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The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return
Episode 8, Season 3

Waited until the end. Messy season.
I finally had a little fun this with this last episode. Season 3 in my opinion is still the weakest, poorly written bag of whatever in the series. Two people in my family called it quits after ep4. Don't blame them.

The special effects and production design are great. Doug Chiang. That guy really cares and uses Ralph McQuarrie inspired design to keep it feeling Star Wars.

But the story writing and direction keep it from being truly great. Poor Giancarlo Esposito- his Gideon character was just awful. He couldn't even deliver the lines without sounding like the goofiest cartoon villain ever to hit the screen. Lookup Snidley Whiplash. Muhahaha!

Din finally gets his show back in this finale- the team up with Grogu was well done. Also with Bo Katan. Liked those scenes. Way better than Paz going off to die for nothing while Bo saved batteries in her dark saber for nothing. "Mandalorians are strongest together". Ok lol

The music was awful this whole season- and besides the good main theme, was always weak throughout the series. Star Wars has always been driven by strong classic composed music. Kevin Kiner is working on the Ashoka series. Really looking forward to that- his work on the final 4 episodes of Clone Wars was fantastic. Is anyone still dancing to techno skrillex dark troopers theme? Ugh.

If the Mandalorian ends right now I'm ok with it. If there's another season of bounty hunting and Grogu evolution- ok too. But no more wasting 6 episodes on filler with 2 episodes trying to clean it up. What a huge miss for Disney again. Not BoBF or Kenobi levels of bad, but it was sure creeping up there.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies
Episode 7, Season 3

Great visuals, horrible writing
The special fx to start the episode were great- Mandalorian fleet ready to go. Mandalore itself looks good too, along with the surviving Mandalorians and their sail barge. Great designs- Doug Chiang is the man!

But now the story. Grogu is Jedi trained (in English), can make decisions to return to Din and can now operate a mech suit with yes and no buttons. But can't even say yes or no. Whatever I guess.

Mandalorians fly an attach ship over the surface and then drop 12 mandos down to stand in a circle to 'secure' the landing zone. Lol Ok? Then start a long patrol 'over there' to look for the forge. Probably should have landed over there. And no need to drop a crew when surveying from the air. Time wasting garbage.

Crownest mando sees monster. Captain not only keeps going but steers directly for it. Ship destroyed and some crew dead. Ahoy matey.

Captain takes them right to the forge because "THEY NEVER LEFT". Literally walked 30 seconds away from where they originally entered the forge into a SECRET imperial base. "Whaaaaaaaaa???" I'm not even touching what's wrong with all that.

Vizla dies. AFTER he killed ALL remaining troopers ALONE. Then dies when he's outmanned by 3 praetorians. All the Mandos could have swarmed the praetorians. Contrived plot nonsense all for a death that has no impact because his character is so poorly developed. Oh, and Bo can fully wield the dark saber, but didn't during battle. Might have helped. A bit.

The most disappointing thing about this show is how easy it would be to take the story from average to one of the best series on television. Fantastic visual concepts and a good overall plot ruined by a horrible screenplay and worse direction/ execution.


Great 1st Season
After watching all of the other Disney series, this one stood far above the rest for production and writing. Mando was fun for 2 seasons of self- contained storytelling, but season 3 so far is an absolute train wreck. That's when I decided to watch Andor a second time- and so glad I did. I loved it the 'first' watch and the second time I took even more away from it. And it feels like original trilogy Star Wars. Practical production design, no damn Volume overuse. And the musical score is fantastic. No 'future synth' and other garbage that George Lucas steered FAR away from when crafting this universe. I'm looking at you Mando and the skrillex darktrooper dubstep. Already dated and awful.

Andor didn't need other poorly done series to compare itself to, but it was very telling after watching them all which creators understood the source material and took it seriously. Bravo Tony Gilroy.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire
Episode 6, Season 3

Downhill fast
For an 8 episode season, it feels like the same amount of planning went into this as the sequel trilogy. Disjointed and aimless- short episodes with endless filler, stretched scenes struggling to fill a 30 minute time slot. This episode in particular totally lacking in originality, riding on other storylines from different franchises (Blade Runner 2049, I Robot) and bringing the current earth customs and tech into the mix, making it feel less like a Star Wars universe all the time. Keys to the city, robot bars, robot morgue and blood centrifuges?? Ugh. The music is getting worse and the overuse of The Volume/ green screens is standing out more and more. All the "special guests" this week were reading their lines off cue cards. Lizzo and Doc Brown, talented in other things were horrible in this. Lucas never used recognizable actors as it distracts from the story. Doesn't matter I suppose because there isn't a story here. Don't blame Kennedy solely for this. Favreau writes this junk, also BoBF. Filloni oversees all live action. This is a group failure- not just one person. Approaching Kenobi and BoBF levels of awful. Sad to see- was a good show at one point.

Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Good ideas- bad script, direction and editing
The first movie is one of my all time favourite horror genre movies. Great premise and story with a really small budget. Special effects and monster design were great! I haven't watched Hellbound for at least 20 years... gave it a go. The doctor in Hellbound needed more backstory to flesh out his obsession with the boxes and what he's learned from other patients... would have been more interesting than the mute puzzle solver girl. Kirsty was the only protagonist needed. Great to see Frank and Julia back! Larry would have been amazing but the actor wanted no part. I think that's where the script got sacrificed. The direction and editing in the third act goes off the rails completely. Hard to even follow what's happening. Such a missed opportunity for good storytelling about Leviathan and Cenobytes' backstories. Just rushed and dropped. The 2021 remake almost grabbed onto that great storyline, but again dropped it short because it a totally unlikable 'hero' cast. I don't think I'll see another good Hellraiser again. Makes me sad.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore
Episode 2, Season 3

Lazy writing, great visuals
Better than the last episode. But disappointed by the extremely lazy writing. The visuals and potential of a great story on destroyed Mandalore are just wasted. It was interesting when Mando first got there- then they repeated step by step visuals and beats with Bo-Katan?? And with what little dialogue there was, it was so simple and useless. The clone wars cartoon has way more depth than this. Everything just feels so stretched out just to fill the time slot. The character design for the cyborg was really good- as was the mythosaur. Destroyed Mandalore looked great- But let's get some real writers on this show.


I actively avoided watching this movie for years. I'm a fan of the original Predator movies, and old Aliens stuff. I hated what they did on AVP and the newest Aliens so I didn't expect much here and continued to skip it. Finally watched it in 2022 and I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked the cast they put together and the old Predator feel of the movie. Great music and really good practical effects. I honestly would like a sequel to this as they left it open for more. Not a bad show to watch when you feel like you've seen everything, or have a winter Sunday without football. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.


Great show
Most people disagree, but I love the unapologetic tone of this movie. Ripley is one of the toughest lead characters in cinema and this movie really shows you why. Everything she loves and fought for is ripped away and she literally has nothing left- but she continues to fight the company for the sake of all humanity. Great supporting cast that are all unique and memorable. And oddly I prefer the theatrical cut of this film. Dillon's character feels totally different in the 'special edition'.

Music and environment perfect for this alien universe. I just wish it ended with this movie- Alien 4 was a train wreck.


Cinematography and music were well done. Really nice location. Lots of people complaining about a little girl beating a giant alien but he had been shot, stabbed, bitten so many times by that point. Predator was just beaten by a superior hunter again- just like Dutch in the first movie. Neither of them were a match physically for any healthy Predator- just have to out think it. The dog was cool and a few funny nods to the originals, with dialogue and the pistol from the second movie. Predator design was excellent- reimagined alien technology from a few hundred years ago, goes nicely with 1700's indigenous and frontier characters. Nothing new or groundbreaking but fun. Definitely more enjoyable than the last few predator offerings anyway.


Grew up with it
Always loved Tron. I was at a great age when this came out. Going to the arcade after to play that awesome glowing cabinet...good times. I might not rewatch this movie often, but still very enjoyable. Hopefully the world that Tron built doesn't totally fade into obscurity. Still a lot of story and fun to be had on The Grid. I'd love to see a third movie.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The finale couldn't save it
Just finished the last episode- it was the best of the 6 episodes but not even close to being able to save the series. No way should this series get a passing grade after the way it was written, directed and produced. Doesn't hold a candle to its source material- mainly Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Please learn and move on. And absolutely no Season 2 required. Leave these characters alone and go mess up something new. If you can actually create something on your own Disney. Pathetic company.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI
Episode 6, Season 1

