
IMDb member since May 2006
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    18 years



Emotional Horror
Saw this last at ParaCinema Film Fest (Derby UK). I swear there was a wringer in the auditorium and that I had been pulled through it! Probably the most emotional (sad) I've been made to feel by any film, certainly in the horror genre.

This is a film that deserves to be seen on a big screen, and to be able to absorb the story and be taken with it.

Lead female actor gave a simply magnificent performance. Very powerful story and motivation.

Well filmed, yes. Subtitles for foreign language, fine.

Just amazing, powerful, and a must see if you want an intelligent and daring film to watch. 10/10.

Eating Miss Campbell

Life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you never know just what you're gonna get. But with Liam, unashamedly Troma, means that you could cut Miss Campbell in half and you'd find Henlotter written all the way through.

Possibly this is a bit of a marmite film - haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, and finger food may take on a whole new meaning.

For those who think Banjo / My Bloody Banjo could never be beaten, you are going to want to watch Eating Miss Campbell. For those who like their cannablism served with the sauce of real tears, well you may find this comedy horror not quite to your taste.

A good looking movie, filmed well, with attention to detail, and some cool performances in it. Suck it and see.

Bannister DollHouse

A haunting tale
I saw this at a film festival last year and it was a film that starts interestingly, kept my intention and by the end I was wanting it not to end.

The acting is generally very good, and the struggle to make the film before the lead female actor grew too old to follow up on her debut in another Mycho film, SlasherHouse 2, must have been immense. But they managed it, and created a perfectly creepy daughter character with an actor who is prepared to push herself, and the filmmakers.

Yes, it is a low budget film. So what? A film that lets me leave an auditorium lost for words with the film's conclusion is powerful no matter how little, or how much, is spent on it.

This ain't no Disney.

Blood Tulips

Superb Festival Film!
There's a certain quality in this film that, as a "midnight movie" at a horror genre film festival (Horror on Sea), can get the audience right where it hurts... in the funny muscle! It's rare to see a standing ovation at the end of a feature film but it happened with "Blood Tulips". That's special.

Now, it won't be everyone's taste, and the opening scenes will make certain viewers switch off, but get past them and accept this is a film with a message and a motive and let the craziness flow over you.

Maybe the acting isn't always on point, maybe an over reliance on CGI sometimes, but worth giving it a go.

Cleavers: Killer Clowns

Cleaver returns.... with daughter!
A UK Independent No Budget feature Film that promises a lot and delivers on many levels.

The film is very much set in the US but filmed in the UK on a "zero budget" basis. But the quality of the film far exceeds that 'no money' situation. More incredible is that this film is one of a series in the Mycho Universe. The limitations of filming in the UK and yet setting the story in the US are cleverly worked out in advance so that it is very believable what is seen on the screen. There are some inventive solutions to difficulties in attempting some of the horror moment and the story itself is captivating enough that you don't need to have seen the prequel - just accept that there is a clown called Cleaver and he happens to kill people...

One of the trademarks of the Mycho-verse is the quality of colourful lighting on scenes and thats true in Cleavers as well. A good, fun, watchable film that is enjoyable and clever.

Oh, and a few characteristic verbal jokes along the way.


A "Love the 80s" concept album
A concept album of a punk rock filmmaker! Set in the 1980s, but created in the 21st century, with all the problems that contains (as expertly highlighted in the 'post end credits' section), this is a superb showpiece of the filmmakers art set in almost a music video catalogue style. The story is told without words, where image is king and action is secondary, but with the ability to mesmerise and ensure that a full length feature film is encapsulated in just 13 minutes. A lovingly told tale, that focuses on a potential future, and merges it into the here and now.

American Virus

The Reapers are coming... ?
In under six minutes, Ryan and Eastwood tell the story of an America under attack from the inside. No explanation as to how the cirus was created, where it came from, or how to stop it, but just a relentless, found footage style, short analysis of the impact it creates. Guerrilla style filming, a pounding music track, and the overall look and feel of the city create a vision of what could be. The the story has not start and no end simply means the viewer is as bewildered as some of those on screen. Great make up work means that this short film deserves its place in the not quite post apocolyptic times that we may now be approaching - or perhaps the Reapers are already here....


Atmospheric and memorable
Atmospheric sound creates the prelude to this tale of a young woman haunted by the demons of her actions as a child forcing her sister to commit suicide. The impact of this film is partially in that soundscape but also within the wounding inflicted on the young woman. Particularly vicious, but without considerable gore or impact otherwise, is the wounding that happens as the young woman makes her way down stairs. A short film that, in a good sense, last longer due to the calm way in which it tells its story, and one that is memorable.

Industrial Animals

Independent and surprising
A good mockumentary of a documentary maker wanting to understand more about a world that he uses and abuses without appreciating that others have a diffeeent opinion.

Interviewing a prostitute, and getting sucked into her world on her terms, means the outcome is surprising.

As an independent, no budget, film, this is a brave film and one that is enjoyable if allowed to be what it is. Sometimes it doesn't go far enough, sometimes it does, and the ending is totally unexpected.

White Goods

As you like it
You want a polished film, total perfection, great soundtrack, brilliant story line, and top notch acting?? Then give this man a far larger budget and you'll probably get it. In the meantime, low / no budget filmmaking can still make a great film that gives viewing pleasure and some laughs.

This isn't highbrow, intellectual, quality filmmaking - but its d**n good and worthy of at least one watch. And maybe a second, or third....

Dr. Balden Cross: Beyond the Void

Re-discovered Footage works well
A well produced and shot long short film (run time 30 minutes...) that maintained my interest throughout, capturing a very 1970/80s style of TV documentary, recorded on VHS, and used as the basis of a live broadcast later in the Eighties.

There were good performances and nice attention to detail, and certainly worth a repeat watch.

The Snarling

Great fun
A really good independent UK horror film, filled with some good laugh moments as well as the humour that is quintessentially British. The work on the production value of this film is clear, despite the low budget that would have been associated with it - and certainly worth a watch.


Allow it in...
Really nice film. Atmospheric, good characters, well played. Great lighting, sound was a bit quiet at times, could have been more horrific but it's a psych film not a gore one.

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