
IMDb member since April 2006
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The Blair Thumb

mallow, baby, mallow!
Awesome, awesome, awesome! This is my favorite thumb movie. It is sooooo funny. There are several burning questions throughout the movie. LIKE Why are Vic's screams so bizarre but strangely fascinating to watch? What kind of a name is Jish? What is with Stressy's hair? Are the Briarly twins identical or do they just look alike? and Why is there a shark in the woods? I mean deers don't have dorsal fins. This is a totally awesome movie. There's a giant marshmallow and a thumb with one eye. What more could you want? You need to see it, it's funny plus it's only a half-hour long.

P.S. I really look up to Stressy. I mean she's so well read.

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