
IMDb member since August 2000
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    23 years



I don't have to tell a story, I'm an artist
What might have started as an interesting idea clearly fails to entertain the viewer when dragged out for 78 minutes. There is no story line, only an agglomeration of scenes containing Edzard's encounters with several people. While this is mildly interesting for a few minutes, it soon finds its place between boring and annoying. This is probably due to incompetence of the unexperienced writer/director duo or - even worse - a deliberate attempt to do it "different". Someone should have told them that "there is this guy on his way to Braunschweig" is not in the top ten list of good movie ideas. There is some good camera work, though, begging for a classification as pretentious rubbish.

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