
IMDb member since June 2019
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Duell am Abgrund

Speed free climbers, what could be better?
Good documentary focusing on the worlds fastest 2 free climbers. Something I could only wish that I could do. These people are mad, but also very well grounded. Aware of the risk they are taking, but do it anyway because they are driven by ambition.

Yes, they are rivals yet hold a lot of respect for each other. I absolutely love how in competitive sports, they will see each other as an equal despite wanting to be the best. Its normally themselves they want to be better than. When you're the best, the only person you need to beat is yourself.

This documentary tells the story of 2 climbers striving to make the record.

Someone else wrote a review about leaving the camera crew behind as its too dangerous for them. Yes, it's a route that a lot of people have died trying to summit. I don't think the climber would say that they made it if they didn't. If they failed, they would be their own worst critic and not lie. They will just accept the failure and try again, even harder than last time. For them, it is a glorious feeling to be the best. They won't take victory in fraudulent success. They won't feel accomplished. These people are wired differently, failure is not an option, fraudulent victory isn't an option for them. They have to be the best, and they are. They don't get to be the best by lying.


I don't get the hate
Thought I would write a review, because there is quite a lot of unnecessary hate for this movie. It is a supernatural movie, not psychological horror, and I thought most would know this going into it. I also thought that most horror movie buffs would know that mirrors are 'doorways/portals' so it makes complete sense for the movie to use this concept. I've watched this a few times, once when it first came out and 3 times recently this year because it is free to watch on plex. Maybe I'm biased because I only use free streaming services and refuse to pay for a TV license (UK) or for any streaming services like netflix. So I rely on free entertainment and enjoy what I enjoy.

This movie is pretty good IMO and doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. I prefer supernatural horrors, and I think that this one hits the mark pretty well. Often the main character has some psychological trauma to deal with, as is with the main chanmracter Ben. I think it makes them more susceptible to other worldly forces.

Some very good scenes and even some gore. It's not the greatest film, but it's good enough for me to watch 4 times. Looks quite high budget too, and I prefer B movies and indie horrors much more than Hollywood horrors so that's saying something.

Wrong Turn

Watched it so many times
The only character I like is Scott. He literally sacrificed himself to save the others.

Final girl is a b word, throws a bag at someone who just had a car accident and only stays alive because of other people's decisions. I wish Scott was the 'final guy' and they would break the cliche. Chris was also a good character, showing heroism by holding that spring door shut so that everyone could get out.

But Scott, he didnt deserve it. The love and protection that he gives to his fiance Carly is beautiful. The compassion he gave to Chris after the accident showed he was a really level headed person. Im so sad that he didn't survive until the end of the movie. I literally only liked him, the rest were a total bore fest as characters. No care if they lived or died. I love this movie, wat he'd it multiple times but always get annoyed when Scott dies.

Children of the Corn

Watch the original instead of this
Pretty sure the original was made in the late 80s, and it was a reqlly good film even though it is dated. This film is more like a drama bore fest. I've fallen asleep to it twice.

Nothing scary happens. I enjoy character development, but this just doesn't hit the spot. Children of the corn original was a creepy film, now outdated but a million times better than this. I say this as someone who was born in the 90s, so the original film is older than me and I still enjoy it now. This film, is utter trash. Only scary part is when the children do the 'walk the plank' scene and tbh I was just pissed off at it. Older 'more responsible' teenagers seem disgusted by it, but didn't do anything to stop a kid from potentially getting paralysed. That is really close to the begging of the film, I have absolutely no sympathy for the main characters. The children are unhinged, but the parents all collectively fail at parenting in a small town? The fungus from the corn? Didn't think to take them to counselling or that something was wrong with them before they decide to lock you up in a cell? What they did took a lot of planning, not just a spontaneous 'oh, today I'm going to take mine and everyone else's parents hostage' I'm a huge horror fan, and can suspend disbelief but only to an extent. This film is trash. Watch the original, it is a trashy 80s horror film but at least its fun. I watched it when I was 13, scared me. I watched it again last year and enjoyed the 80s movie vibes. This tries way too hard and misses the mark 10 fold.

Il legame

Pretty good
Overall, this was a pretty good movie. I don't understand why people say 'offers nothing new, it's all be done before because it does have some orgmiginal ideas. Not sure what people expect, because it has all been done before and very very difficult to have a completely original idea after there is only so much you can do with horror these days after so many films have been released. Sit back and enjoy the ride, if you're looking for something original then perhaps you're watching the wrong genre.

If you're a hard core supernatural horror fan, give it a chance! I for one enjoyed the location and cinematography, the acting was not bad either.

Prey for the Devil

Challenging religion on sexism
That's how I see it. Nuns are not allowed to perform exorcism, but Sister Ann wants to learn as she has a previous relationship with a demon in her mother.

Father Quinn is a feminist ally, as well as it seems that some of the other priests are. It is the nuns that want to hold her back, the mysogony coming from inside the house is very apparent. A nun must only care and be compassionate towards the patients, not be allowed to treat them. Very nice to see religious men supporting women and calling out women who want to 'protect' the nun by sending her away. Protect them from what? Something they have already been exposed to? Father Quinn also wants to protect sister Ann, by giving her the knowledge to defend herself.

'Female surgeons weren't always allowed, someone had to be the first'

Not everyone will enjoy the feminist message in this film, I don't particularly enjoy the girl climbing wall trope seen in most possession movies. I enjoy it's approach on mental health and psychiatric disorders being assessed and diagnosed first, in a controlled environment before jumping straight to 'possession' and exorcism. I'm not a religious person myself but very much enjoy possession movies, especially when they take into account mental health. I love horror, but wouldn't exactly call this a horror film. I did enjoy it though, give it a try if you enjoy such movies.


Hilarious easy watch
My boyfriend came across a yt short of this and said we need to try it. We binged watched the whole of series 1 in just 2 days.

We have started season 2 and can't wait to see where it leads.

Before this, brooklyn 99 or archer have been my comedy go-to for easy watching and still are because I don't live with my boyfriend and we decided we will only watch it together. This show is addictive though and we get very easily sucked into 'just 1 more episode' multiple times (only 20 minutes long) The characters are hilarious and all have their flaws, but as a team they are perfect for each other. Every episode so far is fresh and ridiculous but also breaks down and strengthens the relationships between the characters. The relationship between Abed and Troy is the cutest, and they're always doing some nerdy/weird stuff at the end of each show. I could actually watch a drink off of just those 2.

The rest of the characters are also great, the whole Dad & mum of the group roles, the very unacceptable behaviour from each character being forgiven by the group because they adopt each other as a family with life lessons being learned in hilariously messed up ways. It's a friendship group where they compliment each other and very much need each other. It's just a crazy, light hearted show that I am eager to watch more of.


I hate that I love this
Started this series when I started stranger things, and thought it was a rip off. But nope.... they went in completely different directions.

Dark is binge worthy, but I have found myself lost between seasons and time. Who is who? You need to pay close attention to this series. It is worth it. I usually enjoy a lot of foreign TV programmes, most are gritry Polish crime shows so this German series was a nice surprise. Confusing AF but explains itself. Just a crazy show that doesn't get enough appreciation.

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