
IMDb member since April 2006
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    18 years


El Cuerpo del Deseo

Not just great!
I'm sure you've seen many good Latin soaps, even some great ones. But have you ever seen one that takes your breath away with it's Passion scenes? That moves you with it's touching scenes? That makes you laugh like crazy with it's comical scenes? That you enjoy every minute of it and can't wait until the next day to see more? This is of that kind! It holds the record of the series with higher ratings in the history of telemundo and was a great hit in Spain, leaving behind the storm and Rubi. It's not just any series, it's one that had an impact in the world of Spanish TV, that is traveling the world and making telemundo popular just like Pasion de gavilanes the other telenovela of tha same writer that is Julio Jimenez. Julio is a very talented man who has written amazing telenovelas like Rauzan and La viuda de blanco, any telenovela of his is a big hit and that's because the man knows how to write!

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