
IMDb member since July 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 10 months


Wrong Turn

Absolutely terrible
I started this movie without any preconceived notions about it. Right off the bat, it gave the typical Wrong Turn vibe as the other movies. But that starting 2 minutes were the epitome, it went downhill after that. It seems the movies tries to check all the items of diversity on the list, and it goes so overboard in doing so, that some of the ploys are actively discriminatory. Let's not even get to the plot in this. It has everything, only for the sake of it. Needless use of the F-word, badly depicted gore and lack of any coherent storyline whatsoever. It's just a movie to show to other directors about what not to do.

BoJack Horseman: Feel-Good Story
Episode 3, Season 6

Screw the politicisation.
I see some other reviews here saying how this episode is a leftist echo chamber and how it is not needed, and the absolute worst. But that is not the point of this episode, nor of this show. This show, or Diane, need not align with your political inclinations. Diane feels that way, and if you really admire the character, or the show, you would be able to appreciate her growth and development without relating it to your opinions.

Ocean's Eleven

Overall a nice heist movie, with some weird issues.
Tess is portrayed to be such a dumb person. What's up with that? You don't go back to your bank-robber ex husband because your current husband won't give up the company's 160 Millions for you.

Other then this, the movie is a nice one-time watch. Not a masterpiece, but certainly not horrible.

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