
IMDb member since April 2001
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The Brady Bunch 35th Anniversary Reunion Special: Still Brady After All These Years

What a terrible reunion show! Almost as bad as the Facts of Life reunion. Jenny McCarthy shows no talent as the moderator. 5-second clips of the show give the only glimpse of humor and actual creativity. The show was rushed, trying to get 5 commercials shoved into an hour. Bland interviews and an introduction of the "Brady children" in a gaggle show the unpreparedness of the production crew. They gave Ann B. Davis an entire 20 seconds of air time to recount all of her wit and wisdom in the show's run.

This reunion special is not special at all. It squeezes out 4 of 10 stars, and that's being generous.


Teletubbies at a rave
From what I've seen in its first week on Nick Jr., my only comment could be "Teletubbies at a rave". Julianna Rose Mauriello who plays Stephanie looks and acts like one of the Fantas from the Coca-Cola product's new commercial. Why the magenta wig? Why does Robbie Rotten look like John Kerry on Botox? What's up with the Grinch/Teletubbies/Crank Yankers connection?

I'd rather watch Dora and Blue for 2 hours straight than have to sit through one minute of this bilge.

0 out of however many stars you'd like.

October Sky

This movie soars above the rest
This film caught me by surprise. My friend told me that this movie was a "chick flick." Boy, was he wrong! This movie has a great family appeal, with no sex scenes like _other_ movies. Jake Gyllenhaal does an excellent job in Homer Hickam's shoes. The supporting cast is great, as well.

Science, coming-of-age, family quarrels, a great train scene... This film has it all. The soundtrack is good, although the score is presented quite choppily. The 50s music kicks the movie over the edge of greatness.

The DVD is definitely worth its weigh in coal. Replay value is great - I've seen it quite a few times already.

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