
IMDb member since June 2019
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Rise: Ini Kalilah

Not good. And aged poorly.
This film is basically propaganda, released just months after they won. it doesn't help with their sub-par production values, sub-par acting and plot holes. Bad cinematography too.

The filmmakers exploited the election for entertainment like their the mouthpieces for the opposition. Just 2 years after this, the opposition that the filmmakers glorify collapsed. Back to the old government that the opposition tried to topple.

Wonder Woman 1984

A wonderful, hopeful sequel
As a person who loves the first film, watching ww84 did not disappoint me. It filled me with hope, optimism, and wonder especially in this terrible 2020. WW84 has a lot of surprises that the filmmakers didn't do in the first film, and that risk they took was what make WW84 wonderful.

Character wise, they give a lot of depth on the characters, especially to the villains as we get to see their soft side and their ascend into villainy. The movie does them justice.

Overall it's an entertaining, worthy sequel and feel good.

Plagi Breslau

Uninteresting leads, bad acting, plot holes, but superb gore.
The lead is so unlikable and uninteresting. She spends most of the time being unlikable and ready to explode at any second. Her acting is bad as well. Bad acting is scattered throughout this film.

There are numerous plot holes as well throughout. The crime occurs at 6 pm, but there are scenes which are shown after six pm and there is still daylight! I don't know about Poland but I am sure that it's dusk.

But I have to give thumbs up to the gore values shown. It is so realistic that I thought I'm watching an autopsy .

Despite this, this film is still bad. And I hated the ending.

Justice League

A half baked cake that's nearly inedible.
This movie had it's moments, but the problem is glaringly visible. The re-shoots are so obvious that you notice the differences, particularly when Barry meets Bruce, and Bruce meets Aquaman. Ben Affleck's suddenly out of shape in one scene, and Ezra Miller's hair changing. I'm surprise that these actors didn't point out the flaws.

And the script. What was that "brunch" joke about. It doesn't make any sense!

And the villain? Weakest and worst ever. All we know is that "Haha I'm evil and I'm collecting these boxes to conquer the word.'


Gave me anxiety
I see this as a Spanish parasite. Every time Javier intrude his old home it gave me anxiety on whether he's gonna be caught. It is a riveting psychological thriller on a man who do anything to gain power, with awesome performances.

Green Lantern

This film did not deserve the hate, but it had it's problem.
To be fair, this film was entertaining enough with it's action sequences, the parallax, an exposition through other Green Lanterns. The downside to this is the writing and CGI. Ryan Reynolds did his best with the material given, and that is what made this film watchable and entertaining.

The CGI suit is what bothers me a lot. It gives the uncanny valley feel, (along with the green mask). They could have used a real costume, and let CGI do the work that the green lantern ring gives.

I really hope they reboot the series. There's a lot of great potential in the Green Lantern comics.

6 Underground

This movie has some of the brightest stars: Ryan Reynolds but not the brightest director: Michael Bay. It's just explosions after explosions, a hot hookup, and a plot to topple a dictator of an oppressive country (sounds familiar?). Plot leading up to the third act is convoluted, product placement for Ryan's Aviation Gin which they make it so blatant that it looks like a commercial. The ending was really, really bad and they didn't make an effort to make the death ring a bell in your memory.

And one more thing. A plot of the movie is set in Turgistan. Why the hell was the brother speaking English? Couldn't the producers make an effort to use Arabic??

Overall it's a huge, huge mess - typical Michael bay fashion. If this was shown in cinemas I would gladly give it a huge "F" cinemascore.

My Life

Underrated movie with a great performance by Keaton
Michael Keaton gives a strong a great performance here along with Nicole Kidman. The plot is a tearjerker and kind gives us a reflection on life. Keaton's character, Bob Jones is diagnosed with cancer and is given only several months to live. In the process, he records videos for his future child to see and discovers himself before his death.

A touching movie that we can relate. Imagine you're living a successful life. With a good job, good income and you live comfortably. Then you're diagnosed with a terminal illness in your prime. What would you do? Living your life before it all ends? Right the wrongs of your past? Time isn't in your side here. Revealing more would be spoiling the movie for you.


Intense, Suspenseful and Gory
To say that Crawl would be like The Meg, Jaws would be an understatement. The setting of the place, the environment, the performances of Kaya Scodelrio and Barry Pepper and the ever threats of alligators makes it uncomfortably frightening.

The intensity is real because the threats and horrors that hurricane can unleashed on the land. You''d think it's only the rain, and wind. Add alligators who want nothing more than meat, it gets more thrilling and suspenseful. Add the fact that most of the movie happened in the crawlspace gives a sense of claustrophobia. the ever sense of being watched and attacked by the alligators with the rising water gives a sense of dread and hopelessness. You move and you are attacked. Help is completely out of reach, making it a hide and seek game with the gators.

Among the things that made me like this movie is the environment. Imagine you are trapped in a hurricane place. The winds are strong, the rain is pouring and the ever rising floods are swimming with gators. In a claustrophobic crawlspace, you are cornered. The gore, jump scares are well place and emotionally justified with the atmosphere of dread and suspense. The performances too, were exceptional and made me believed that they are really experiencing the situation of their character. CGI is well used and good. The pacing too is good, though I feel at 87 minutes it is kind of short, and there could have been scenarios to lengthen the run time and fully take advantage of the premise. That's the criticism of Crawl.

Overall, the suspense, the hurricane, the floods and the family drama (for character development?) made the movie good. The atmosphere of suspense and desperation just to get out drives this movie forward.

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