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The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open

Fantastic Real Time Narrative.
Some amazing acting! Violet Nelson is just remarkable, as is her co-star/writer/director Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers. The real-time plot line makes this even more riveting. Don't approach the movie wanting some fast action, but with a sensibility for real-life interactions.

I'll have to say; it is not easy to watch this movie, because of the sensitive subject matter. The plot is real and gritty. The interactions deeply felt and heart-wrenching.

There is so much depth to this film. There is such truth it is a must-see film in my estimation. I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and did not pass by this gem. I hope to see much more from both of these amazing women and the co-director/writer Kathleen Hepburn.

Saving Zoë

Dull, plodding and amateurish
Dull and plodding plot. The acting was subpar, but let's face it, the script must have been written by a 50-year-old with the educational level of a high school sophomore.

Characters with absolutely no depth scattered everywhere, boyfriends, ex-friends, a sister apparition, dad. Toss in the psychologist who must have received a certificate of achievement from practicing at his Junior high, and the occasional appearance of a mother asking for more sleeping pills. (yes, the writing is this bad!) And you have this movie.

Take this bit of mediocrity. Find a diary with all the "secrets," then you're grieving sister, the protagonist, takes days to read through it. There are at MOST a couple written paragraphs per page for god's sake. Really?

I need to point out something here. Also, if this is supposed to be a movie about high school students, maybe cast the lead roles with actors closer to their teens than their 30s.

Just a horrific movie! Don't waste your time.

Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology

Complete dribble
O.H Krill. Yeah try to find any papers, or even an actual educational history for this self proclaimed scientist, I dare you.

Much like ever conspiracy theorist out and about making money off the unwashed masses , this guy is everywhere. He is all over the place. To the general public, he sounds well spoken, and tosses quasi technical terms and scientific "facts" around. It all adds up to a typical con-man ploy. The difference here, is sadly it is legal.

If you'd like a good laugh, here is a great bit of silly fun. If you are looking for any sort of science, or proof just move on, this guy is just silliness.

Why spend time reviewing this dribbled? Maybe someone will pass on wasting time on this film, and take a moment to look into actual science.

Worse Than War

Everyone needs to watch.
Not because this is in any way an enjoyable film, but because it is a film we all need to watch. I had to avert my eyes at times because it is graphic. However, I did force myself to listen and watch most of it, even though the truth made me sick.

We are nothing more than animals, but even animals never commit atrocities like this. This is something that will never leave us, hence we all need to actively oppose it.

Trump and his followers are capable of this, but not just those folks. We are ALL capable of this. Will humanity ever rise above these horrors? It surely will never be by religion, or ideology, then how? I wish I had an answer to that question.

The author seems to want to stop genocide, we easily look back and say, why didn't we intervene? What about the Palestinians? What about Gaza? The dead children and women? I find that telling, and shows his blind bias.

Wishin' and Hopin'

Surprisingly good - Especially since I'm not into Christmas.
I'm not into Xmas, the music, the films, the BS. I am not Catholic either, but one of my best friends WAS a Catholic priest, (he got better,) and from many a drinking night together as co-workers, roommates and friends, he told me wonderfully outrageous stories, so I get it.

Also, any movie that casts Meat Loaf as a priest, well I could not pass that yup, which is why I gave this movie a chance, and I'm glad I did! Give it a chance, I think you'll enjoy it!

My Name Was Bette: The Life and Death of an Alcoholic

Outstanding, informative, tragic but ultimately a wonderful narrative.
Outstanding, informative, tragic but ultimately a wonderful narrative of this woman's life.

This is a very sad documentary, told by the daughters and friends of Bette. In the end, and you should watch the whole film, you'll see that these folks really loved and cared for this woman. Sadly, Bette seemed to have a very hard time loving herself.

I found Sherri, Bette daughter has really approached this difficult subject with amazing candor and objectivity. It is a very well put together with concise information on alcoholism, especially in women, and a narrative that does not demonize her mother at all.

I was actually tearing up a lot at the end.

3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy

Story about a horrible Christian doctor & psychopath
This is a terrible story about a huge injustice. This is what happens when people are not informed and a woman's choice is politicised.

Doctor Gosnell was a Christian doctor and also a psychopath that performed illegal abortions. The state of Pennsylvania was negligent in not following up time and again on complaints about this doctor. This film is basically an anti-choice propaganda piece.

If women especially poor women, had free access to medical services, were well informed and not stigmatized for seeking medical reproductive treatments, counseling, and contraception, this would have never happened.

