
IMDb member since February 2001
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    IMDb Member
    23 years


Black Box BRD

lecture in german history
if you want to learn something about german post-war history, maybe this documentary movie is the best way to achieve that. the director succeeds in connecting the events that happened in the years succeeding to "1968" - especially the so-called terrorism - to the pre-history of nazism in the time before 1945, a history that had a major impact on germany till at least 89 and maybe even beyond. note thet the father of wolfgang grams was a member of the "WAFFEN-SS", one of the most notorious institutions of the "third reich". and herrhausen as a child was trained at first in the "hitler-jugend". with all the differences among the two men, there's one thing they have in common : in the end both of them were loosers or at least felt that way.


totally intense
i think, this movie is an intense experience in real life from the first to the last minute.maybe the camera is a little bit uncommen in the beginning; but very soon you forget about that and you get drawn into the plot. well there are not too many things happening, but what's happening is just like real life. in some way this movie ressembles the "dogma95"-films, but is much more authentic, as it takes place in some sort of sub-proletariat and not in

the middle class with its phoney-problems.

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