance as both the doctor and the boy in the plastic bubble is enthralling. There are many other fine and funny actors and actresses in this film and having shot it in less than a month with a budget of just about $1 million, the directors Phil Hay and Matt Manfredi (who are screenwriters by trade, having written crazy/beautiful and the upcoming Tuxedo starring Jackie Chan) have achieved a film that is great, funny and endearing.

The Razor's Edge

Bill Murray shows a different and rare face
this movie, although slow here and there is "to me ~!" a very amazing motion picture. I watched it in parts as 30 minute pieces and watched a few parts over again thusly. bills acting is amazing and something you would never expect from him. the reference to being between ghostbusters and stripes is just insulting, it didnt go over cause he played it with a straight face, that is ridiculous. I guess it it just me cause I knew that he went to the acting school in New york, but I found his acting to be original and intriguing. watch this movie only if you are able to be objective and love bill murray as a person and not just as a comedic actor, although there are a few funny moments in this movie.

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