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Canada's Got Talent

Production choices kill viewers' enjoyment

8/10 for the acts and touching moments.

Minimum marks for the video editing, and more points off every time the video editor cuts away from the talent to show audience, judges or host reaction shots. If you really want to add these valueless extras, they could be screen inserts instead of cutaways. More points off for every fractional-second cut. The show's name is "Talent", after all, so give us a chance to focus on the talent!

Maybe try thinking about why this show exists, and what the audience is looking for, and then make a few editorial changes. I keep coming back to see the talent; then I keep being disappointed every time the producers prove that they hate their audience.

Enterprise: Marauders
Episode 6, Season 2

Pointless Waste of Time
None of the behaviours made much sense. Klingons ran around like Cub Scouts. Marksman Lt. Reed shot like a Stormtrooper. The entire meddling Enterprise crew could have started a war that could have resulted in the obliteration of Earth. This was a bad script. Avoid this ep.

Murdoch Mysteries: The .38 Murdoch Special
Episode 9, Season 14

New writer. Big change in style
The new writer (this is her first Murdoch episode) turned the police and a few other characters into dark, stupid and unprofessional guessers who jump to conclusions. That would have been acceptable if this was Season One Episode One, but we have been treated to many seasons of quasi competent police. So the change is unwelcome. I hope the actors, directors and producers will ride herd a bit harder on rookie writers.


Unintentionally Hilarious
It was an interesting concept to have a show called "Nurses" written by aliens who had never been to Earth, from some planet that doesn't have hospitals. But this show managed to find such writers, and the results are absolutely hilarious (unless you were hoping for an accurate hispital drama).

Looking forward to further episodes. But this time I'll invite in friends from the medical profession and we'll play a drinking game. Every time someone shouts "Noooooo!!!!" or "That would never happen!", they have to take a sip of their drink. Real nurses will be hammered by the first ad.

The Meg

Dumb throughout, then came the utterly ridiculous climax
Watch this film if you feel like suspending all disbelief and are willing to put up with cringeworthy dialog, a cheesy script and pointlessly bland characters.

I don't expect scientific accuracy in a film like this, but Guardians of the Galaxy looked like a documentary in comparison. Many of the improbable events that happened were about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot two weeks in a row.

I can't see even people who love the genre rating this any higher than "meh". If you want to enjoy a film where the antagonist has the smarts of a goldfish, go watch "The Shallows", improbable as that story was, before you watch The Meg.

3 stars instead of 1/10 due to some skillful offshore technical stuff and pretty believable green screen.

True Detective

Season One a triumph for actors and viewers. Season 3 a triumph for the tobacco lobby
Really enjoyed Season One; two antiheroes behaving like True Detectives. Excellent acting, excellent production work.

Season Two was entertaining, imo. I think back often to several of the most interesting scenes. It was arty and most of the time, it worked.

Season Three's story was a bit less strong. The main problems I had with it were that it moved too slowly, felt the disjointed flashbacks subtracted from the overall product, and that it was left to a writer to solve the case, not the detectives. But what made Season Three most frustrating for me was that (a) Big Tobacco had managed to insert unnecessary smoking scenes hundreds of times, and (b) Mahersjala Ali decided to play his character as a mumbler. Even with rewind/replay, I didn't catch many of his lines. Presumably the writers had written those lines for a reason. We shouldn't need to rewind too often per episode.

The Definites

Relentless Overuse of Wobble cam.
If that's your thing, you may love this film. The technique started to annoy me about 5 minutes in, and by 10 minutes in, I had to stop watching this. Wobble cam truly takes the viewers' focus away from the acting and the writing.


Should have called it "Enemy Mine"
Oh wait, that title was already taken.

Congrats to the crew for coming up with a brilliant way to minimize costs: have the main character never move.

The Death of Stalin

Relentless highbrow satire
Superb writing and ensemble acting, but the real star is the director who made the whole film seem like a fast-moving choreographed dance. Kudos especially to inserting hundreds of details in the background that add to the overall skewering of despot governments. This is a film that will reward people who view it a second time: we'll spot build-up, more background work and double entendres.

Early Release

More an advertisement for the cigarette industry than a movie
Reasonable story up to the climax. Interesting villain until she apparently melts in water and disappears like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Lots of superfluous smoking. Granted, lots of people in jail are or become smokers, but this movie comes across as one where the director has taken instructions to make cigarettes the star of each scene, as opposed to any of the characters.

Of Murder and Memory

Excellent for fans of pointless and incompetent wobble-cam
Unfortunately, that's not me, so I got 15 minutes in and called it quits.

Directors who over-employ this technique of wobble-cam must really hate their writers, actors and audiences.

Black Card Revoked

Probably the most racist premise for a TV show ever.
Imagine its counterparts "Latino Card Revoked", "Arab Card Revoked", "White Card Revoked" and "Gay Card Revoked". Would any of them be considered offensive? Probably, because "Black Card Revoked" already is. and the revulsion would show in the mirror images as well.


Potty-mouthed dimwits battle inane baddies and an absurd script
A few years ago, some Hollywood producers got together and decided to remake the famous 1990s TV series. "But let's not make it so cerebral and nuanced as the TV show", was the general consensus around the table. "Oh no, of course not. No 2017 audience has the brains to deal with the complexities we presented 20 years ago. We'll have to dumb it down. We'll have to dumb it down A LOT".

And so they did. Gone are our worries that intellectual challenges like those presented by Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff in the 90s will go over our heads in the movie remake. Nothing is intended to go over our heads in this one. Instead, we're pounded repeatedly in the gut by scenes and locker room talk about body parts, body fluids, and involuntary muscle reactions.

All involved deserve a big vote of thanks.

Without a Trace: Doppelgänger
Episode 19, Season 2

Good treatment of twins in a whodunnit
Hearkening back to Jeremy Irons' subtle portrayal of twins in "Dead Ringers" in 1988, this W.A.T. episode highlights Tony Goldwyn as a set of twins. He does a great job portraying two different characters. Even at the end, we still don't know for sure which twin did what. A million twists could have been written in from the point where the episode ends. Glad to see they brought Goldwyn and his characters back for another episode the next season.

The writers do a good job with tense banter between LaPaglia's character and each of the twins.

Sure, there were some unrealistic points. Like how so many similar murders remain uninvestigated, and why the brothers don't just say to the investigators at some point "It's getting late, I'm going home". But what struck me most was how the series is called "Without a Trace", but the first clue they mention is a trace -- the missing woman's blood on the floor, followed by the discovery of her body + lots of other clues. Maybe the show should be called "Plenty of Traces".

What Lies Beneath

Artistic thriller gave me chills
Loved it. Yes it dragged in places. Yes, it's not the kind of character Harrison Ford knows what to do with. Yes, it owed a lot to Hitchcock. But if it can put me on the edge of my seat with chills & shivers, I say "well done".

Michelle Pfeiffer's performance carried the film, direction had its good moments as well. I have to question the inclusion of a lot of extraneous plot fragments that seemed to go nowhere. The mysterious neighbours, all scenes with the dog, wife's music career, everything about their daughter, Jody's whole life -- all simply begged the question "I wonder why they're including this?" Presumably, this movie is derived from a book, where the author has the freedom to explore a lot of side roads. But all these things could have easily been omitted and the 130 minutes cut down to 100, with no loss of thrill & mystery.

The special effects were just right in this film. Well done and not too many or too overwhelming.

7.5 / 10. Since I can only vote once with an integer: 7, and I hope the next viewer gives it an 8.

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