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The Flash: Family Matters, Part 1
Episode 10, Season 7

I just can't watch this series anymore...
After 7 seasons (of which 3 or 4 were great or good) I give up on the series... While in seasons 4-6 there were many bad episodes but I still managed to find some parts of the season enjoyable. Now, in season 7 except for 1 really good episode we get a mix of bad story writing/VFX/acting/dialogue writing etc...

So I am giving up on dreaming that "the next episode will fix things up" or "next week it will be better". It won't so I'm done.

This series is a story of a great premise and a great series (1-3 seasons) turned mediocre in next seasons (4-6) to then turn into an unwatchable/terrible space filler for the CW.

(Flash deserves better...)

The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue
Episode 8, Season 2

I just don't know what to say here. Well if you like Star Wars in any way you'll not only enjoy this episode but love it... Just damn, that was a good episode...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Senate Murders
Episode 15, Season 2

It was okay...
As a fun of politics in Star Wars prequels I found some enjoyment here. But I have to admit that at some points the episode gets a bit boring but overall it's alright.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
Episode 19, Season 2

Unoriginal but still entertaining...
I feel like even though I saw many big beast vs a city movies I was left entertained and had fun from this episode.

It's literally a Godzilla movie but re-imagined for Star Wars and so as a fun of those types of movies I truly enjoyed this episode as I did the last one.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Death Trap
Episode 20, Season 2

Boba Fett
This was a really nice episode a bit slower but gets more intense towards the end. A really interesting idea for an episode that is well executed.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Duchess of Mandalore
Episode 14, Season 2

An interesting political-drama episode...
I'll be honest when I say this but I enjoy the political aspect of The Clone Wars and this episode is an example of that. Filled with some undercover action and moral conflicts this episode is a nice mix of both and adding to that the Jedi and a Star Wars setting it give me some really enjoyable time.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Weapons Factory
Episode 6, Season 2

A Great episode...
I loved it. Really. The action was perfect, the drama was really good and most importantly the character moments presented here were fantastic. We see more of Anakin's beliefs and how much he cares for his padawan. Ahsoka's character development and more Clone v Droids action.

A really fun to watch episode filled with action and drama.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Grievous Intrigue
Episode 9, Season 2

Enjoyable and fun but...
So I really enjoyed that episode, loved the action here especially the space battles and fight scenes, also I found the new Jedi character really interesting and the overall plot was good.

But at this point Grievous is a bit underwhelming with the threat he is supposed to give to our heroes but it is the main downside to this episode.

Either way a really fun episode to watch with some really good action.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Cargo of Doom
Episode 2, Season 2

Even better than the last episode...
After really solid last episode we get another great story full of action, character moments and drama. Cad Bane is continuing to impress as a villain that is inteligent, skillful, original and really interesting.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Holocron Heist
Episode 1, Season 2

A solid Season Two opener.
This episode is a really good opener to the second season of The Clone Wars. It includes some character development, nice action, intriguing plot and very interesting new characters. With the main antagonists and their break in being the highlight of the episode.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Storm Over Ryloth
Episode 19, Season 1

An interesting lesson of responsibility
This episode is a really good opening to the Ryloth Arc. It connects really well the message it's trying to tell with action and character moment that make this episode really fun to watch. It includes some crucial character development for the characters of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano whose interactions I loved.

This is a really good story with an important message that culminates in a enjoyable episode.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Blue Shadow Virus
Episode 17, Season 1

Personally, I actually thought it was ok...
I get many people didn't like this episode but I thought it was alright. I enjoyed the concepts presented here. The story was interesting to me, the characters too. I thought the second part of the episode is far better than the first and the investigation part was just ok.

The overall experience was fine, nothing too amazing, nothing terrible but it was enough for me. Either way still got enjoyment from it.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Dooku Captured
Episode 11, Season 1

An enjoyable ride
There wasn't a lot in this episode but personally I enjoyed it. The pirates were great and I love their character dynamic with our main heroes. I found the Anakin and Obi-Wan dynamic really fun and to be fair Hondo steals this episode and every other he appears during the series.

In conclusion a fun open-ended episode with some good humor and of course Hondo.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Rookies
Episode 5, Season 1

Best of Season One
This episode truly lives up to the series name. It's Clone Wars and we are here to get to know the Republic Clones and the Separatist Droids.

This episode is about the clones. It shows the "boring" jobs some clones get and how quickly everything can change for them.

Also I feel like the message here is that even if you're just a small (seemingly unimportant) part of a bigger machine when you're called upon you can still become the hero and do your job better than anyone else. (Or maybe I'm overthinking).

The only reason it's not a 10/10 is that it didn't give me that 10/10 episode felling and maybe if the animation was as good as during the later seasons I would give it a 10.

Either way still a great episode and a definite must watch from Season One.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Supply Lines
Episode 3, Season 3

A bit underrated
Personally I enjoyed this episode, it had good action and some interesting themes. Also the humor this episode didn't bother me. But I understand that some people just can't stand Jar Jar Binks who is a part of this episode but i get that. Nonetheless still a really good episode and loved that final standoff scene.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death
Episode 12, Season 7

So that is the End...
The Great Series has come to a chilling and emotional ending. Everything was perfect from the music score to those emotional scenes. We finally see the true ending that this series deserved. A part of my childhood has ended but in what style. Amazing job from Geogre Lucas, Dave Filoni and everone who worked on the series for creating a fantastic animated expirence in Star Wars Universe and helped to bring new generation to Star Wars. Just perfect ending to a Amazing Series.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Shattered
Episode 11, Season 7

After watching this episode i am truly shattered...
I have no words to say. What we were waiting for happened and it's truly sad. It was a slower episode but after last two action packed, especially now we needed an episode like that. Just fantastic job from all people working on these last episodes, amazing score, easter eggs, and the end of Siege of Mandalore. Just can't wait until monday to see this part of my childhood end. Thank you Dave Filoni and everyone who worked on getting this series to an end. Great episode, Great series.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Phantom Apprentice
Episode 10, Season 7

If you thought it couldn't be better than the last episode, you were wrong...
This episode was truly fantastic with more conections to Revenge of the Sith, a sign of what is about to come, amazing score, and a fantastic lightsaber duel. The only thing that this episode lacks is "Duel of the Fates" playing during the duel but that is the only thing I could think about. Definitely recomended to watch.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Old Friends Not Forgotten
Episode 9, Season 7

Truly Amazing
For a TCW fan it's pure nostalgia and back to form from last seasons. It was one of the best episodes of the entire series and now I just cannot wait for the next 3. Shame that it has to end, but at the same time glad that it ends in this amazing style.

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