Raising Victor Vargas

This is great cinema!
Wow, I almost missed this gem of a movie! Don't you make the mistake of passing on it.

Fresh, sweet, funny and very real! Everything about this film is just fantastic. The acting, the writing, the camera work, I loved it all! Definitely a slice of life I never experienced, but at the same time, I knew this family, these people and related to them so well.

This is a remarkable thing that rarely happens, but the reason I love good cinema.

American Commune

Very good documentary about a sincere group of people.
I love documentaries that take me back to places, events and people I remember, this is one of those films that does just that.

Because I lived in San Francisco in the 1970's I could relate to these folks, although I was not part of this group, but knew of them. They had departed just prior to my arrival, but they didn't take all of the "free love" young revolutionaries. The look of these young people was so much a part of the Haight scene, I remember the look, the styles, the faces so very well. The Farm hippies could have been any of us, and they were.

I was worried this was going to be a sour sort of trash the Farm kinda of film, it wasn't. Were there problem, of course, but it was a much better place to be than New York City or Chicago, that's for sure.

I was also worried the leader Stephan Gaskin was going to turn out like so many "spiritual" leaders of the day did. He had all the draw, power etc. to uproot young people and take them off to distant places, so what happens? Well we all know the Farm was not Guyana, thank the universe, but you really do need to watch the film to find out what happens.

It is worth your time.

Patient Seventeen

Where is the zero star option?
0 Stars - WOW, and yes I did watch the whole thing. It was what I'd expected, but Ken Ham, (Queensland Institute of Technology (B.AS.) University of Queensland) the guy who built the Ark reproduction has a better scam. (u mm... I meant science)

I DARE you to watch this and tell me I am wrong!

The "Nano-scientist," (just listed as Christoper C. in the credits,) was some guy in a shed, looking up information from a high school level textbook, "Modern Physics" by Hans C Ohanian (1986), and yes I looked it up, but by using Google, along with an old classroom size periodic table. Believe it or NOT!

As far I could tell, there were only to people that had degrees at all in this film, the main character Roger Krevin Leir, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Science from the University of Southern California in 1961, qualifying as a podiatrist three years later. I could not find any advance degree listed, my guess is to "qualify" in 1961 as a podiatrist was not as rigorous, but I'm not sure why one would not flaunt your credentials a bit.

The surgeon who actually performed the operation was only listed as Dr. Matrisciano. Boy, was it hard to find him! Doing an in-depth Google search, it was hard to really link the doctors together, go figure!

In the movie, Dr. Matrisciano explicitly states "just some small foreign object. I just removed it, up to the tests to see what it is" In the one and only Google article I could find to tell me who/if he was a real doctor stated;

""Dr. John D, Matrisciano. "I know nothing about UFOs or implants," Dr. Matrisciano said after the operation, "but I think that's what is needed in this case; to be objective.""

The article also makes it clear this was Matriscianos' first operation done for Leir. Dr. John D, Matrisciano still seems to be working in Thousand Oaks California, and has what someone would expect to find, some link to credentials.

Well there, my guess is I spent more time researching this online than any of the above spent on contemplating how silly they all appear in the film. Or maybe they just wanted a quick buck, and thought anyone that matters would never see the film?

The Brain That Wouldn't Die

FANTASTIC B-Horror Sexploitation film!
I remember seeing this as a kid and was fascinated by the disembodied head. I don't really think I was very scared, but for some reason, even 50 years later, I remember almost every scene with the head.

There are so many great and cheesy aspects to this movie. The dialog is just hilarious, along with the soundtrack, basically one reoccurring 1950's porn music loop during the "sexy scenes." The lustful close-ups" ... it just goes on and on with the fun.

Of course, there is the climactic ending scene, where the movie makers seem to have run out of film stock, so it ends extremely fast. Kind of like a "well, that's it" moment.

Best viewed with friends a bit on the loaded side I believe.

To Go Viking

When you need to feel masculine ..
A bunch of guys, playing Viking. I guess it's better than playing a Viking on your Xbox, but still rather silly in my book.

Let's face it, these guys are accountants, plumbers, doctors etc. They spend a few days surrounded by porta-potties with toilet paper, get plenty of food to eat, drink their bottled water, muck around a bit, then head to the airport in their Hertz rent a car.

My guess is they have plenty of aspirin around and of course, are not far from a cell phone tower. Goddess forbid.

Nice hobby if you need to prop up your manhood.

