
IMDb member since February 2001
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Radar Men from the Moon

Great 50's Serial
This is a great example of the B&W serials from the 50's. If your interested in seeing what the old movie serials from the 50's looked like, this is a perfect example, and it is fun to watch.Sure by todays standards the special effects and acting are a little ham-fisted and archaic, but remember this is from 1951 to 52 before TV even took hold.

Radar Men has a good story that keeps you interested episode after episode. The special effects are great for the time period. Cool space gadgets, a full size rocket ship, modeIs galore. You can't ask for more. The acting is passable with some great emoting on the close- ups. I recommend catching it if you can. It is out on dvd now. I picked it up in a box set of hokey sci-fi from Platinum disc corporation.

Requiem for a Dream

I've seen alot of movies, both mainstream and independent, and this is one of the most intense films I have ever seen. The directing and cinematography are outstanding. The story for the most part is right on the money. The editing is key as well as a very complimentary soundtrack that enhances rather than detracts. May be too intense for some but, See this movie.

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