
IMDb member since June 2019
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The North Water

Worth it, but...
Interesting tv series, such a great atmosphere, actors, music and picture. It surely transports you inside it. You can feel the cold, the landscapes the fear inside main characters eyes'. Personally I would like to zoom in more into that story. Ok, I know that is limited series, but I think that these 5plus hours of binge watching should had involved more action, more characters personality exploration. I feel that this series could have give us much more than this, it's quite like incompleted. Sometimes I could feel like there is a gap, I admit I never get bored but there are people that ask more from these group of actors and director.

It is definitely worth a try, close the lights and volume up!

Toy Story 4

Maybe should has stopped after third
This movie is not just the other three. The plot is ok but it can't reach the level of that we we expected to see. It is quite usual and i had see that coming. It is ok to see for kids but i should not recommend parents watching this while caring of their child. Plus, all the toys behavior's just don't keep up with all we knew. Their moves, their language are not in same path as we got used. An unexpected and sad end comes through the end. But, directors, whatever you plan just stop it here!

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