
IMDb member since April 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Food Matters

Absolutely Unbelievable!!!
I am a mother of four kids, and our family has a slew of health problems. After my husband got out of the hospital for gallstones, we started reading up on natural ways to get rid of gallstones, and stumbled upon this movie. We were enchanted. The information in this movie is such an eye opener. I also recommend watching "The Beautiful Truth"...what an epiphany! I want to just give this movie to everyone I know so we can all start being healthy. Our family is no different from everyone else-food wise. We have always tried to eat well, buy our kids healthy things to eat, etc. Little did we know that buying organic food and eating uncooked food was the key! We have been eating nothing but organic food for a week and a half and we feel great! My husband's gallstone pain is GONE...completely gone! I can now eat salad without any pain (I have diverticulitis). Two of my kids have ADHD and ADD, and they are CALMER already! I can't believe we've been poisoning ourselves all this time. The food industry is just a big money making lie!!!! Please watch this and other documentary's on food, it's a life change!

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