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Anyone But You

They get it
If you like rom coms you know better than to pay attention to the bad reviews they get. Bad reviews on rom coms tend to not be critical of the movies themselves but of the genres foundations. It's not for everyone, but this movie, and so many other poorly reviewed rom coms, know what they set out to do, and do it well.

This movie is everything the critics say, it's over the top and cringe and tropey. That's what it's supposed to be. If you're familiar with the Shakespeare play this is based on (Much Ado About Nothing) you'll also know that the play is all of those things too. Shakespearean comedy, just as today's rom com, follows a tried and true formula, and this movie does it well.

I've always said that the rom com adaptation of classic lit which was so popular in the 90's and 00s needs to make a comeback, and this did not disappoint. It's going right into my rotation with Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, and She's The Man!

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

How dare u make me sad about the british monarchy
I kid in the title. Obviously, as with Bridgerton, there's a suspension of disbelief surrounding the historic aspects. Overall I did enjoy this show, but I also found some issues with it that bothered me. I'll start with the good: I was very interested to see the portrayal of George as deeply sympathetic because he is so villainized in other media. Not to say that there is nothing to be said for that portrayal, but it often relies so heavily on villianizing not the man but the madness, which certainly could not have been easy to deal with in that time, even as king. It was very interesting to see that struggle portrayed, especially with an overall happy outcome. I quite enjoyed his and Charlotte's story, and especially the end of the last episode.

I also quite enjoyed the Lady Danbury story, as she is one of my favorites in the original show, but this is where we enter the bad. The pacing of this show was... off. And I think that is due in large part to the lady Danbury storyline. The way episodes cut between them felt forced, and the episode dedicated almost entirely to Danbury felt off topic, even if I was interested in the story itself.

My other issue was the way they carried out the story with Brimsley and Reynolds. It's good to have representation, but they haven't actually put much into it. Textually they are together and care a great deal for one another, but they actually have very little story or substance to them, we know very little about either one, and in the end one of them is just vaguely gone and missed by the other, maybe dead but even that much is unclear.

Overall I'm glad I took the time to watch, but it definitely could have been better.

Home Again

A tad disappointing after a good setup
I really enjoyed this movie, it has all the elements of a classic rom-com (Reese Witherspoon, hot guy, not actually very funny but in an endearing way), plus Michael Sheen, who is always a delight!

I liked the characters and the overall story, but it felt like it cut itself off at the end. I get that a rom-com cant be too long, but I think just an extra ten minutes would have done wonders, because 1. I want to see Harry and Alice actually get back together, 2. I want to see the boys movie get funded, and 3. George and that teacher deserved another minute to be implied, he goes through so much.

There's a place in some films for an open ending, but come on, this is a rom-com, it's not one of them. Now the movie is over and I feel set adrift on the unforgiving sea of real life, rather than comforted and sappy.

The Sandman

Give it a shot!
I hear what people are saying about some of the story threads being unrelated in some ways, but one thing I've actually enjoyed about this show is reflecting on it afterwards and thinking about how the various stories actually are linked, even when at first glance there seems to be a disconnect. I definitely enjoyed some aspects/storylimes more than others, but overall I was drawn into the show quickly, and I finished all 10 episodes in two days.

Honestly, if nothing else, it's worth a watch just for Morpheus' gorgeous voice!

The Half of It

🐛👓 (it makes him look smart)
I think people are missing the point of this movie because they're going into it thinking it's a rom-com. This movie is not a rom-com, it is a story about friendship and platonic love first and foremost, which is why it starts with narration about Plato, the philosopher we get the word platonic from in the first place. This movie is about Paul and Ellie and them learning, together, what love is, in all its different forms. This is why Paul kisses Ellie, he feels that love for her and hasn't figured out its box yet.

I absolutely adore the way they use romantic tropes in a platonic setting, because I too would chase after a train as far as I could to make my friend smile. I think the emphasis this movie places on friendships is genuinely so lovely and I would love to see more shows and movies center this.

