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The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns Rocks (Smell What I'm Cooking?)
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOI I love this sequel to 'The Mummy'. It had everything, action, adventure, comedy, martial arts, great special effects and the basic cast from the first movie. Stephen Sommers is a great director and he & the casting director casted once again, a charismatic cast. I liked the cast a lot. From Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz to Arnold Vosloo and his Sports Illustrated model, Patricia Velazquez to Oded Fehr, John Hannah & the Rock. I even liked Freddie Boath (usually kid actors annoy me e.g. the Olsen Twins, Tina Majorina, the Culkins coz they're taught to overact. but Freddie pulled off a grand performance in my p.o.v.) and I also liked the 'This Box/Chest/Place is cursed!' guy. He was funny. I liked how the plot ran in with the first Mummy eg how Evie was Princess Nefertiri reincarnate and how her son was the chosen one and how Ardeth Bay, Jonathan Carnahan and Rick O'Connell were all the Pharoah's Guards in their pastlives. (You know, Jonathan to protect Evie from birth, Rick to protect her in love and Ardeth to protect them all). The only thing I reckon could have been done better was the death of Anck-Su-Namun. Did she really need to die like that... or even at all? The way Jonathan managed to get the Diamond at the end was expected and well done. It's just Anck-Su-Namun's death really was uncalled for but understandable.

All in all a great future classic, I give it a 8/10.

The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns Rocks (Smell What I'm Cooking?)
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOI I love this sequel to 'The Mummy'. It had everything, action, adventure, comedy, martial arts, great special effects and the basic cast from the first movie. Stephen Sommers is a great director and he & the casting director casted once again, a charismatic cast. I liked the cast a lot. From Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz to Arnold Vosloo and his Sports Illustrated model, Patricia Velazquez to Oded Fehr, John Hannah & the Rock. I even liked Freddie Boath (usually kid actors annoy me e.g. the Olsen Twins, Tina Majorina, the Culkins coz they're taught to overact. but Freddie pulled off a grand performance in my p.o.v.) and I also liked the 'This Box/Chest/Place is cursed!' guy. He was funny. I liked how the plot ran in with the first Mummy eg how Evie was Princess Nefertiri reincarnate and how her son was the chosen one and how Ardeth Bay, Jonathan Carnahan and Rick O'Connell were all the Pharoah's Guards in their pastlives. (You know, Jonathan to protect Evie from birth, Rick to protect her in love and Ardeth to protect them all). The only thing I reckon could have been done better was the death of Anck-Su-Namun. Did she really need to die like that... or even at all? The way Jonathan managed to get the Diamond at the end was expected and well done. It's just Anck-Su-Namun's death really was uncalled for but understandable.

All in all a great future classic, I give it a 8/10.

Big Brother

Great show!!!
Big Brother is probably one of the greatest shows ever to come out of Australia. (Actually I lie - there was Neighbours and there is Home and Away, Water Rats etc.). Anyway, although we are a day behind it's still thrilling watching Big Brother especially on eviction day. I think Gretel is an amazing host and a great comedienne. I've been watching from day one and seen everything from Andy's whips to Sharna spitting the dummy to the Anita vs. Blair bitch fight. By time this gets on the IMDB the winner may already have been announced and I wish them congratulations. I hope Sara-Marie wins because she's such a great person. She's funny and very normal (in the physical sense - she's... bigger than most stars if you know what I mean). Anyway great show Australia!!! and to all the housemates good luck in your careers. (Gretel, Ballerina, Blair & Flash ROCK!). And I don't think that many of the housemates realise that they are also famous in New Zealand. Pete knows as does Flash.


Mark Ferguson is our host in New Zealand as well as Gretel. He introduces and concludes the show so in as much sense should be credited after all it wasn't an Australian who put the Big Brother titles in... it was me, a pure bred Kiwi.

Digimon: Digital Monsters

Digimon vs. Pokémon
It's really funny because a lot of people think that Digimon is a rip off of Pokémon which is totally wrong and as they say "ignorance is bliss". Just because of the word "Digimon" especially the 'mon' bit, people think that it is immediately a Pokémon rip-off. I happened to have had been one of those people. I refused to watch Digimon when it started because it sounded like a rip off of Pokémon and there was a cactus with boxing gloves on! %( I mean come on, a cactus with boxing gloves thats as stupid as an electric rodent. Anyway I gave it a chance when there was a gap after Pokémon finished (and my nephew loved Digimon so I reluctantly gave it a chance). I ended up loving Digimon as it was alarmingly more adult than Pokémon and they had what many people craved... continuity.

The Comparisions Digimon follows the story of eight children with their respective Digimon, each with distinctive personalities and traits, working together in heroic situations (many viewers form emotional attachment to the character - I love Gabumon and my girlfriend loves Gatomon) whereas Pokémon centres around three kids who catch and train Pokémon (no matter what I still love Onix & Vulpix). Digimon can speak English whereas Pokémon can only say their name (excluding Meowth & Slowking - also Lapras can mind link with humans as can Lugia & Mewtwo) And finally Digimon follows a storyline where the heroes battle evil continuously, learn about themselves and each other. We also learn about their families, hopes, fears and watch them fight for what is right while Pokémon goes along the same line as Digimon but to a lesser extent and rarely does Pokémon follow up stories from previous episodes.

So all in all, why can't a person still love Pokémon but also watch Digimon. You may be pleasantly surprised at how different Pokémon and Digimon really are. After all I watch them both (their on rival channels but Pokémon is on half an hour before Digimon... but Digimon is opposite Dragonball Z (what a dilemma!) ;-)

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