godless savage

IMDb member since July 2000
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Silent Hill

Another shallow big budget flick churned out by a computer.
As a lover of grim, violent, and surreal horror (as opposed to lame "teenagers chased by slasher" type flicks), as well as liking the previous work of both the director and writer, I was really looking forward to this movie. I thought the trailer looked cheap and cheesy, but a lot of them do these days, even for great movies, so I didn't pay any heed. I should have, the movie was just like the trailer, cept for a few cool parts. The biggest problems for me were: Awful dialog, badly acted by annoying, shallow cardboard characters that I knew nothing about, and therefore cared nothing about. I can't believe Roger Avary wrote this.... And the plot, or at least the resolution of it, was just stupid and convoluted. It seemed like they needed an excuse for all the weirdness that had gone on, so they threw something really ridiculous together in the last 20 minutes. It didn't unfold naturally or believably (at least, as believable as a situation like this can). I know, they got some of this stuff from the games, but I haven't played the games, and I shouldn't have to to enjoy this. If anything, this seemed too much like one of these types of games; aimless wandering from scene to scene, finding clues, unrealistic "conversations" with random characters intended to advance you throughout the game.

I thought this was going to be creepy and gory, but there was about 20 total minutes out of 2 hours that I'd call that. Maybe if all the backgrounds and gore hadn't been badly computer animated, and if there hadn't been 2 minutes of cool and creepy then 20 minutes of walking around, i would have liked it more. I'm really getting tired of the cgi gore in horror films, it's not necessary, and not once has it made a movie better for me, usually the opposite. Doesn't seem to cost less either..... bring back the latex and corn syrup with red#40..... this movie was just more lame, fake, shiny Hollywood crap..... I like shiny Hollywood stuff sometimes (hell, I liked "The Ring"), but not here.

Dead End

Is everyone here on crack? A simply awful movie.....
Wow, I really hated this movie, I really don't understand how so many of you liked it. Reasons (without really spoiling anything): 1. The script was crap, pure and simple. They seemed to think they were being clever with the so-called surprise ending, but any moron with a pinch of common sense could have figured it out within the first 20 minutes (and no, I'm not one of those people who says that about every movie with a twist ending). If you've seen a couple of episodes of the twilight zone, or even the new Outer Limits, then it should have been blatantly obvious....

And the dialogue and character actions was pure torture. For instance, they're out in the middle of nowhere in the woods at night, they stop at a creepy little cabin for help, and the teenage son wanders into the woods, whips out a playboy and tapes the centerfold to a tree so he can get himself off by the light of a lighter. In the middle of some strange dark woods. After they've picked up a creepy stranger. Yeah, that's realistic....

2. The direction. I know, it's a low-budget flick, they were having fun, whatever. But for anyone to say this movie was scary is ridiculous, it was far too ineptly directed to actually have any tension or truly scary moments. Even though they're supposed to be miles from any civilization, every shot the characters look like they're standing under a spotlight, even when they're walking around in the woods without a flashlight. Also, it's one of those flicks where characters supposedly just out of frame talking suddenly become silent and disappear, until called into the frame again.

In one scene, a character gets shot from about 5 feet away directly in the upper leg with a shotgun. They act like they just stubbed their toe or something, limp around and wince a bit, and within a couple of minutes, they're driving and walking around like everything is normal.

Ah, I've spent too much time on this... I don't usually post reviews here, and I watch a lot of crappy movies, but for some reason, this one really ticked me off, I don't know why. Perhapse because the reviews are so good, and the film came off as if it's creators thought they were being clever and making a real piece of art. I love bad movies and have a good suspension of disbelief, but I really didn't find this movie to be "so bad it's good". I just felt like i'd lost an hour and a half of my life for nothing......

Joy Ride

The fact that so many people think this is a great movie really depresses me.
i really can't believe all of the praise for this movie, here and other places when it came out. the acting and dialogue were bland at best, and i never cared what happened. as a matter of fact, i wanted these stupid kids to get messed up, and was really disappointed when it ended all happy and such.....

this movie was compared to 2 other psycho road movies, "The Hitcher" and "Duel", which is a shame, as those 2 movies stomp all over this lameass, slick, hollywood fluff. In both of those movies, there was real suffering (either mental or physical) on the part of the protagonists, and I really believed they had gone through hell. In Joy Ride, I never felt like anyone was even remotely, truely terrified, or had suffered at all. I don't know if that's due to the bland acting, or tepid direction, but it just felt so predictible and stupid. Not only that, but there was pretty much no gore, and the action was lame. If this is what passes for a great horror thriller these days, then we're all doomed......


Am I the only person here who didn't think this was all that great?
I really wanted to like this movie, I'd read about it for years before it finally came out on video here. Maybe my expectations were too high. Really, I don't know what everyone else is raving about here, I thought this was a very average thriller. I'm not surprised this was remade by hollywood, as the plot and characters and dialogue already seem quite "hollywood" influenced to me in this original, though with that careful european touch, which really just made the movie seems slow to me.

I thought this movie was going to be atmospheric and creepy, but there was hardly any atmosphere at all, the direction was pretty dry and by-the-numbers. There were maybe 15 minutes filled with scary going-ons, and the rest was quite slow and talky, with no sense of buildup or dread whatsoever. The red herrings and forshadowing were so obvious in this, it was like getting slapped in the face.

Like I said, I went into this with good intentions. I like horror from extreme gore, to atmospheric chillers, from "Dead Alive" to "The Others. This movie filled neither of these needs. Not so much bad, as just average. I suppose if all you watch is mainstream hollywood films, or if you liked that pointless piece of crud "With a Friend Like Harry", then this will probably seem great to you.

Ein echter Hausfrauenfreund

just a gigolo
fairly standard 70's European t & a farce, about a male prostitute servicing the rich and lonely female customers at an exclusive countryside inn, focusing on his sexual exploits and the troubles they cause him, mentally, physically, and morally. not much more to it than that, just an excuse for plenty of full female nudity, though they did at least try and build a bit of characterization around the action. unfortunately, the women for the most part were not very attractive, we spent more time making fun of their bodies than being titillated. however, there were some actual funny moments in this, and it wasn't too horribly done, and the dvd transfer was really quite good, they obviously had a good print to work with. the english voiceovers weren't bad either, there was actually some effort to to this well i think......

Desu pawuda

Sort of a Japanese "Eraserhead", but makes less sense.
Definitely one of the most funked up movies I've seen, I rented this one at a Japanese video store, so there were no subtitles or dubbing. I don't think it would have helped anyway, there's really little dialogue, and I think this is primarily intended to enhance altered mindsets more than anything, if there is a plot here, it's minimal at best.

Anyway, I love this film, it's just so bizarre and out there, I've watched it 3 times, I still have no concept whatsoever of the point. A couple of people break into a building, there's some sort of creature there, then your thrust into some mind bending alternate universe, or maybe it's the creatures mind, or maybe it just injects the humans with some drug that makes them have some intense death trip, I don't know. This goes on for a while, very cheaply done, but using lots of dated, cheap, but effective camera and editing tricks to really mess with your mind. There's some blood and gore here too. Then, out of nowhere, we have some bizarre music video, shot outside, that slowly slides back into the dingy, grim world of slime and blood and hallucinoegins we were in before. After a while, the movie seems to end, but wait! It's not over yet, after the fadeout, strange noises and barely perceptible images fade back in, and we have a few more minutes of unintelligible weirdness. This is all accomponied by some very strange sounds and music, I'd love to have the "score" for this, it goes a long way in making the movie even more messed up.

Anyway, if you love really, really bizarre "artistic" films, seek this one out, though there's no U.S. release I know of.

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