
IMDb member since July 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 11 months


Bling Empire

Extremely offensive to DV survivors
I find it extremely concerning and disgraceful that the producers of this show would choose to bring on a person who was emotionally abusive towards another cast member (there is footage in the past season so it's not even up for debate).

Domestic violence is not something that should be used to drum up higher ratings. This is exactly why people are cancelling their Netflix subscriptions. Very much so not impressed. People should be demanding this be removed. I understand this is reality tv but surely there must be standards. What message is this sending to young men and women? Certainly nothing good.


Heartfelt, authentic, touching
The protagonist and her family have a tenderness to them that really warms the heart. The film tells a beautiful, emotionally rich story of loss, family, friendship, and coming of age. It's a gentle reminder of the adage it takes a village to raise a child, and despite the difficult situation the protagonist is put in the film still manages to capture all the love and support that exists in her community. There's little overdramatisation / fetishisation of the hardship being faced (we are more than a culmination of our struggles). For me these nuances really made the film hit different. You can tell this story was crafted by someone who identifies with the people of the film. Highly recommend, absolute gem <3.

High Fidelity

What a gem
Watching High Fidelity reminds me of the first time I ever saw Freaks and Geeks. There's just something so unique about it and there were so many moments where I actually got goosebumps either from a scene or a song selection! (They have the soundtrack on Spotify btw).

Although there's only one season (unless Netflix picks it up🙏🏽) you really go on a journey with every character. None of them fit into any one box really which is probably why Hulu decided to cancel it. I'm just glad I stumbled upon it, and am sure I'll be rewatching it soon.


Really finds it's footing in season 2
Loved the storyline development and nuances of the characters. Season one is a bit more chaotic and clunky, but I tried season 2 on a whim and wound up binge watching it. My boyfriend also really enjoyed and found it interesting. I'd say maybe skip to the second season if you're finding it hard to get into season 1. Anywho I'm looking forward to a third season 🙏🏽

One of Us Is Lying

It's giving me basic
I love a good murder mystery but felt like a lot of problematic things are being glamourised and exaggerated to the point of ridicule (whose parents are letting them blatantly have sex before heading off to school? And the one black dude in a lead role has to be the student athlete right? Lol). In the UK cyber bullying is a criminal offence so I really just couldn't relate. Thankfully the very smug cyberbully doesn't make it past episode one but it feels like yet another teen film glorifying things that are just not okay. Didn't make it to the end of the season that's for sure.


Overdramatised bad acting with weird colonialist undertones
Despite this being 100000 years in the future the lead character is referred to as master and my lord and is descendant of two royal blood lines lol. His empire make a deal to take control of the "spice" trade (code for drugs LOL) on a planet called Iraqis.

They of course are cast as Arab and black people. Even the Iraqis machinery looks like an oil refinery.

At one point the royal family's army generals say something along the lines of the Iraqi people wash their bums out with sand (also eerily similar to a racial epithet used against Arab people).

All in all it's a cringefest, there's little character development or good acting. And barely any action scenes.

I feel like I watched Twilight mixed with Game of Thrones mixed with a racist propaganda film from the 1900s. It's awkward.


a total fail at racial "Wokeness"
The trailer alone put me off this one. I don't get the need for the whole dialogue 'he's black'...' i thought there was only one black guy in japan'...'you shouldn't find him attractive...' like just why??

Race is neverrr mentioned when the main characters are white in anime and they obviously are also *not* of Japanese heritage lmaooo total #WokeFail

But really though is it too much to ask for there to be content featuring black people where their race is NOT the storyline?? Black people are just regular humans, and being black is not a personality trait.

Behind Her Eyes

literally never seen anything like it
Highly highly recommend! I thought I had the storyline all figured out but boy was I wrong. I loved everything about it. 10 out of 10 for sure.


Worth the watch
Beautifully told coming of age story set in Harlem. The characters and the storyline are very real. If you love indie films you should enjoy it.

The Old Guard

Definitely worth a watch
Quite a few turns I didn't see coming. If you like action films then you should like this one.


Powerful, Quirky, Empowering
Highly recommend this to anyone who in the past or currently feels stuck in a toxic relationship. As a woman who's been in this situation before, the character development and relationship dynamics really hit home for me. So glad this exists and forever grateful to Anne Hathaway for doing her character such justice.


A relatable funny coming of age story
This show is so well thought out for what it is, a sitcom drama about college students. I'm not sure why so much hate about it showing students navigating drinking, drugs, sex, relationships, etc considering that's all part of the college experience LOL.

Anyhow I love this show, it's a fun watch, and has many teachable moments baked into it. I also enjoy that it often has the friends engaging in open debates, key word being **open**. So refreshing to have a show that's not trying to shove a specific political slant down your throat.

For those reasons I rate it a 10/10. Yea the acting isn't Emmy worthy but it's really well done and entertaining for the type of show it is. I honestly just wish the third season had more episodes!! It broke my heart to realize it stopped at 8. I hope we get one more season out of it, fingers crossed!

Queen Sono

Yes some of the actors could've been better but the storyline and messages contained make this a 10 out of 10


Unrealistic, toxic, and boring storyline
There's very little depth (or humour) to this film unfortunately. Having seen a Netflix standup special from Amy I was very excited going into it. But I really struggled to keep my eyes open. Most of the jokes were just so bait and cringe. there were one or two that actually gave me a good chuckle but overall the comedy (and love story) was disappointing.

I also reallyyy take offence to the movies only consistent message which was that the guy shouldn't give up on this girl who was clearly a total dysfunctional wreck and shared ZERO of his values and interests, like why? I'd of rather it ended with them both being single and seeking therapy because literally why suffer.

Sorry to Bother You

Must watch for fans of dark humor
If you're into satires and have dark humor then this film is for you. It's very absurd and gets borderline silly but that doesn't detract from the power of the film's message. I personally also am glad to see more filmmakers taking risks these days without following the same Hollywood formulas

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

Magnificent storytelling authentically told. A powerful tale of what can be accomplished when we come together as a community and create solutions for ourselves. I finished it feeling very proud of my continent.

Tiffany Haddish Presents: They Ready

Queens of Comedy
Perfect for a boozy girls night, me and my friends had a watch party for this series and we laughed the whole way through! And as black women we all felt so proud and happy for Tiffany Haddish and the women she chose to take to the stage, they all had such touching stories and so much sauce! loved it


This show is filled with so many laughs, it's almost like a sketch comedy when Marlon gets into his crazy bits. There are also some life moments in there. I legit go back and watch old episodes every few months, Netflix give us more pleaseee 🙏🏽

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