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Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator: Dark Fate. A Solid Threequel with Room for Improvement
The makers of this movie want everyone to disregard the other Terminator films, so Dark Fate is a Threequel.

This is my third viewing of Terminator: Dark Fate. I first watched this at the cinema back in 2019, and i rewatched it last night when i rented it on Amazon Prime Video and I'm rewatching it again, so this is my third viewing. For a film buff who loves action movies, only rewatching so few as three times is due to the ending of this movie. I dislike the sad element near the end of this movie, I'm all about the action, I think emotional elements should be left to genres like dramas, but there's no rule that action movies can't have emotions, but emotions like that don't mix with action movies, in my opinion.

I want to mention something I didn't notice when I first watched this movie. Grace disrespecting Sarah Connor during the first few scenes after them meeting each other, has me frustrated in those moments as Sarah Connor is the OG of this movie franchise, she has important knowledge of the machines and both Grace and Dani know that they need Sarah. Regardless of the fact that Grace didn't know anything about Sarah Connor, i think the writers and director could have had Grace show some respect to Sarah Connor at first. I get that Grace easily took the gun out of Sarah's hand when Sarah had the gun pointed at her, but the verbal threats from Grace to Sarah a few scenes after is unnecessary, I like Grace - but I don't like how she treated Sarah after Sarah saved their lives from the Rev 9. And i know Grace and Sarah warmed up to each other, but i still have an issue with the initial first few scenes with Grace and Sarah.

The new bad guy/terminator model Rev 9, i think is a brilliant bad guy. I watched a movie review once on YouTube where someone said the actor who plays Rev 9 "does not look intimidating", but that is neither here nor there, (Robert Patrick doesn't look intimidating and he was still lethal in T2). The Rev 9 has extreme skills and is very dangerous, just watch the movie and watch what happens when anyone gets in its way when it's on the chase. Also, the Rev 9 terminator is relentless in wanting to hunt and kill Dani Ramos, this terminator just would not give up, if that's not intimidating...i don't know what is!

The action scenes are fun, edge-of-your-seat, high quality.

As a black-British aro-ace tomboy woman, i'm all for women taking the leadership role in action movies, and i feel this movie is changing things from shifting the leader from John Connor to Dani Ramos. I don't think this is sexism against men, it's a female-friendly message in an action movie. It's a positive thing.

I want to mention a specific scene that I think is great, when "Carl" is about to put the sunglasses on and then decides not to and the film score music starts getting louder - i love that, and it's clearly a nod/homage and this scene is possibly also telling viewers that Carl has evolved from what he once was. Also, speaking of homages, if you're very familiar with Terminator 2 - you will easily spot some of the dialogue lines that is similar to some lines in Terminator 2.

Terminator: Dark Fate. I love this movie, except as i mentioned earlier - near the end of the film, which is why i switch the movie off near the end. The action and the run and chase throughout most of this Motion Picture is what makes this movie worth rewatching even if the ending could have been changed. I don't think any good characters needed to die, but i guess the writers and director of this film wanted to strongly show sacrifice to the death.

A rewatchable Sci-Fi Action Flick.

A Raisin in the Sun

More Than Money: The Youngers' Fight for Dignity
I just streamed 'A Raisin in the Sun' on Amazon Prime Video. This was the first time iv'e watched this movie. As a black woman, I find the overall story line interesting. It's based on a play and you can tell that it's theatre-worthy as the setting is mostly in a small apartment. This is a film that needs and has tons of dialogue, due to its setting and drama genre.

As a 40 year old who is not American nor from the era this film is depicted in, I understand some of the sexist views against women that were around during those times, but that doesn't stop me from feeling frustrated at times at the limited words said to a black woman from a black man during one scene. Sidney Poitier's character "Walter" is unlikable at times, but as the film unravels - Walter is revealed to be a character that is not cut and dried.

I try to be open-minded as a film buff, and watch more of these older movies, and it takes getting used to at how dramatic performances from these old movies can be, with some dramatic moments from Sidney Poitier's performance and from Claudia McNeil's performance as "Lena" as during one particular scene her performance is very very dramatic (without giving away spoilers, the scene i'm highlighting with Lena is focused on money).

'A Raisin in the Sun' is a drama film that is focused on the financial struggles of this African-American family, dreams that seem difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish, segregation and dignity, and a lot of people can probably relate to this film.

I found 'A Raisin in the Sun' was getting more interesting as it went on. The beginning and the middle - the story is just getting started. I was finding this movie slightly boring when i began watching, but I'm glad I watched until the very end.


