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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Chapters: Special 2
Episode 30, Season 4

A Perfect Bittersweet ending for a Perfect Show
I know there's a number of people who dislike the ending, and most of them do so because the ending wasn't what their headcanon was, which was utterly ridiculous.

This ending is a suitable conclusion to the series. Eren has been an amazing character, and so have the rest of them. This episode was so perfectly handled, even me as a manga reader got emotional watching it. Perfect music choice, perfect animation and perfect storywriting. The controversial scene was fixed, which I am very glad to see.

Attack on Titan will forever be remembered as one of the best shows in existence.

To the boy who sought freedom, goodbye!

Spider-Man: No Way Home

This is not just "another Spider-Man movie" This is the Best Spider-Man Movie.
I had been spoiled prior to watching the Movie, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

The movie starts with a scenario we haven't seen before in a Spider-Man movie. We see the struggle of Peter Parker when his Identity is revealed to the world, especially after Mysterio's last trick, which made it look like Peter killed him. Peter is not the only one getting hurt by this, but his loved ones aswell. This contributes to the bitter (I would argue there's no sweetness) in that ending. I sure hope these beloved characters return for future movies, I'm talking of course about MJ and Ned.

Arcane: League of Legends

Absolutely loved it
As of the first 3 episodes, I am impressed. Got hooked from the first minute up until the last minute of Episode 3.

Visuals are beautiful, the Story so far is awesome and the sound design is top notch. I'm looking forward to the next episodes!

High Guardian Spice

If i could rate it 0 I would
Heck even 0 is too generous for this abomination.

I saw the announcement form Cunchyroll 3 damn years ago and I knew it was gonna be trash, but for it to be THIS BAD, like bruh it's not just bad it's straight up offensive.

Ojing-eo geim

An Enjoyable Show
We all know this Show broke records and became really famous, and for good reason. It has a really good concept and Good actors. The Korean actors atleast, the VIPs literally made me want to punch something, so cheesy it was painful to watch. But other than that the rest of the show was awesome and fun to watch.

Also I hate episode 6.

Mai Neim

An absolute masterpiece
Ok hear me out, I don't usually visit IMDb to give reviews, but when I do I'm sure I come here because of an amazing movie/show or an extremely dissapointing one, but this one was a genuine surprise to me.

I started watching it just because Netflix recommended it, but didn't expect to actually get hooked from the get-go. Brilliant Acting by all the actors, especially the Main Character. The soundtrack is awesome, the choreography is top-notch and the storywriting is perfect.

Left me genuinely in awe, and in tears. Looking forward for more of these actors work.


If dissapointment was an anime, it'd be Yasuke
I was so hyped about it, as a fan of historical shows and anime I was excited for it.

But literally within the first 3 minutes of the show I was dissapointed.

The story is so out of place, and it's not even about Yasuke.

It's like they tried to combine every mainstream thing and put it in one show.

Magic? Check!

Samurai? Check!

Mechs who shoot lasers? Check!

It just doesn't know what it wants to do and it's embarrasing.

Props to Mappa for the animation but unfortunately it wouldn't be enough to carry this show.

Shingeki no Kyojin

The Story is so well thought it's crazy
I'll keep this spoiler free but I just have to warn you that you are so not ready for Season 4. Everything in these 3 seasons is leading to the conclusion in season 4 and it's going to be insane.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Assassin's Bullet
Episode 8, Season 4

Perfectly executed
This episode was handled perfectly. Honestly kudos to MAPPA.

The OST choice was absolutely amazing and the animation was top tier. Won't spoil anything but gotta say, even I as a manga reader was hurt by that scene.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Assault
Episode 7, Season 4

I am speechless
MAPPA really delivered, man this is legit the best Episode of AoT so far!

They are outdoing themselves each episode!

Shingeki no Kyojin: Declaration of War
Episode 5, Season 4

This episode was fantastic
The buildup throughout the entire episode was amazing, the tension and the soundtracks were really amazing! Gotta give MAPPA credit for being one of the greatest studios!

