
IMDb member since March 2019
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Depp V Heard

Bad! Just Bad
This is not a documentary, this is just silly. It's a mix of trial footage (which is the only interesting thing of this mini series), stupid YouTube and stream footage of absolutel loonatics and somehow stock footage of people watching phones where they spliced on the footage of this documentary. They desperately wanted to pad the runtime for some reason as the left out quite a lot and instead have so much unnecessary, subjective trash in this.

This was made by amateurs, the quality shouldn't even be enough for a YouTube video.

Just, don't watch this, it's not objective, it's incredibly stupid.

King Arthur

Simply not good
This has a stellar cast.

Now that we have the praise out of the way I can just say, this was made without love, without care, the lead actor was as uncharismatic as one can be. You could always tell that everything was so unenthusiasticly made. The writing ist pretty boring, the action just wild cuts left and right, the character development: nowhere to be seen.

It doesn't even qualify as a trash movie, it's just not good.

Go ahead and watch one of the dozens of other Arthur movies. This one is probably Noones favourite.

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Why is this movie? For what audience is this movie? What's the goal of this movie? If it was because of money then, well, seeing that the costs and the box office are almost the same, this didn't go too well. It definitely wasn't because of some religios motivation because it exceeds at missing the point. So in the end all we have is a cliche action movie based on the bible made for no one. So much talent wasted if you look at the cast and also at ridley Scott. They should've just done a different movie

The Terminal

The Pasta of Movies
This film is by no means a masterpiece, but if you just want a good time, good music, good performances and a couple of laughs then this is for you. I recommend this movie if you don't quite feel in the mood for anything genre specific like a hard drama or a ridiculous comedy. Watch this with people that are not "that much into movies" like your family for example. It's harmless, charming and just a fun experience but you won't be thinking about ist long after you watched it. It's good at being what it is, nothing special but it makes you happy in the moment that you consume it. It's pasta, not bland but not spicy either.

The Mandalorian

This is Starwars
It looks like Starwars, it feels like Starwars but most importantly, it makes you feel like you are watching Starwars. This ist what I hoped for and so much more. A worthy reason for a Disney+ subscription. Thank you!

Sex Education

Big bang Humor (sex-ed)
I quite dislike this show, mainly because it just isn't funny. You can compare it tho the big bang theory in the way that a joke doesn't have a punshline. In the big bang theory, the jokes are basically "something ordinary switched for science talk" and that ist supposed to be humor. It is sometimes used in a clever, refreshing way but that is sadly quite rare. In Sex education, the jokes are: "something ordinary but put sex in there somehow" and I'm very sorry but that's not a joke. That's just, like the titled says, Sex Education. This show is not offensively bad in any kind but I was just disappointed because of all the hype surrounding it. Maybe it's not made for me but rather for a more prude America. Maybe you can enjoy it, maybe not, but it's definitely nothing worth my time.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Mixed Bag
This movie is indeed a mixed bag. The first half is all over the place. There is no real purpose, a confused tone, just over all a complete mess. But the second half feels like a Starwars from 35 years ago. It's charming, likeable and a complete nostalgia trip. SPOILERS: For me this change happened when Han Solo appeared as a memory for Kylo/Ben. It was a heartfull scene brilliantly acted by Harrison Ford and from there on I was completely on board. This movie absolutely dislikes TLJ and it shows. They listend to the fans, killed of stupid characters, left other ones with almost no screentime (rose) and again, like the force awakens, they worked like the return of the Jedi sorywise and I think that is good thing. I must admit a am completely biased as a true Starwars fan and the nostalgia completely resonated with me. Many of these good moments don't work if you don't know the older films (4,5,6) and so this movie can't stand alone. It is a safe bet that I really enjoyed and will be looking forward to it making a nice addition to my collection.

The Witcher: The End's Beginning
Episode 1, Season 1

Killer pilot
I didn't expect much from a video game adaptation and I was blown away. It's a fantasy epic with great action, an interesting, yet not revealing story and some fight scenes I had to rewind because I needed a few takes to grasp what just happened. This is the video game adaptation we needed and deserved.

Lucky Number Slevin

Very good movie if you haven't been spoilered.
Lucky Number Slevin is an all out great, interesting and exciting movie. It honestly had me guessing what would happen next. I came in to this movie without any preexisting knowledge about it so I was never sure if it was going to turn into a pure action piece or go the rout the movie took. One of the best movies I stumbled upon on my quest for good popcorn content.

Kartoffelsalat - Nicht fragen!

Good if you had more then a gallon of booze
That's all I wanted to say. Cringe, the movie. I don't expect much from German comedy's or German movies in general but this set the bar to a record low that not even a dwarf could limbo under it.

Arrested Development

Silent Boomer
Arrested Development is by far the funniest TV show I've ever seen. Ever episode, every minute, every second ist just packed with jokes. Every line plays perfectly into the show. There must've been so much thought put into this show as there are quotes three seasons later just because they can. It broke my heart that season 4 was a major step down and season five was, even though it hat plenty of laughs for me, nothing compared to its former glory. Every performance shines brilliantly. Every sentence of Tobias ist comedy gold. This is the best written, one of the best acted and by far the funniest TV show of our time. A must see for basicly everyone. On my fourth watching it may be even funnier. Timeless piece of comedy.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Would have had enough potential for moore
I started this series 2 Years ago and hugely enjoyed it. It has a special kind of humor which actually resonates with me. But over time it became more and more just a Plattform for very light moral messages. In my opinion, the writing started good and went straight down from there. There are no good storys, all characters became more and more unlikable. They just use kimme as a flimsy excuse to show how a perfect world would actually look like but instead of holding a mirror to society they throw out weak moral lessons without any real reasoning and no place in reality. 5/10 stars because there are enough moments I really laughed but also enough where I just sighed and wanted to turn it off. It took me 2 years to finish this series because just jokes are not enough to carry this story.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Would have had enough potential for moore
I started this series 2 Years ago and hugely enjoyed it. It has a special kind of humor which actually resonates with me. But over time it became more and more just a Plattform for very light moral messages. In my opinion, the writing started good and went straight down from there. There are no good storys, all characters became more and more unlikable. They just use kimme as a flimsy excuse to show how a perfect world would actually look like but instead of holding a mirror to society they throw out weak moral lessons without any real reasoning and no place in reality. 5/10 stars because there are enough moments I really laughed but also enough where I just sighed and wanted to turn it off. It took me 2 years to finish this series because just jokes are not enough to carry this story.

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