
IMDb member since April 2019
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    IMDb Member
    5 years


New Amsterdam

The World We Need
A hospital show about the kind of hospital system we need!

A WONDERFUL ensemble cast... all the way around.

Always excited to see this show waiting in the playlist. If you haven't checked it out yet, do it! It's just good TV.

The Rookie

Playlist Excitement
I think the most telling thing about a show, at least for our family, is the level of excitement we exhibit when our work day is done and we pop open our playlist to see what's available to watch.

Both my wife and I are always excited to see The Rookie in the list. A comedy that isn't too ridiculous. A drama that isn't too heavy. An ensemble cast that is across-the-board strong and interesting, a compelling collection of stories, and a leading man who has more talent and charisma then should be allowed.

Give it a shot. It's just good TV.

Bronx SIU

Good For Them. Good For You.
You know, if you aren't hooked up with a BIG studio or have REALLY deep pockets, it's next to impossible to produce the kind of shows most people are used to on TV these days. That kind of budget- and the time it buys to work on something- just can't be replicated, no matter the passion put forth.


Because despite some audio glitches or the random curious edit, what I enjoyed most about the first season of Bronx SIU is that I WATCHED the whole first season.

Maybe that isn't such an accomplishment for someone with more time on their hands, or someone whose hobby is trolling folks who are actually creating something, but it is to someone who is a little more discerning about their time. There are SO MANY options out there for what to watch... and the fact that I found myself interested enough in these characters/actors and their struggles to stick with them to the end says something.

Kudos to storytelling that succeeds- at whatever level- without the biggest bankroll behind it. Good for you guys!

And kudos to those of you who can watch something with a positive eye rather than a crappy attitude. You'll find a lot to enjoy. Good for you, too.

And if you haven't watched yet, yes, do check it out. Bronx SIU is easily compared to the Law & Order genre, sure, but I found it to less normal TV procedural, and more "Law & Order Meets Black Box Theater". True, that may be a forced perspective because of the status of their budget OR it may be a stylistic choice... but, whichever one it is, BSIU comes off more raw and intimate then it's prime time big brothers.

Give it a shot. I'm off to check out Season 2.

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