
IMDb member since August 2000
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    23 years


Two of a Kind

A gem...
A film that will put a smile on your face. Robby Benson is perfect as a mildly retarded young man; and the late, great George Burns is a delight as his grandfather. If you get a chance to view this film, you won't be sorry. (The only thing that really hurts this film is a sappy, early-80s musical score.)

20 Dates

Loved this film...
What more can I say? I just really, really liked this film. It's different, intriguing, so true-to-life it hurts. I find it hard to believe this was a authentic documentary. It's truly amazing what this guy Myles captured on film. Rent it and have a lot of laughs...and maybe a few tears, too!

The Perfect Tenant

A solid thriller; definitely worth viewing...
I wasn't expecting much when I rented it but I was fairly surprised. Overall, "PT" is a solid little flick that accomplishes exactly what it's supposed to. Great performance by Maxwell Caulfield. Linda Purl and Earl Holliman (as daughter and father) are quite good, as is the rest of the cast. Script and all technical aspects are above par. Definitely engaging and worth watching.

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