
IMDb member since May 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


Ring Ring

Decently shot with some good acting, but not much else.
This film was painfully boring to sit through and I'm glad it had a pretty short run-time.

Just not a whole lot happens. The first thirty minutes are completely pointless and just serve as a reason to get the main characters into the house, but it easily could've been condensed into 5-10 minutes.

Most of what the main 'villain' does doesn't really make sense and adds nothing overall. He's just there doing things for the sake of doing them, to make this film have some sort of plot, i guess (it really doesn't), but he's just devoid of any real motive.

The actor's did a good job with what they had, and shared some good chemistry, and there were some really well done shots and run-through scenes.

I feel like this was just a concept film to show offsome budding director's camera work. Really not worth the time. Completely forgettable viewing.


State of Emergency

Worst 'zombie' film in a good while
Where did all the budget for this film go? Poor acting (especially off the main character) Poor zombie make-up - All of the zombies featured in the film just have dirt on their faces and red eyes.

Bad sound affects - all sound effects that a zombie makes in the distance (happens every time a zombie is about to show up)sounds like it has been dubbed over the film. and boy do those zombies love breaking and knocking into things - even when there is nothing around to be broken.

The sets used are also very basic.

The film is basically one hour 30 of characters looking out of windows, or through a snipe rifle, at a single zombie standing like a scarecrow, the characters mumble about the amount of zombies growing every day but you never see more than one together, ever.

Some reason the creator of this film was too scared to show more than one zombie on screen even during zombie encounters which really lessons the fear and fails to make it feel like there is any sense of danger outside of the characters sanctuary.

and I swear they fight the same zombie twice (Five zombie encounters in total, one of which is an old lady zombie who bangs on the door begging to be let in...yep it spoke) Film started off with a creepy atmosphere but it soon became very boring and really not much happened. What a complete waste of money this film was to make, it doesn't try to do anything different.

The climax of the film is a lone zombie somehow going through the sewers and finding it's way into the characters hide out through a sewer grate, they all run away from this lone zombie, then shoot it in the head after a while of the characters over-exaggerating their panting, and the army arrives and they all live happily.



Overall a rather boring film. The twists were terrible, the story was terrible but had potential, the acting was fine but they were all given a terrible script and story to deal with.

The first review posted is so fake it's not even funny, and to point out: this film does not have the dead reanimated it's just a lie to pull in zombie film fans.

The one good thing about the film is that the plot could of been interesting if it took off much sooner, it took about 50 minutes for the plot to form then the film is over shortly after.

If you want 120mins of people running around a plane screaming and various close-ups of a shaking box then this will be perfect for you.

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