
IMDb member since January 2001
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    23 years


Deliver Us from Evil

Worth Seeing
This is a strong documentary that is only plagued by the church's unwillingness to give interviews. The pain these events have caused people is very sad.

Something I noticed was O'Grady in a playground and in a school. Having just seen Little Children, I thought this odd. Then I realized he was in Ireland and the authorities do not know about this molester.

It is a difficult subject matter, but haunting. It has stayed with me and kept me thinking long after I actually watched it. Not only does O'Grady appear to be a monster, but the church comes out as a bigger monster for allowing the harmful acts against children to occur.

Wedding Crashers

This movie isn't smart. It isn't great. But it's "fun."
The opening sequence with Dwight Yokum and Rebecca De Mornay is one of the funniest in the film. The rest doesn't live quite up to it. The movie suffers from an improbability problem. I know from working weddings like some they went to, it's not easy to sneak into a wedding, especially high profile weddings with bouncers and giant men standing at the doors looking at your invite! Besides that, I will say I enjoyed the film. It's not as funny as say, 40 Year Old Virgin, but there's some good stuff in there. Keir O'Donnell has some of the funniest moments in the film as the goth/artist/gay son of Walken. These were some of the laugh out loud moments of the film.

Owen Wilson is very likable in the film as the partier-coming-to-grips with his age and wanting more out of life. He more or less plays the straight man to Vince Vaughn's antics.

Vaughn speaks in lightening fast dialogue most of the movie. Funny, and good, but at times I was left scratching my head. He's a strong actor and makes strong choices in this movie.

The directing by Dobkin sometimes feels less than good. Desk scenes shot with 2 cameras make it look like the actors are improvising most of their lines and leaves these "buddies" looking a bit too disconnected.

Bottom Line: If you enjoy comedies, especially of this genre, see it. It is very formulatic and if you're smart, you'll know how it ends about 30 minutes into this overly long comedy. (over 2 hours) PS: Will Ferrell turns in a very odd performance as Chazz Reinhold the ultimate wedding crasher. You might feel a little dirty after watching this near out of place character.

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