I cry every time I watch this movie, it makes me smile, Paul Munsky is absolutely precious, and I think more people should watch it.

He's All That

Thought it would be way worse
Some over the top acting here and there, some very 2021 moments (the dance off was... a bit much and the main character being an 'influencer' is, well y'know), and of course automatic points off for being a remake and for the makeover trope, but honestly? There were a good couple of moments that had me aww-ing out loud, and I'm not sure what else I could ask of a rom com. In all, I'm glad I decided to give it a watch. Highlights include Matthew Lillard (of course) and the character Brin Kweller, I'd love to see more of that actress, she actually really brought me into the story, and I think shes quite talented!

Ella Enchanted

Always a Favorite
I loved this movie when I was a kid because its was a bright and goofy fairy tale, and I love it as an adult because its actually so funny! Like you hit a point where you realize the obvious satire that went into this, as well as just solid messages about self reliance, and it's just golden! I love the escalator in the medieval mall, and also just looking at prince char (I've come to understand his fan club more than I did as a child😂) I think my biggest complaint is that I wish they would either have further committed to the songs or just done away with them entirely, as it stands they're an awkward middle ground with just the two. I will say the music taste is solid at least!

Sky High

Honestly Confused at the Low Ratings
I really enjoyed this movie as a kid and my dad always really liked it too, so we picked it up when we saw it at the thrift shop. Mostly it gathers dust on the shelf cause Netflix is a thing now, but I put it on as a distraction tonight and it really holds up, actually. The characters are fun and distinct, the special effects are weirdly impressive for a 2005 Disney movie, and honestly the story is actually really interesting. When the villain gives her speech at the end of the movie it's actually such a good speech & such an interesting villain origin story!

Really the only issue I have, really, is that Will was a bad friend and 15 years later I will maintain that Layla should have ended up with Warren. Maybe that's just me though...

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

A Great Introduction
I can't say this series is without flaws, in taking steps to modernize there are aspects of the story that get lost, and as interesting a concept as the video diary format is, there are certain scenes I'd quite like to have seen on screen.

Issues aside? I had watched Pride and Prejudice once before watching lbd and I had no clue what was going on, and when i watched it again after i understood much more easily.

It's funny and goofy, the acting is good (oh how I love Lydia in this), and its accessible! It's lots of fun and I've returned to it more than a few times when the mood struck me.

I also have to single out their Darcy, because he is hysterical. When Lizzie is at pemberly and gigi tells her Darcy tucks his chin in when hes uncomfortable but Lizzie thought it was just how he held himself because he's always so nervous around her, then you just can't stop noticing it every time he's on camera. Darcy is an absolute delight in this rendition.

Pride & Prejudice

Just classic!
I've seen this movie, I wanna say, a million times. Darcy's social ineptitude is always a little bit charming when you know the outcome, and as hard as it can be to pick up on the subtle digs in Elizabethan english, once you do, this movie is hilarious as well. Well worth a watch if you haven't already.

Frozen II

Better Than Expected
I really didn't come into this movie expecting much of anything, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's certainly no masterpiece, no question the first one was better (but how many series can it be said the sequel is better?), I found the songs nice enough to listen to, since the cast is all incredibly talented, but I don't think I'll be pulling the soundtrack up on Spotify any time soon. Lost in the woods was honestly a little painful, it felt like a 2007 music video for some boy band, and beyond that the songs are generally forgettable.

BUT THE GOOD! Maybe it was just me, because I will fight the concept of change at the drop of a hat, but the overarching themes of accepting change and transformation really hit home. I think that's a really good message for kids too, and the "do the next right thing" even if it is scary. Honestly I thought it was quite a lovely story.

More superficially, the little fire lizard? I'm in love, so so cute. At first I was like "do we need another cute sidekick character?" but then it licked its eyeball and I was 100% sold.

Also, Olaf is SO FUNNY in this one. "We're calling it controlling what you can when things are out of control." The boy learns to read and becomes an existentialist and fan of fun facts, which, besides being very funny as a concept, is quite relatable.

