
IMDb member since April 2019
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The Batman

Good Enough
Enjoyed the dark gloomy tone and detective style. Didn't find it as good as the Christian Bale series. Reminded me more of the Tim Burton ones. Movie could have been edited down to save time. Hopefully the series gets better with the sequels.

The Father

Lost, Confused, and Amazed
One of the greatest movies and acting I've ever seen...


As brilliant as Mozart
This is one of the most amazing and brilliant movies I have ever seen. I watched the 3 hour directors cut with the intention of falling asleep half way through but that was a mistake. I absorbed every second of this masterpiece with rewinds to make sure I didn't miss the minor details. This gem was discovered because of the IMDb Top 250 list and I'm grateful that it exists to show us such wonders.

"flammis acribus addictis"

The Philadelphia Story

The rich and powerful require patience
This is one of the greatest rom coms ever created. The dialogue is good the plot is elaborate enough to not be cliche. It's also rather funny.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Whence came these two radiant, celestial brothers
One of the greatest movies I have ever seen. I watched it because it was a Top 250 and I believe that it should be much higher on the list.

It Happened One Night

Top 3 Rom Coms
After watching several sad movies from the IMDb top 250 list this was a great treat. The perfect date night movie!

The Great Dictator

A comedy masterpiece
One of the greatest movies I've ever seen and the best one by Chaplin. It was surprising to see that this movie was before the US entered the war. If you like what you see in the trailer then you definitely should watch the movie. Even if you don't you still should watch this for the message at the end.

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

One of the greatest and most beautiful movies! A real lesson in how to love a son like a father. I would recommend this movie to anyone willing to read subtitles.

Hotaru no haka

Personified Sadness
This movie's description should be "A beautiful telling of how two children become orphans and starve to death." I understand why people would walk out after Totoro in the original showings.

Despite that it's a very beautiful movie and a reflection of life. The interactions between the siblings are warm and lovely. The ending gives me hope that death can be beautiful even if life is tragic.

The movie also makes a brilliant point. The cost of war is way more than people imagine. Also, we tend to generalize groups without thinking about them as individuals. I've heard people rationalize what the US did to Japan with what the Japanese did to the Chinese which is wrong. Doing this just leads to more suffering and we never really know another individual's struggles without taking the time to walk in their shoes.

Going Overboard

Makes you want to go overboard
One of the worse movies I have ever had the pleasure of watching. The jokes are bad. The acting is bad. The plot is terrible. But I'm not disappointed that I watched it. It was a "no-budget" movie and it was good to see a fresh young Adam Sandler. Everyone has to start somewhere and it's interesting to see how he's improved.


A remedy for 2020
This was an amazing movie that will more than likely produce tears. The beginning was fast paced and done perfectly. When the protagonists dies you feel just as anxious and ready to get back to things as he does (a feeling I disliked but appreciated). The boredom I associated at first with this transition was the only thing I disliked about the movie.

The best parts are the message the movies gives. The scenes where 22 "jazzes" in Joe's body are inspiring and make you question what habits you've fallen into in your own life. The end where Joe saves 22 will be relatable to anyone with depression, who had felt stuck in life, or unable to live up to the expectations of others. It pointed out how our idols can quickly become lead weights, that life is more than our accomplishments, and that our spark for why to life can be as simple as a falling leaf.

Thank you Pixar for reminding us all to find our spark in these trying times.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Cate saves the day
I personally felt the story to be lacking and the ending abrupt. Despite that, Cate's range of emotion makes her unique, like the genius protagonist she plays.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

The Cuban Sandwich of Spider Man Movies
A delicious new approach to Spider man that includes ham. Warning the volume spikes and drops a lot. Includes a multiple of characters and follows the hero's journey which makes it enjoyable.

12 Angry Men

Oldie But A Goodie
12 Angry Men is a perfect example of how to create a minimalist movie. It's innovative and interesting plot makes the fact that there are only two scenes pointless.

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