
IMDb member since May 2019
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The Fall of the House of Usher

The story is EPIC.. BUT.!!!
All I can say is that I enjoyed the entire story, including its mystery, horror, crime, and lesson in the end. Also, the photography was absolutely amazing, the direction, and the visual and musical effects.

In practical terms, the series is wonderful and epic, but I did not like the inclusion of a lot of sexual "agendas" in it until I felt like I was watching a sexual movie and not a drama series. It was something disgusting, unfortunately.

But in any case, the story of the series is excellent, apart from those disgusting things. I would have given it a score of 9/10 if it were not for the exaggerated use of sexual agendas, so I will content myself with giving it a score of 6/10.

Kira & El Gin

This is something EPIC.!!
I waited to watch this movie for a very long time, almost a year, and I did not expect that it would arouse my fascination, amazement, and admiration to this degree. What I watched amazed me and I was stunned by the quality of the performance.!!!

The movie is at the top of magnificence in terms of everything, whether acting, directing, story or soundtrack, everything is really wonderful and amazing.

I advise everyone to watch it, you will enjoy a wonderful Egyptian historical and epic experience, and of course I will put it on top of the list of the best Arab films that I have seen in my life, amazing.!!

Scream VI

Didn't expect it to be this AWESOME.!!
The movie is wonderful. Frankly, I did not imagine that I would see a new part of the Scream films with this degree of distinction, creativity, rich story, heart-breaking events, terror, suspense, and excitement. Creativity, and I was very surprised.

The movie is very cool. What I did not like is the ending. Unfortunately, most of the characters were kept from death, and this may be one of the movie's big mistakes.

Also, the ending scene, I expected that something would happen indicating the continuation of the story and the series and the existence of a mystery, but it was a very normal ending, everyone is happy and everyone will live and the bad guys have been killed.!!

The Last of Us: Look for the Light
Episode 9, Season 1

Boring episode and SERIES in general!!
The series began to fall from the beginning of the third episode. Unfortunately, the beginning was very promising and promising excitement, drama, and even horror, but since the beginning of the third episode, the series is heading in a downward direction, due to the increase in boredom and slow events, and the series has turned into a boring political direction. Very Western agendas.

I did not like this series at all and I feel frustrated and disappointed. I even think that the reviews are "exaggerated" and not deserved. This series cannot have an overall rating of more than 6-7/10.

I am completely disappointed, I can't believe I wasted this time watching such a boring and poor quality series.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

They ruined the LEGACY .!!
I did not feel, for a single moment, while watching this movie, any surprise or excitement, and I did not "believe" the story at all.

I think they ruined the story and value of this work or the first part of Black Panther just to get more money and promote "agendas" like feminism.

The value of the film was at the end. When Chadwick Bozeman appeared, I felt that there was something special for the moments after wasting time for more than an hour and a half in farce.

And I expected him to have a son, which is a very "old" idea from the writer to continue making new parts.

I was hoping not to see any other parts of the original Black Panther movie, and my hopes were confirmed that any new work would ruin all the value.

Imawa no Kuni no Arisu

This is something I haven't seen in a long time!!! UNIQUE!!
I loved this series incredibly, its story is amazingly woven that takes all the breath and gives you everything from excitement, action, drama and adventure.

I fell in love with this series, and because of my admiration for it, I watched the two seasons in less than a week. It is wonderful without any argument. The directing, the acting, the story, everything is on another level of creativity.

I just do not like sexual scenes or nudity in dramas or movies, and this is something that appeared several times in the first season, and exaggerated nudity male scenes in the second season, so caution is required.

Triangle of Sadness

It's 3 stories in one, annoying and incoherent!!
The film was in the first third above the excellent performance, story and actors, and the director succeeded in attracting our attention in a very large way, but the matter began to decline from the beginning of the second part to the last third, which is the worst thing in the movie.

I felt that the writer wrote a good story, and on its basis, the film began to be filmed, and that new stories were improvised completely unrelated to the first third, and therefore the foundations of the film were completely destroyed in the end. The film looks like a scribble on an incomprehensible wall and does not make you curious to know what it means. Those lines and scribbles.