Best of the bunch, but..
Finally they decided to use some music from the Star Wars catalog they own. But this episode is too little too late. The fight scenes are still extremely low budget. Always save money when you fight in a gravel pit. The directing, cinematography and writing is still not even close to what Lucasfilm should be producing. I don't want to see a season 2. Star Wars should set the standard for TV series. They are way behind netflix and Amazon when it comes to production value.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V
Episode 5, Season 1

No Point
Obi wan can't be killed, Leia getting home soon and the ending dread scene with Luke curled up in bed while Reva finds out the secret.... Wow. The tension of a series made with a known timeline. Seriously who green lit this train wreck giving it half the budget of the Mandalorian and a production crew without a writer, cinematographer or director. Just a kid with an old Sony handycam who saw the holiday special. Keep burning the legacy Disney. Burn it all.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV
Episode 4, Season 1

No. We have Star Wars at home.
Yeah this isn't the delicious Star Wars burger you wanted. This is a spam patty wedged in some wonderbread... and no condiments. Choke it down folks. It's all you're gettin.

Man of Steel

Sequel was so close
Henry was great as Superman. My first watch in the theatre I felt the pacing issues, but rewatching this movie probably 5 times now it gets better and better. Music was fantastic. When I heard we almost got a sequel written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie with Cavill back as Superman...as a tie in with Green Lantern reboot??? Would have been absolutely amazing. Nice one Warner Bros. Morons.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III
Episode 3, Season 1

Fan fiction
Feels like they subbed out the script and directing to the lowest bidding high school summer production company. It's better than Boba Fett but that's like saying a house fire is better than a train wreck. I don't see this improving before the end unfortunately.

Tron: Legacy

Finish a Tron Trilogy please!
I loved this movie. I've been a Tron fan since I was digging elastic powered light cycles out of Shreddies cereal boxes when I was 10 years old. I have no "clu" where the story will go from here but I'm up for anything. Get Daft Punk out of retirement and keep Joseph Kosinski directing too!

The Hateful Eight

Too long
Should have been re-edited and tightened up. The long development and eventual payoff wasn't as good as other Tarantino films. Characters were stuck repeating too many lines instead continuously developing.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
Episode 7, Season 1

Boring finale for a boring series.
For all the action in this, I've never been so bored. There was no story to drive the action or the payoffs... that should have been building the entire series. Poorly written, acted and directed.

Rodriguez should stick to spy kids.

The most feared bounty hunter is now smiling and skipping in the streets without his helmet. Sad.

2 stars for Godzilla.

The Book of Boba Fett

Another legacy character burned
First Jake Skywalker and now Bobby Fett. I enjoyed the Mandolorian series- and Boba's cameo in that series was good. Mando's cameo in this was the only thing worth watching. Boba did not deserve this boring slog of a show. And they sure followed the Disney recipe of 'hey every villain is just misunderstood'. Now George Lucas' most feared bounty hunter VILLAIN who did anything for money is the new smiling face in town.

3 stars for Mando and a decent Rancor.

I'm seriously worried about the Kenobi series.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian
Episode 5, Season 1

The Book was never needed
This was a great episode of the Mandalorian and the most blatant use of shameless fan service that I have ever seen. And I enjoyed every minute. But this just proves how weak the entire storyline of BoBF actually is. And if you never saw any of the Mando series, you'd be hopelessly lost. Watch this if you want a good time. Even skip the 4 Boba episodes before this. Won't matter if you're a fan of the Mando series.

The Suicide Squad

Better than the first....but
At least this version kept me watching until the end. I shut off the original SS about 3/4 the way thru. But the new version is a forgettable mess too.

Blade Runner

My Sunday go to film
I probably saw this way too young. We rented a laserdisc machine and this movie. I was scared but totally mesmerized. Now much older, I've seen this more times than I can count and always turn it on once a year on one of those long winter Sundays. One of the most immersive movies that always takes me back to my childhood. Fantastic movie that my kids now enjoy too. I didn't put any spoilers in this. Just watch and enjoy.

Blade Runner 2049

Great Movie
I'm a fan of the original, and this was a beautiful continuation. I'd like to see one more BR movie especially is Denis is directing. Production value for BR2049 is amazing- watch on a good tv or in a home theatre if you really appreciate sound design and cinematography.


I really enjoyed watching a fully planned and high production value movie again. Feels like true artistic creative passion, and not just trying to make a buck by throwing some slop out for the masses to consume. Sign me up for anything Denis Villeneuve.

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