
IMDb member since April 2019
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Supernatural: Carry On
Episode 20, Season 15

It pretends to be season 1 but really, it's just a couple of clichés in a trenchcoat (and a bad wig)
First of all, if I want to watch season 1 I watch season 1 - not some bizarre reenactment of it. I do appreciate when a finale acknowledges that, you know, things happened between the show's start and finish.

Secondly, the writing is just bad: The pacing is off, the characters are mere caricatures of themselves and the gaping plothole that is Sam not even considering to call an ambualnce while his brother gives a lengthy goodbye speech feeds the suspension of disbelief into a meat grinder.

Also there are sooo many questions left unanswered:

  • What happened to the Empty? Jack exploded in there!

  • What about Eileen? Why has Sam completely forgotten about his girlfriend?

  • How does Dean go from sobbing on the floor / sprinting up the stairs to see Cas to *shrug emoji*?

  • Vice versa: How did Cas, who sacrificed himself for Dean, not check on him when he came to heaven?

  • How did Jack resurrect him in the first place?

  • What happened to the bunker?

  • What happened to Miracle?

  • Who is Mrs. Blurryface?

  • Why is the beer in heaven bad?

And finally: The Wig.

So basically, they couldn't have made it worse if they had tried.

Doom Patrol: Penultimate Patrol
Episode 14, Season 1

So, so good
I love how the characters get more and more palpable as the show moves along. Even though this episode is mainly about moving the plot forward, the characters remain its centre. You feel with every single one and root for them to make the right decisions. The whole thing is wonderfully plotted and has it all: the humour, the drama, the suspense and of course a perfect set-up for the finale.

Also Alan Tudyks acting. It's off the charts.

The Magicians: No Better to Be Safe Than Sorry
Episode 13, Season 4

Just stay away
If you always wanted to see a brilliant show that screws itself over completely in only a handful of episodes you're in for a treat. While the season started promising, the last couple of episodes, especially the finale devalued pretty much all progress of past seasons. The meaningful journey of the depressed protagonist is erased and every single woman is stripped of her agency and degraded to a men's appendage.

In all seriousness: IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE PRONE TO SUICIDAL IDEATION, DO NOT WATCH THIS SEASON and steer especially clear of the finale.

If you are queer or a woman in search for good representation: RUN! I know it seems like they care, but obviously they really, really don't.

The Magicians: No Better to Be Safe Than Sorry
Episode 13, Season 4

Just stay away
If you always wanted to see a brilliant show that screws itself over completely in only a handful of episodes you're in for a treat. While the season started promising, the last couple of episodes, especially the finale devalued pretty much all progress of past seasons. The meaningful journey of the depressed protagonist is erased and every single woman is stripped of her agency and degraded to a men's appendage.

In all seriousness: IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE PRONE TO SUICIDAL IDEATION, DO NOT WATCH THIS SEASON and steer especially clear of the finale.

If you are queer or a woman in search for good representation: RUN! I know it seems like they care, but obviously they really, really don't.

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