After the first third of the movie, you will find yourself in nothing.!!


The idea is good, but the rhythm fell.!!
In my opinion, the idea was very good, and the movie started out excellent in terms of excitement, terror, and panic, and this rhythm continued until half of the movie.

But the second half of the film turned into a normal performance and mostly expected events. Therefore, in the second half, almost all of the momentum and the excellent Build-Up process on which the film began was lost.

I recommend watching the movie, but don't expect much in the second half. I blame the director and the scriptwriter for this problem. Indeed, the movie and the idea could have been presented in a more interesting and distinctive way.


Man, this a waste of time "DONT WATCH IT"
Ive been deceived by the rating and downloaded it to watch something interesting, but i am shocked by the poor scenario and story.

I cant believe that i wasted my time on this **** , looks like a 3rd or 4th grade movie,, I dont recommend it for anyone to watch .

Also the end was not sense, while we are in the middle of watching it we found the movie title is coming out .!! WTF.!!



The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: The Eye
Episode 7, Season 1

The episode came to extinguish the glare of the previous episode. new failure.
I think after the episode full of excitement and action and the details of the amazing battle, we returned again to the slowness of the events and the disjointed and dispersed situations.

One of the strangest things is that no famous leader or hero died after the catastrophe. He returned completely, complete, and happy in the end.

Unfortunately, the episode, instead of building on the distinction of the previous episode, came back to bury the achievement that happened and once again revealed to us how bad the story is.

I'm going to give this episode a 6/10, which I think is the most well-deserved rating.

House of the Dragon: Driftmark
Episode 7, Season 1

This episode is pretty good, but it's not the best we've been waiting for from the beginning of the season.!!
The episode is exciting and seems to be the beginning of the main action and drama spark in that story, despite the "slow" state it was filling.

All parties were appointed and reinforced with their forces, and they were charged with all the hatred and great desires to possess power and kidnap the seat of the future king.

But in general, I see that the choices of actors are among the worst things in this epic story, and some details of the story, I feel, destroy all moral values in society.

I will give that episode 8/10 and my rating for the series will remain at 7/10 so far I don't see that House of Dragons is a story that deserves to be embodies as a drama series..

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Udûn
Episode 6, Season 1

EPIC episode, to save the bad STORY.!!
I think this episode is one of the best ever in this series, because of the action, drama and excitement that accompanied the battles between the army of humans and the jinn against the orcs.

I did not expect to hold any episode in this series more than 6 after the previous 5 episodes, this episode surprised me and I think it surprised everyone without exception.

I hope for more action, drama and fighting. I hope to see a lot of excitement that covers the "mistakes and disasters" of the series' story, the poor selection of actors and the insertion of agendas.

My overall rating for the series will go up to 7/10 because of that episode and I'll give the episode "same" 9/10.

House of the Dragon: The Princess and the Queen
Episode 6, Season 1

This series is turning into a waste of time episode after episode
There is no correlation in the events and this episode is one of the worst so far, I feel like I'm in a whirlpool of nothing.

Everything in the series so far seems to be illogical, whether the story and the extent of its "monotony" or the choice of actors and the extent of the bad and the insertion of agendas, which causes more disbelief to this story and makes it more or less like comic stories.

If George RR Martin writes Ice and Fire in this way, it is a story that is not worth pursuing and a waste of time, it seems that success cannot be repeated as much every time.

This series is "nothing" for Game of Thrones.

House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea
Episode 4, Season 1

An average episode.!!
I think the series of events of the story took a lot of time, we are talking about four episodes and the excitement has not yet come.

The episode also contains a lot of "sex scenes" and scenes from the brothel, which is what caused me a lot of inconvenience and I did not feel comfortable for one second throughout that period. I understand that one of the important events of the story happened inside a brothel, but it was exaggerated.

I don't yet feel the greatness of the Game of Thrones series.

The episode in general is very "slow" and its events are monotonous, so I give it an average rating.

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