Morality crumbles on the Lake: Ozark Season 4 Review
As a 40 year old black aro-ace tomboy woman from London UK, my review will probably have a different perspective at times than others. I prefer American thrillers and Dramas, and I recently rewatched Ozark Season 4 and even though I knew what was going to happen - I still found this series interesting, entertaining and edge of your seat thrilling at times.

As a new movie screenwriter, I like a lot of the elements of the writing. Season 4 had different challenges and situations. My favourite character is Wendy Byrde. Even though she is ruthless, she's one of the best written characters as her character changes a lot from Season 1 and even when it's established that she is more ruthless than many of the characters, Wendy still reveals more layers of her personality, she's manipulative, contradictory at times, and the way she speaks to her husband a lot of the time is disrespectful, but Wendy is not the everyday wife anymore, and she still loves her family. I like the character Marty, but he is a one-dimensional character, maybe two-dimensional character, but leaning more towards a one-dimensional character as he doesn't change that much throughout the entire show, there might be a few scenes here and there where he will do something different than his usual personality, but he is one-dimensional, and I'm not even saying that it's a negative trait with this character due to plenty of main and supporting characters featured in the show. And Marty's calmness works when heated situations need to calm down.

As an animal lover, however, I am disappointed that the situations with animals in this overall series has been negative situations. Season 4 isn't too bad with this, however, even though it isn't a major part of the story - some circumstances are left unanswered as I wonder who will take care of a characters' pet when a character does not go back home. TV shows and movies do this all the time, they don't think small details like this will matter to audiences, but it matters to animal lovers. Ozark Season 4 and overall would have been an even better series if they'd either left animals out of it or brought more positive situations with animals.

Ozark: A powerful TV Drama/Thriller Series about a lake district community swimming in corruption.

Baby Driver

A brilliant high-speed action flick, but the movie goes downhill (no pun intended) near the end of the story
As a cyclist, I still love this car action movie "Baby Driver". I've streamed this movie many times over the years and have not got bored of it. It's unique, the music syncing with the action is different. The high-speed chases are decent and the storyline is interesting. However, in my opinion I feel this movie made a big mistake killing off "darling" and "buddy". Apart from "baby", "darling" and "buddy" were the most interesting characters and even slightly more interesting than "baby". This movie could have had better endings, one example without killing anyone off, they could have finished the last job and have "baby" and "debora" on the run from the law as well as on the run from "doc" as he would not let "baby" go throughout all of the movie, then near the end he all of a sudden has a change of heart? Nah, I don't buy that. Back to "darling" and "buddy", in my opinion they could have not been killed off and that would have been a good opening for a possible "buddy" and "darling" spinoff movie, because we don't know anything about their backgrounds, even though "bats" takes a wild guess and they don't deny it during a diner scene, it would still have been interesting to find out the origins of "buddy" and "darling"'s relationship and could have been a standalone bonnie and Clyde style spinoff movie. I don't think most of the characters in "baby driver" needed to be killed off to bring it to its final conclusion.

Without Remorse

Forget Politics, It's the Action in Without Remorse That Shine
As a new screenwriter, I appreciate 'Without Remorse'. This is one of my favourite movies and even though I'm not keen on politics and revenge - the film does explore these themes, but for me, it's the action sequences that truly steal the show.

As a Black tomboy with a shaved head myself, I was pleasantly surprised to see a strong Black female character with natural, short hair. It's refreshing to see such positive representation that felt genuine in the film's world. Karen Greer is a no-nonsense soldier who kicks behind in the action scenes.

The action scenes make this movie entertaining in my opinion. The prison fight scene, the scene when John Kelly jumps in a car with flames around, the scene on the roof - are a few highlights.

Without Remorse - tons of action.


A Hidden Gem In The Sand
I grew up in the 90s, and I thought I saw and knew of most 90s movies, but "Switchback" is a movie I never heard of until recently. I just finished streaming this movie on Amazon Prime Video, and this is a movie that is worth renting.

"Switchback" is suspenseful from the very beginning, and as I was watching throughout - I really wanted to know what would happen next. I'm not usually into Neo-Westerns, but the overall theme was about catching a serial killer, so as someone who loves thrillers...the thriller aspect is still strongly ingrained in the Neo-Western vibe.

This film does a good job withholding important information until it's ready to tell the viewers more. A few scenes had me guessing wrong which I feel is good filmmaking because there are too many predictable films out there.