Shingeki no Kyojin: The Other Side of the Sea
Episode 1, Season 4

It looks absolutely amazing!
When I first heard that season 4 was not going to be made by WIT Studio I was honestly worried. But after checking out MAPPA I have no doubts they will give us an amazing show. Being a manga reader myself I know just how awesome and absolutely crazy this season will be, so I am really looking forward to the future episodes.

People are complaining about the animation but honestly, it was awesome. It felt way more fluid than before. WIT used way too many still shots which I wasn't really a fan of.

The CG Titans were also pretty well done and blended quite nicely with the surroundings.

Ignore the nitpicks haters will point out, watch it and enjoy it just as much as I did!

Akame ga Kill!

A really good show with bad ending
It's a really fun and enjoyable show, it has depth and really gets you glued to the screen. But it just gets too edgy with almost all of them dying it's kinda lame

Nanatsu no taizai

Love it so much
The show is so good and enjoyable to watch. Season 3 is just a crime against this show, Studio Deen really butchered it so much with such a sorry ass quality

Rise of Empires: Ottoman

I really enjoyed it
I found it to be really enjoyable and I'd watch it again. The only problem I have with it is that they Downgraded Mehmed a lot. They tried to give Gustiniani so much spotligh to the point it became kinda cringe and inaccurate.

The Witcher

Kinda Lacking but still Entertaining.
The show is not bad, some stuff just doesn't make sense at all, also it fails to distinguish the timeline clearly Also the only good casting in my opinion was Geralt and Renfri, also Jaskier, the other ones just don't fit right especially Triss who I thought was the worst casting in this show. But still it's a pretty fun and enjoyable show to watch. Also the music is bomb.

Kurulus: Osman

I really want to love this show
After watching the amazing series of Ertugrul, I was pretty hyped for this. But it's just, the quality of the story has dropped significantly. There's only 1 episode that I really loved. The dialogue is kinda cringe, the way Osman talks is just super unrealistic. The fights don't have any logic either. How exactly could and Injured Bala who can barely stand kill 4 trained Mongol or Byzantine Soldiers? It just doesn't make sense. Ertugrul also had this type of problem but it was on a significantly smaller scale. I hope Bozdag improves the quality next season, otherwise it will just be a flop

Vinland Saga

The story hasn't even properly started yet and it's already amazing
That one 1 star review is making me laugh lol. He actually thinks the whole point of this show is revenge for Thorfinn's father. The Title is "Vinland Saga" not "Revenge Saga". It gets so much better, season 1 was just the prologue.

Yakusoku no Neverland

So underrated
The show is just on another league. It's not your typical generic anime, it's just so much more, the shocking moments, the reveal, the suspense is just insane. Can't wait for season 2

Shingeki no Kyojin

The Story is so well thought it's crazy
I'll keep this spoiler free but I just have to warn you that you are so not ready for Season 4. Everything in these 3 seasons is leading to the conclusion in season 4 and it's going to be insane.


This is legit the best show I've ever seen.
The ones who rated it 1/10 did so because their brains are just so underdeveloped so they don't even bother trying to understand the show lol.

But honestly, the Acting, The Casting, The Delivery, The Writing is just soo good. This is that type of show that comes once a decade amd is a gem.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Midnight Sun
Episode 18, Season 3

Perfect in every way
I had read the manga a while ago and I knew this was gonna happen. It made me cry back then. I've read it many times and It always made me cry. Now seeing it animated, it's even more sad. The choice not to have music was brilliant. It was like we were living the moment. RIP to the greatest Commander in the History of Anime. ERWIN SMITH! Your death won't be in vain.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Hero
Episode 17, Season 3

This episode is just a Masterpiece. The Haters now bragging that it's gone down to 9.9 make me laugh lol. "bReAkInG bAd" "gAmE oF tHrOnEs". lol If your shows were perfect like you claim then what's the need to go and rate another show 1/10 to bring it down? You scared? lol

Haters can hate all they want. This episode is just Perfect!

Dirilis: Ertugrul

Simply Amazing!
It's been a while since a show had me on the edge of my seat. It made me hate the antagonists soo much. It is awesome and a good representation of the Muslim History. I highly Recommend it.

Beni Affet

This Show would've been much better if it ended sometime earlier. Repeated plots, same generic antagonists. It's just bad. If it had ended earlier it would surely get a higher rating

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