
IMDb member since September 2000
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    23 years



A decent little Western
Obviously a low-budget independent film, the production values transcend it's financial and practical limitations.

Stephen Lang shines as the corrupt mayor, sinking his teeth into the small role he is given. He clearly raised the stakes for the rest of the cast who all delivered decent performances. John Lewis is another standout, who can command attention with merely a cold stare.

I'm not sure if this was intended to be a faith-based film, but fortunately the biblical quotes and religious undertones are kept to a minimum. My only other detracting comment would be lack of character development for the Blacksmith, as I would liked to have known more of his backstory.

Otherwise, a nice little movie with a cool story that actual entertains. Beautiful cinematography and a haunting score also make this a Western not to be missed.


Sleepy Hollow High

Made in one weekend, it looks like...
Whoa, this is one of the WORST movies I have EVER seen! The packaging for the film is better than the film itself. My girlfriend and I watched it this past weekend, and we only continued to watch it in the hopes that it would get didn't...

The picture quality is poor; it looks like it was shot on video and transferred to film. The lighting is not great, which makes it harder to read the actors' facial expressions. The acting itself was cheesy, but I guess it's acceptable for "yet another" teenage horror flick. The sound was a huge problem: sometimes you have to rewind the video because the sound is unclear and/or muffled.

It holds no real merit of it's own; trying to ride on the coattails of "Sleepy Hollow." Don't bother with this one.

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