As a film buff, there's some films that I love enough to buy on Amazon Prime, and there are some movies that I like enough only to rent and watch once and never again. "Switchback" is one of those movies. I've seen it once, I liked it, but I don't need to watch it again.

The Client

Brilliant legal thriller of the 90s
I'm from the UK and I grew up in the 90s, and I've always loved American movies, and since my teenage years I've known this movie and continued to watch it in my adulthood. I re-watched The Client again tonight and I still love this motion picture. This courtroom drama / legal thriller has twists and turns. Mark Sway takes dangerous risks and his Lawyer Reggie Love cares about him that she puts herself in dangerous situations at times also.

I like the relationship between Mark and Reggie. She could help him in ways that his mum couldn't help him which led to his mum being prideful and disrespectful towards Reggie during one particular scene when all Reggie ever wanted to do was help them and she helped them basically for free. Diane Sway eventually apologised to Reggie at the end of the movie and gave her a nice compliment which I'm glad the writers added in.

I have never read the book, but they made a good choice making the book into a movie because courtroom thrillers is an intelligent genre and there should be more of them.

The Client is a gem on the 90s. However, one thing about this movie that I'm not keen on is the ending, the reasons why they made the ending the way they did are sensible and understandable - but it's too sentimental for me and it is just too much and bittersweet that I will no longer watch the ending of this movie.


A Brilliantly Made True Story
I just finished watching Till for the first time on Amazon Prime Video, and this movie based on a true story is as brilliant as I thought it would be. I've been wanting to watch this film the moment I saw the Movie Trailers, and this movie depiction of these true events did not disappoint.

As a Black British woman, this story affects me still even though I'm not American. I've watched Documentaries about what happened to Emmett Till and I think it's good that a Hollywood Movie was finally made.

The actress who plays Emmett's mum - Mamie Till-Bradley, is brilliant, there are some powerful scenes with her and her speeches and the film score music along with the speeches - can't help but make you feel emotional, the words that she said about 'racism in the south has nothing to do with those in the north' is true, racism should affect every black person everywhere.

The writers, director, actors all did a brilliant job. As a new Screenwriter, I like how this movie uses subtext at times, example, during one of the court scenes when Carolyn Bryant was giving the demonstration of Emmett supposedly grabbing her, the camera then focuses on Emmett's mother and she does not look at Bryant and her demonstration, we see from this scene that we know Emmett's mother doesn't believe one bit of that story, she didn't even have to say the words "my son would not do that," the subtext in this scene tells the viewers how Mamie Till-Bradley feels about that.

Till is a powerful story of something extremely sad that didn't need and should not have happened. Those white men didn't get thrown in prison, but God sees all! No one can hide anything from God!

What happened to Emmett Till, and Mamie Till-Bradley working hard to change things, set off the Civil Rights movement.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

The lyrical soundtrack throughout, ruins the movie
Some people may agree with me, some may not. But the lyrical music in this film makes it difficult for me to fully enjoy this movie. I've watched 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' many times and I tolerated the music before, but I watched some of this film again today and I just can't tolerate this music anymore, it's a shame because this is a good movie, and if they just played one song from that artist then fine, but this artist's music is featured throughout - not in every scene, but in most scenes, the music is terrible and depressing, if they wanted lyrical music throughout then a more appropriate route would have been some rap songs with lyrics that boast about money - that would actually have been better for this motion picture considering money is what this film is basically about.

I don't usually do full negative reviews like this, but it's something I felt I needed to say.

On the Line

I was looking forward to "On The Line" the moment I watched the Trailer, and when I finished watching the movie - I was very disappointed. This movie had a lot of potential, but in my opinion - they messed up the story line.

I actually was entertained watching this film, but when the final plot-twist was revealed - I felt it ruined the movie. I started to guess some of the twist halfway through the movie, and I was half right - I didn't know fully what the outcome would be, but I started to guess that the threats and the radio people being "scared" was fake, but what ruined this movie completely was the final plot-twist, so the overall story was that it was a birthday present for Mel Gibson's character, and speaking of Mel Gibson - he is not a very good actor anymore, he was good in the 90s flick "Ransom", but this movie - his performance is not very good.

If they'd had left the ending as the British guy's accidental death, that would have been better, or they could have made it more serious and not added a prank outcome. A positive thing I will say about this movie is that it's different and for a thriller - no one gets killed, however the characters and the overall story lacks sincerity - usually in thriller movies - the characters are serious about whatever they have been through - which makes them sincere.

