
IMDb member since February 2001
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    23 years


Yeti Massacre

Should I hate this or admire it?
I don't know how to feel about this. It's total manufactured B. S. There was an actual event, but this take on it is up there with something like "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" (and yes, that's the correct one - the Asylum mockbuster). But at the same time, I can't deny that I was entertained, laughing uproariously multiple times. That deserve some measure of recognition. These modern day mysterious mysteries-type shows are reaching a level of artistry on par with professional wrestling for the mix of fiction and glorious presentation. If know and understand what this is, then please enjoy. It is very entertaining on that level. If you approach this any other way, please do your fact-checking.


A mix of bad-bad and good-bad
A bad movie, but one that might entertain you if you enjoy watching a bad movie. This is a film constructed mainly of padding (so much padding), exposition, and leftover footage from other properties. John Carradine is inserted, several years after his death, via a fake Shemp and salvaged scenes and audio from another movie. Ed Wood would be proud. I'd be surprised if the inset TV segments with Cameron Mitchell, Brinke Stevens, and Dawn Whitman weren't also scrounged footage. The budget looks like it was similarly scraped together from whatever change the producers found in their couch one weekend. Much of it is just bad-bad, but there are moments of chaotic editing, sheer ridiculousness, and gratuitous content that sometimes elevates it to good-bad.

Some Girls Do

Serial killer madness
Story of a serial killer who murders dozens of women by surgically removing their brains. Oh, but he keeps their bodies alive with a replacement robot brain, so it's all just good fun.

Apart from that, it's not a bad sexy 60s comedy spy romp. If you like Matt Helm, Derek Flint, and Austin Powers, then this is probably a good fit for you. But when they reveal what's really going on with the army of female criminals/terrorists in the movie.... Wow! It's "The Stepford Wives" (1975) if someone lost the notes that it was supposed to be a horror story. A barely-acknowledged, blink and you'll miss it bit of exposition that completely transforms the entire movie. And a point it seems like the filmmakers are completely oblivious to. I guess as long as the women's bodies are still kept alive by the robot brains (and you can still have sex with them), then it's no big deal.

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