
IMDb member since May 2006
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El caso Asunta

Very interesting, but ending wasn't what I expected
I've watched tons of murder series and this was really sort of a letdown, mainly because you are led to believe one thing, and then the ending is not that. I'd say the first 60% of it was exciting and interesting and kept having more revelations. But the difficulty was that the revelations never added up to any resolution.

Is the idea that this is just how real life is? That no one will know for sure what even happened? What was the point of the film? To be describe a murder that couldn't ever be proven, and all the fakery and stretching of the facts on both sides leading up to it?

I don't mind if that's the point, but because that's very atypical for most murder series, a viewer is led to believe there will be a final twist that exposes what really happened. So then the last two episodes before the final one in the courtroom, were just total speculation and so I literally just fast forwarded through them.

Overall, it's very interesting to watch, I thought the characters were well done, if not bizarre, but it was just very frustrating that no one will even know what the truth of this situation ever was.

I liked that they included the real photos at the end. It was a nice touch that made it all more sad and unfathomable.


Terrible and senseless
Wow, this was an awful "film". It made little sense and the actors were horrible. Can't believe I got suckered into watching it by the rating. I had to start fast forwarding through it just to tolerate the slow pace and bizarre behaviors in order to find out what happened in the end, which literally made almost no sense.

When it started off I couldn't believe the two people were even a couple - zero chemistry. Other characters also very hard to believe as characters, but were like caricatures instead. This is like watching a practical joke to bother with watching it. I have no idea what the purpose was.

Claire in Motion

Despite the many bad reviews, I really enjoyed it
It reminds me of independent films from the 80s that you don't really see much of anymore. Beautiful scenes of nature and place in the filming, and the main character is very interesting, complex and not predictable.

Thanks to these reviews I was sort of prepared for the ending. If you haven't watched many art films you could feel enraged at it, but I really think there were enough hints in the film to make it something to think about. The scene of the video she sees was haunting. In any case, the choice of the ending brings you closer to her reality, in the long run. But I really enjoyed watching it, even as, yes, I did scroll a bit ahead when I felt I knew what was going to happen in certain scenes.

Also interesting was how detached she was, the academic, and yet she would suddenly clutch his shirt and smell it, etc. It was very sad, too, the way she and her son were so alone, in a way, and I felt like that reflects what a lot of people's lives have become. We never saw "family", and that's the problem with the academic East Coast or Ivy League or just small town college mindset - aloof and needing to pose as someone. No wonder they hate the Rightwing, all about family and god, expressing love for country, etc.

Made for Love

I got partway into the first episode and gave up - awful and pointless.


Possibilities, worth a watch
This is not "exactly the same premise" as 'Person of Interest', btw, as some are suggesting. It's similar, but quite different.

The idea of Next is very interesting and the two main characters are good, but the family scenes are tedious, predictable and stupid, reminding me of the family scenes in "Away", which were similarly awful as a backdrop to an interesting sci fi concept.

I went through most of "Away" by fast forwarding through the family scenes and only watching the space ship scenes. Over the course of the season the family scenes improved slightly, it seemed, but overall, it was possible to enjoy that series while X-ing out the stupid daughter and boyfriend dramas. Perhaps this one will be that way too.

The interesting part of this series will be if they can find a way to outwit the all-knowing AI, and of course that would have to involve something human, either creative, innovative or emotional in some way. Left to run its course, the story would just be one destructive event after another as the AI takes out each person that threatens it, so the challenge will be to change that inevitability in an interesting way. So far I don't have a lot of confidence that the writers can do it, but I'm still hopeful. They have a good idea to start with, so, let's see.


Wow, this was a lot better than I expected. I loved the imagery and the pacing and the general ambience, a powerful feeling of what old Russia was, and the film isn't accepting or rejecting of it, but just presents it. On top of that, it was full of unexpected events and great acting. I usually can predict a sci fi plot, and a typical American sci fi will eventually have a predictable plot outside of the rare few very good ones, like Interstellar, Annihilation, Ex Machina, etc. This was not predictable and was not a typical "horror" film, either. Ultimately, it addresses alien life in a complex way that I haven't seen done before, even as it mildly references the imagery of films like Alien.

I loved it.

The Rising Hawk

Felt like a made for TV movie from the 70s, low budget
I watched this for about 30 min and it was getting increasingly stupid until luckily when I tried to fast forward it hung up. At that time I realized, phew, I should *not* be wasting my time with such a poorly done film.

The story seems interesting and I kept wondering if it were accurate, historically, but I couldn't get past how the costumes were so poorly done, like this was incredibly low budget. I kept thinking of a 70s or 80s made for TV movie. Maybe today it would be a Hallmark film or something.

The story itself could have been interesting, the plot, but the details were so contrived, predictable, Disney-esque.

Lucky I didn't get sucked in for too long!

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