
IMDb member since June 2019
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It's not really that bad
So the acting isn't great and the premise is shaky, but it's altogether not that bad. I wouldn't pay much to watch it and I wouldn't go into it expecting too much, but still. I feel the story definitely needs work. The kids go on and on about it being such a small town, but why not drive to the next one for McDonald's or something? There's also a lot of talk about storms in the town where they had originally planned to go, but the weather is perfect in this little town. The religious cannibal townspeople should really have been more sinister and less stereotypical redneck/hillbilly types. The stereotype is played out and boring. I did like that the main characters are gay men because you rarely see that in horror movies. And I kind of liked that the preacher gave them a chance to repent of their supposed sins, although it didn't really make sense when they were killing most of their friends. Also the scene in the barn was confusing and I assume it was just put in for the gore and gross out factor, it really needed a bit more explanation. Also maybe it sounds strange, but I was glad that the townspeople weren't raping anyone. So I think it could have been much better, but it's not total garbage. Lol I do wonder why the seven kids are such great friends when they seem to all kind of hate each other. I understand having issues with your friends and being frustrated with them and yanking each other's chains, but it's too much here.


Interesting premise in the first half
Ultimately disappointing and nonsensical. The trailer is misleading too. The acting is great, as is the score and cinematography.

The Curse of La Llorona

It was ok
It reminded me of the movie Mara (2018) I liked the former priest.

The Silence

This movie made no sense. There's the whole thing about being silent and the family all knowing sign language but they keep talking. Lol there's even a scene early on where Tucci is trying to cause a car to explode and he's saying "Come on come on." The characters' reactions don't make much sense either. All of these terrible things are happening and the characters aren't very affected by it and they get over everything quickly. Tucci seems angry more than anything and the daughter is mostly robotic. The uncle and grandmother have more to their characterization then either of the leads and their roles are tiny. Like other reviewers have pointed out, the premise also doesn't make sense and the timing is messed up. I can see people freaking out fairly quickly, but come on.

Let's Not Meet

Not the worst thing I've seen this year
The acting is actually the best part of this movie. The worst part is that nothing in this movie makes sense.

Get Out

So good.
There's a growing, pervasive sense of dread throughout the whole movie. The acting is great, too.

Shaun of the Dead

I've watched this movie so many times and it's still wonderful.

Crimson Peak

Fun Gothic horror
Visually stunning with great acting. The romance isn't very convincing though.


Not the typical horror movie.
I loved Midsommar but it's definitely not the typictal horror. There are no demons or Jason Voorhees types. No one is running through a forest and tripping. There are no real jumpscares here. I think it was the director who described it as folk horror. It's kind of a cross between Children of the Corn and The Beach.

Await Further Instructions

Boring :(
The premise isn't bad, and the ending could have been alright if the characters' decisions and motivations made sense. The acting is fine but they have basically nothing to work with.

The Holly Kane Experiment

Decent idea
Decent idea, plodding execution. The movie needed so much more editing. It just went on and on.

Don't Breathe

Intense and mostly great
The best things about this movie are the acting and the pacing. Three characters, one female and two males, decide to rob a blind man. I seem to remember that the blind man had been in the military years before but I'm not positive on that. The blind man became a total recluse after his daughter was killed and there are rumors that he has a bunch of money in his home somewhere. The thieves think they can just knock him out with some kind of gas and take the money easily. They're obviously very wrong. Unlike some other reviewers, I don't feel like we're supposed to like or root for the thieves all that much. The female character maybe, but even then only somewhat in the beginning to make us care about what happens to her later on. This made it better for me because I was on the blind man's side throughout the movie until the reveal that he was keeping a woman prisoner because he blamed her for his daughter's death. I loved that reveal because it changed my opinion so quickly and I wasn't expecting it at all. I could have done without the blind man trying to impregnate the woman and later the thief but I appreciate that he wasn't literally raping anyone because that wouldn't have fit with his character at all. Also, I loved the scenes with the dog in the car and I appreciate that the dog wasn't killed.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

So creepy
I like that not everything was explained away in this movie. Perhaps the writers/director/someone else who made the film have spoken about this somewhere but I haven't seen it. The father has a theory as to who the Jane Doe is and what happened to her, but there's no confirmation that that's what actually happened, from what I remember. I like to think that the father's theory of what happened to her is just another part of the hallucinations he's having and not necessarily true.

Blood Craft

Was this script a first draft?
The dialogue is clunky and the story just doesn't make sense. The characters' motivations are all over the place and sometimes nonsensical. I feel like there could have been a decent story here but the script would have to be almost completely rewritten. I agree with other reviewers that the acting and special effects aren't great but it's nothing compared to how bad the writing is.


This is a great horror film and like all horror films, it's best to watch without knowing much about it beforehand. All of the acting here is good, but Toni Collete is especially fantastic.

Megan Is Missing

Not great
It's like the director had two different movie ideas and just shoved them together. The first three quarters feels like a scaremongering lifetime-esq movie about how our children are out of control and dangers are lurking everywhere. The last quarter is a horror film about a girl getting abducted and all that that entails. I admittedly was disturbed by the last quarter but that was because it didn't fit well with the rest of the movie. It was like I was watching an episode of Dr. Phil and it suddenly turned into a low budget Netflix horror movie. The acting here isn't terribly bad but the writing is awful. The message in this movie is that kids should be more careful of what they do online and who they trust online. This is an important message but there are tons of better ways to relay it.

The Dark Tapes

A waste of time
I love found footage horror and horror anthologies but this movie is just a mess. The acting is all bad but they didn't have much to work with. The dialogue is unrealistic and the film glitch effect is overused.

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