
IMDb member since May 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Enemies Among Us

Awful is too kind a word
The only other reviewer calls this "feature" awful. Trust me when I say that is too kind a word. I usually try to find something redeeming in most films I watch, but there is simply nothing here. I often wonder, when I see productions like these with big names in them (Zane, Roberts, Givens-does she count?), if those people are desperate for money. I know Zane just had a show recently on ABC that was canceled, and Roberts does some decent work here and there, but their decision-making skill have to be called into question when they attach their names to this.

Subplots that are sort of relevant but don't really make sense and don't come to a resolution, bad acting all around, horrible editing and shot selection, horrific special effects, and production value that looks as if it was shot with a hand-held digital camera all contribute to this "fine" feature.

Avoid at all costs. Please. I beg of you....

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