
IMDb member since February 2002
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eh! beavers , beer and HD.
As the summary notes I like this show because it excellent, Canadian, and shot in HD. Plus in Canada to find this original content on a digital channel is unheard of. Outerbridge was impressive as Detective Murdoch in "The Murdoch Mysteries" a holmeswellyan type broadcast on bravo. He performs equally here. The characters are well portrayed and are hard to put in to a box. They come across-ed as real not stiff or stereotypical. Some are definitely not hard on the eyes. Dmitry Chepovetsky is so believable as man social issues and a too huge IQ. The diverse ethnicity and backgrounds of the cast/characters adds interest and Canadian-ness to the show which I enjoy.

These genre of shows are starting to over saturate the networks. (science investigation, mystery, interesting locals) The closest comparison to be found on an American network would be "Medical Investigation". But as much as I enjoy Neal Mcdonugh the writing often stinks. I truly hope there is room time and money for mores seasons of this show.

Update: Season 2 is due in Spring of 2006. Yeah eh!

The Bourne Supremacy

almost, almost as good.................
One of the reasons that I enjoyed the bourne identity (ident.) was because I expected little and was given so much. This time in the bourne supremacy (suprm.) the movie would have been better if were less. More to the point less camera movement and less action. The pacing of the of ident. was perfect. The down time worked well with the more intense sections. The suprm.'s constant camera movement and action had me wishing for the remote. Without giving away the plot, the lack of a certain element is what gave the ident. the perfect balance.

But thankfully it doesn't ruin the movie. The strengths of ident. are still there. The great locations, exposing you to varied exotic sites, the great cast and the well executed action sequences. Since the end of the cold war, there is have been a great lack of espionage international type thrillers. Let's hope their is a third movie in the bourne series. More like the original.

Crossfire Trail

I usually dont like westerns but.......
I enjoyed this. Nothing out of the ordinary. Great Casting. Sellect and Brimley are very enjoyable and believable. Great scenery. Nicely shot. This is a western. Black and white are the paint of choice. And after perusing the 24hr moviechannels line up I truly am amazed how many truly bad movies are made. This isn't one of them. Plus the added bonus was these actors left the "open range" pretty much the way the came in. Respectful and Gracious.

The Hunted

bad, bad, bad, bad, movie
These kind of movies usually need a sympathetic character. Rambo- the mean sheriff and deputies picking on a vietnam vet who wants no trouble. The Fugitive. The doctor running from the law because was wrongfully convicted.

Deltoro's character just isn't one you feel sorry for. Even as a bad guy vs good guy movie, it don't work. Nice visuals thou. That Pacific Northwest rain must have fun to work in.


If u like things to get blowed up a lot, scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, after scene, you might like this movie.

But it's not all explosions, at the beginning when cage is in the hospital and in training with the windtalkers and he's not having flashbacks about the war and seeing his marines buddies being shot and blowed up, it tries to be what we desire. A proud testament to the sacrifices made by the greatest generation.

But it just doesn't.

Collateral Damage

Two what?
I was browsing thru my local video store and came across this title. Was going to give it a pass but then I saw Two Thumbs up! Hey if these guys can both agree that this is worth watching I'll give it a try. First thing I noticed was HHarnold was looking kinda pale and moving a lot slower than an action film star usually does. Man this guy is getting old. Next thing I noticed was how much my finger kept itching to use the FF button. What were these guys thinking.

Most of his movies I can give some poetic license too. But come on. He's wanted by 2 sinister polical groups, one american, one columbian. The plot has him parading around a South American village like Juan Valdez.( hey, that's a direct quote) A non spanish speaking white guy in South America is gonna be pretty conspicous. But a 6 foot muscle bound, Non-spanish speaking, German!!!!

You think that they could have come up with something more ingenious than this. If the rest of the the movie was as good as the twist they employed I might not be so hard on Haarnold. I must admit

I did watch the whole thing and this is not as bad as "Paris, Texas". But that not saying much.

Summer Catch

sorry I liked it.
Most of the time I hate movies like this. Just too ........ But I liked it. Baseball, local pretty girls, and baseball. Oh and Jessica Biel. Did I mention that Jessica Biel was in the movie in a bikini. Yah well I liked it.

Paris, Texas

Possibly the worst film I ever seen.
This was painful to watch. Maybe like fine wine this movie will get better with time. But I,as a 24 year old at the time,had little use for this slow,(how slow does radium decay?) painful, melodrama.

Grand Prix

must see race movie
This is the kind of movie we expect to see shot to today. In car shots, real race tracks, real race cars. But this was filmed in 1965. And that is why I call a must see for race car movies. You are sucked right back in time. You're at Monza, Monte carlo, just as it was in 1965. This documents by pictures, scenes, cars, car transports,the pits,and racetracks that we will never see or see again unless you were there. Hopefully this will be re-released on DVD as it was filmed in a wide screen format. It was phenomenal in LD but I dont think it would come across as well in vhs.

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