I get where the bad reviews come from, absolutely, but I think this is still worth a watch.

Romeo + Juliet

It's What Shakespeare Would Have Wanted.
I understand why people might not like this movie, but I must respectfully disagree. The script is very loyal to the original play, and the modernized aesthetics are, in my opinion, very loyal to the ever too often overlooked spirit of so much of Shakespeare's work. Basically, it was pop-culture, and it was not drama but melodrama, every production was filled with innuendo and over the top characters. Because of the language and aesthetics of the time, Shakespeare can often feel somewhat boring or stuffy, so a version where those visual aesthetics have been updated to something we today (and at the time the firm was made) understand as over-the-top is somewhat genius, to be honest, it captures the essence of Shakespeare that is so often lost in modernity.

Beyond the (surely annoying) lit analysis, the casting is also great - not even just because of Paul Rudd, this movie also has my absolute favourite version of Mercutio!

All in all I think this movie gets a bad rap sometimes because its a bit more fun and indulgent than most adaptations, but that's what makes it so great!

Tall Girl

File Under: Movies Written to Fulfil a Fantasy
I spent most of my life a head taller than everyone else and while I was never bullied for it I was always very self-conscious, so when I saw a movie coming out about someone feeling a lot of the same doubts I have felt I was excited. Dont bother getting excited. This movie enforces every trope I thought (hoped) we were done with. Male bully secretly likes her - please stop telling young girls that if someone is mean it's because they like them, all this narrative does is encourage abusive relationships as an ideal. The real kicker was the girl who has had no interest in a guy for as long as they've known each other, suddenly at the end of the movie she flip flops and likes him - just keep persisting and she'll change her mind right? Shut up, if someone shows no interest leave them alone. It was at this point in the movie that I had to Google who wrote it. Theres no information beyond a name for this person but I must assume Sam Wolfson is a man writing a film because his high school crush didnt like him back because this wasn't a movie for tall girls who feel self conscious, it was a movie for boys who cant take a hint and think a girl should eventually give in if they persist enough.

All in all a bad movie that sends bad messages for what young girls should expect a relationship to be like as well as for how young boys should treat women.

Big issues aside it also just wasn't funny. I love Angela Kinsey and Steve Zahn and expected a movie with the two of them might be at least a little bit entertaining, but alas, I was disappointed, I don't think I laughed once, and it's not hard to make me laugh. I would laugh at a half decent knock-knock joke, but not this movie. Very disappointed.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Even better than I remember
This movie was every bit as goofy and fun and happy as I remembered it being, but watching it as an adult brought it to another level, and any adult who says otherwise... well they may have missed the point.

Magic is all around us, and there are so many little things to find joy in, like a lovely pair of shoes you found in Tuscany. This is what Mr. Magorium saw, and that's how he lived a fulfilling life. As we grow up we so often become more like The Mutant, caught up in work and seeing things to be just what they are and nothing more, when people criticize this movie that is the life they are living, they're 'just' guys, as Mahoney says. Kids see magic in everything, and maybe if adults did too we would be happier.

Kids will certainly enjoy it, and if the adults can set aside preconceived notions of what being an adult has to mean, they can enjoy it too.

Please watch this movie.


"It does not say RSVP on the statue of liberty"
I'll be the first to accept that a rom-com from the 90's will be inherently flawed and unavoidably cheesy, but I'll follow that up by saying it doesnt matter to me!

Clueless is my go to movie when I'm feeling down, despite its shortcomings it is full of distinct, interesting, multifaceted characters, Cher may be something of a 'ditz' but she is also very self aware, shown to be a reader, and scored a 90 something in geometry (wow I've seen this movie too much). None of these characters are boring or based entirely on a stereotype, and it makes for a good movie.

(Also I'll be honest I love Paul Rudd but that's neither here nor there)

Overall it's a good fluffy movie with interesting characters and it's worth watching.

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