I'm glad I never saw "On The Line" at the cinema and watched it on Amazon instead. I give it 2 stars instead of 1 because like I said earlier - I did find this movie entertaining until the final plot-twist was revealed, I wasn't that keen on the first plot-twist, but like I said - that would have been better than the final twist that they went with - the first plot-twist - we see a sincerity in Mel Gibson's character as he was going to quit his job and he was devastated...we see that he is not completely heartless, but then the movie paints over that with the foolish final reveal.

As a new Screenwriter who writes thrillers - I would never end a screenplay like this. Sometimes the Director makes changes in a Screenplay, but if this ending was the Screenwriter's idea - what does that tell the viewers about the Screenwriter's view on thrillers? Does the screenwriter / writers not like Thrillers? Why end a serious movie as a literal joke?!


Brilliant Sitcom of the 90s
I was born in the 80s, grew up in the 90s watching Frasier among other Sitcoms, I liked the Sitcom differently back then as opposed to the 90s as a Brit I've always loved American TV and American Films, and I liked Frasier because it's American, but didn't appreciate the humour as I do now as an adult, because this Sitcom is not for kids, it's made for adults, and now that Channel 4 online has put all of the Seasons on their website, I've been enjoying this Sitcom so much more than I did in the 90s.

Frasier lives up to its genre, it's funny and the situations that he gets himself into while trying to do damage control, is entertaining.

This is not like other Sitcoms, the humour is different, and the character Frasier is not what we usually see in these type of shows, I don't watch today's new Sitcoms (and I've tried to watch some new ones on Netflix, but they are very boring) so I don't know the personality types of today's sitcom characters, but I do know that in the 90s - Frasier's personality-type was not depicted in other shows of this genre.

The performances and the lines are brilliant, the writers are very talented as well as the cast, director, e.c.t, I like all the main characters, but I've noticed as I've been watching episodes recently that Frasier and Niles' father is very rude a lot of the time, I don't mind the telling-it-like-it-is direct attitude, but the dad goes beyond that many times, he sometimes is just plain nasty and disrespectful with calling people names.

I love this Sitcom, and can't remember most of the episodes, so it's still sort of new to me every time I watch an episode.

I read that there might be a new upcoming Series of Frasier, as a fan of the show - I think if they go through with it, it will be a mistake, the actor who plays the dad - passed away, and I doubt the cute dog "Eddie" is still alive, so that's already 2 main cast members who won't be in the new one, the new Series won't be as good, they can pay homage e.c.t, but it still won't be the same, I feel that it will make those of us who are fans of the Series actually feel sad every-time we watch it because the 2 main cast members will be absent, I think they should just leave it as the brilliant 90s Sitcom that it is.

Sudden Fear

A very good old Hollywood Movie
I don't watch much of these very old Hollywood films, but I've started to be more open-minded and have been giving these films a chance, and this one "Sudden Fear" is a very good one.

The story line is well-done and the plot-twist at the end is clever.

It's a very dramatic film, Joan Crawford is very dramatic in this...I presume a lot of these old films are dramatic like this movie and it takes some getting used to.

7 out of 10 rating.

Antarctica: A Year on Ice

As someone who loves nature, scenery and animals, I thought i'd check out this documentary on Prime Video and was very impressed.

This is a compelling documentary film that shows the extreme conditions of living and working on the coldest place on earth.

Through this documentary, I feel that Antarctica could be a wonderful place and also depressing at times as well. The people in this documentary love that place and have been back there regularly and they've also said that many people were not keen on it especially during the winter months. I personally could probably only be able to stay there for about 4 days if I were ever to put Antarctica on my bucket list.

The way this documentary was filmed - half of it is stunning with the scenery and the animals, but the rest of it that has the people indoors and in other scenes that were not all that - looked a lot older than 2013, before I looked up the date that this documentary was filmed - I honestly thought it was made in the late 1990s or early 2000s.

I recommend Antarctica: A Year on Ice, for anyone that loves scenery and nature. There is a couple of scenes that show deceased animals, I wasn't keen of those scenes as an animal lover, but at the same time I think they did the right thing by not shying away from showing the realities of Antarctica, it wasn't too bad, so I still would recommend this for animal lovers.

Antarctica: A Year on Ice - 10/10 rating from me.

Moving Art

If you love animals and nature, this is a must-watch
I love animals and I love nature, I recently saw this Moving Art advertised on Netflix and I decided to watch most of it. This is a beautiful Series, the nature, scenery, wildlife sounds and animals are fascinating, the camerawork and photography are awesome along with the serene music. Earth truly has beauty in it.

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