Quand on a 17 ans

Wonderfully engaging!
A well-developed story line with great and realistic character development. The writers obviously believed in these people, and the actors were given the chance to flesh them out for sure.

The people are interesting, (and handsome,) the scenery is great and diverse. The changing seasons really added to the overall feel of living with these people in their real lives. Nothing is forced, the director takes his time to allow you to grow with these people, to really understand who they are.

If you want to see a great gay-themed movie that steps outside the box, this will be the one to watch.

Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses

Well worth your time to view.
This documentary only gets 5.3 stars on IMDb, I give it 9 stars. It is probably one of the best and most disturbing documentaries I've ever watched.

There is a lot of very good reenacted scenes, not easy to do unless you have superb actors and a great director. Which this movie has an abundance of.

It also has a lot of footage of the actual people who were involved in the investigation and trial of this tragic event. Their incite is very important and is well balanced.

This was not sensationalized but really digs into what happened. It is hard to watch for sure, but without really getting a sense of what Janet really endured, along with this poor family, it would not serve any of them well.

I encourage you to try to not jump to quick judgment on these folks, that is what most of us do when we do not understand cultures different than our own, or people we really no little of.

The Details

I really liked it!
I must say, this is one of the more bizarre and interesting movies I've watched in a long time. The twists were great I thought. Very unexpected outcomes.

We all need to suspend our disbelief when watching anything, maybe that was a problem for the people that gave this such a low rating on IMDb, but for me, the writing and acting made me stick with it, and I'm glad I did!

So far, any movie I've watched with Tobey Maguire has worked for me, I think it's because he picks vehicles that are interesting. He is one of my favorite actors and never disappoints.

Solid 8 stars!


Religious propaganda
I tried to get through it. The acting was pretty good, but heck, it becomes just too much of a typical Bible-belt Christian sermon. Jimmy's watchers, of course, are angels, okay, I was ready to go with that. Jimmy gets a desire to go to the front of the church at an altar call.... okay, I was willing to even go that far.

But when they started telling Jimmy he needed to be Baptised by submersion, I thought oh no, no NO! (Jimmy, who has a huge fear of water right? But somehow in the Bible-belt, even the sinless innocent Jimmy needs to be dunked for some reason to "really" be saved?) but still, I didn't turn it off.

The final nail in the coffin and where I just had to stop this religious propaganda, was the hospital scene where Jimmy's grandfather lay dying, and Jimmy gives him the complete Evangelical Christian plan of Salvation, I said ENOUGH.

I knew exactly what would be the outcomes. It was all just preaching to the choir, no thanks.

Return to the Wild: The Chris McCandless Story

Remarkable truth.
If you've seen the movie "Into the Wild" you owe it to yourself to watch this honest telling of what Chris McCandless was truly all about. You get both sides, but you will come away knowing the truth without the Hollywood hype I believe.

The most annoying part of the movie is at the beginning, where a few loser types, try to identify with Chris. Typical millennials, a few guys in particular that visit the bus and pontificate their B.S. So very typical.

You hear from the true victims of this story, the sisters and Chris' mom, who is still being victimized by the father still in denial.

Things to Come

Remarkable parallels
I'd not seen this film for many decades. After watching Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Near on YouTube, I remembered this movie and decided I should view it again, remarkable!

In the 1960's I was young and remember thinking to myself how very silly and quaint Things to Come was. Let's face it, there was no "green screen" no CGI etc. But the issues are still very relevant. H.G. Wells had amazing and prophetic insights.

Pre WWII but the directors and screenwriters were spot on as was Mr. Wells. Keep a close eye on the time lines. The correlations I found rather remarkable. WWII the cold war etc. The rise and fall of despots, those who wish to live in the past, the fear of the unknown, change and progress.

At times the acting is very much over the top, but try to look beyond that, to themes, archetypes, and how we humans tend to repeat history. Overall, we progress, sometimes plotting along, other times through giant leaps. Always, and I mean ALWAYS through science and reaching out to our future as frighting as that might be.

American Vandal

Not a bad fake documentary.
Not a bad fake documentary, kind of like a teen soap opera. Characters are interesting, well developed and interesting for sure. It, of course, did not take long for one to realize this was not based on reality, or a real student documentary, but I was okay with that. I bought into the story-line, it worked.

Since I grew up in SoCal, those students seemed familiar, as did the parties and teachers. Upper-middle-class high school crap, parties and all. It was fun.

I will be checking out season 2, hope it is at least as good.


Finally, NYC gets what it deserves!
I am getting a bit tired of the single camera POV type movie, but this one is pretty good. It's always hard for me to suspend my disbelief for some reason. I almost gave it 7 stars, especially when the alien got it's "DeMille" moment towards the end. But I guess they paid too much for the footage (not sure if it was physical or CGI), to not use it.

I really enjoyed seeing the Statue of Liberty head bit. Anyway, if you like Godzilla style destruction, alien creatures and don't need a Hollywood ending, check it out.

Angel's Perch

People get paid for this?
Wow, this was horrible! About 10 minutes in I started skipping ahead 10 minutes at a time. I still wasted WAY too much time on this ridiculous story. It amazes me that this could have even been filmed. My 2-star rating was extremely generous!

I guess we are supposed to be drawn in by the country folk and their small town ethics. I for one would have only returned for something like Christmas, and then stayed for maybe a few hours.

My summary should have just been one word, BORING!


Now THIS is real!
Okay, so now I've just watched this movie ... 6 stars on IMDb, I thought it was very much better! A realistic portrayal of hustlers, and what they are like. John's and what they can be like. I met guys like this for sure in real life! It all made sense to me!

Hustlers are screwed up, John's are really strange, (I know from experience,) it played out as a real possibility, right up to the very end results.

"Brandon," Adam ... (Devon Graye) had a realistic imperfect body, although an AMAZING face you just must fall in love with! Then there was the other protagonist, Jonathan, (Devon Graye) the messed up John. Amazing.

The script was strong and realistic right to the very end. I thought it was great! Been there, done that, (well not quite,) but it played out REAL!

Strong 8 stars from me!


I bit of a reality check.
Midnight Cowboy? I think not. I had high hopes for this movie, I didn't realize it's 8.2-star rating on IMDb came from just 10 people. (Probably the guys in the movie.) I never connected with any of the characters, the story-line was boring and so very predictable.

I knew guys like Ejay, the would-be hustler (Jake Mestre) on Santa Monica or Polk street in the 1970's. It really wasn't so hard for a young twink to be swooped up into much MUCH better circumstances very quickly, or if they just had NO street smarts, they would quickly disappear.

I was being magnanimous with my 6 stars BTW.

Hostage to the Devil

Nothing new here ...
Same old crap. Why oh why did I waste my time watching this? Filled with old school priests who believe in the devil and exorcism, paranormal "investigators" who also seem to be into exorcisms, pseudo-psychologists who are into exorcisms, former book agents of the long dead exorcist, who believe in exorcisms.

If you've ever watched any cheap paranormal TV show, you'll recognize many of them.

And guess what? They keep you hanging on till the ending to find out what finally happened to the centerpiece of the documentary, the former priest, Father Martin.

Save yourself time, skip to the last 10 minutes, you'll find out. And you won't have to hear the cries of "sainthood" by his 10 loving followers.

The Eyes of My Mother

Wow, impressive, disturbing, fantastic!
Strange, bizarre, unsettling. The subplots are all the more disturbing and explain the premise well.

The cinematography is just fantastic! The use of black & white film stock, the lighting in the scenes, the intense focal distances, the lingering distance shots. This is how black and with films, done well, are just so very impressive. It is obvious the detail in each scene was no accident much like and great work, the stage is set for a reason. Make sure you take in the subtle placement of seemingly random objects.

The unseen can be more upsetting than the typical goriness you usually come across in most of today's horror flicks. Camera angles, blocking of the actors and symmetry of each bit of the movie is many times lacking in what we are watching in today's horror films, you know what's happening, it is bothersome without buckets of blood. It works.

When is comes to effective foley work, the audio we hear just off screen from television, record player or radio, it all is wonderfully orchestrated adding suspense or foreshadowing, remarkable but not in your face. I really also enjoyed the soundtrack, ire at times. All adding to the whole feel of the flick.

The writing and dialogue is also amazing. Use of foreign language interaction to make a point makes you get an old world kind of feel, adding to the idea that something is happening. We may not understand culturally, but we are not really sure that is the problem. Why are these characters acting oddly?

Our perceptions of what is really evil is put on it's head throughout the film. Fantastic! Who is really crazy, really sick, really perverse? Who should we really fear? As it is in real life, evil at first glance is hard to spot, but something in our cut tells us to be careful.

Sometimes writers don't make great directors, but Nicolas Pesce hits this one out of the ballpark on both counts!

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