
IMDb member since July 2019
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I was skeptical about watching this movie. Luca is a fantastic director. Call me by your name is a fantastic movie. Even though you make a fantastic movie does not mean you can make multiple fantastic movies. Yes that would be four times of the use of the word fantastic in one movie review people. But oh my Good Golly this is the movie of the year that overshines every other movie that is made. In terms of originality. Let's look at poor things by yorgos. New fresh weird out there love it. But Luca has made a sports movie one of the most overused and repetitive genres in movies to date. What this man has accomplished by flipping the sports movie on its head making it intimate with close-ups and a story that would absolutely put Shakespeare to shame. You are doing yourself a terrible disservice if you do not see this movie. If you are a filmmaker that wants to learn how to do films in a Innovative and correct way watch this movie. If you are a casual movie Watcher that likes a triumphant and at the edge of your seat story and you can handle a little bit of gay stuff. Watch this you won't regret it. I have not been this emotionally moved by a movie since uncut gems. People we are watching history respect it love it enjoy watching it.

On the Count of Three

A solid movie
On the count of three. This was a good movie. It had its funny moments it had it sad moments. Overall it gave you what you were looking for if you were looking for a dialogue Driven thought-provoking movie. Some of the political agendas feel a bit forced. But overall this shows that Jared Carmichael is a filmmaker at heart to create something unique and entertaining at the same time. I would recommend this to the people looking for a refreshing independent film. That being said it is not for everybody. With that being said go into it with an open mind and you'll find that it does make you think while keeping you engaged with the Intriguing dialogue. Definitely a highlight in the 2021 Indie circuit.

Glass Onion

Stop making sequels
I mean it's like hollywood sees a clever, well made movie and they just kill the name it once had with a mediocre sequel. Films being made nowadays trying to push PC culture instead of trying to make something great. Please just stop. I loved knives out and this is like a sad spoof of the original. This is forced and spends to much time trying to win awards and critics approval that it absolutely yields a half witty, false progressive and a sad attempt to do what it did before. I love you Rian Johnson but you have Benoit Blanc playing Among Us for a cheap laugh. Just make good movies. Don't ruin knives out.

All Day and a Night

Why bad reviews
Listen this is a good movie. I'm not sure what else you could ask for. No, it isn't loaded with action sequences but it's a great story, with some of the best acting I've seen in a while.

Bo Burnham: Inside

Did I miss something?
I didn't finish this special so my review might be not credible but.....from my point of view Bo Burnham is yet another comedian that is trying to make everyone laugh at being politically correct. Bo used to be edgy and he said it best in one of those terrible songs. COMEDY IS DEAD!!


I mean come on I love chris nolan, but this seems like a classic case of an idea that sounded amazing on paper but then it gets on the screen and it's just so much information you pay attention so hard you get a head ache and then you probably wont get it anyway.

Sincerely Louis CK

Great work
Yes, he's kind of a weirdo for what he did to those women. But I feel like he is paid his dues and this is one of the best stand-up performances I've ever seen. I seen all of his work and this is for sure top two I would definitely recommend giving it a chance.

The Way Back

Great Movie
Good direction, good acting and a good story what more do you need? This is a great movie and Ben Affleck's acting is awesome!

Uncut Gems

Really good
The Safdie Brothers have a auteur style and have a distinct style to make this movie awesome. The acting is well done, Adam Sandler was played this role perfect. It was very well written and like Good Time is about a lot of problems and no time to solve them. I would definitely recommend this movie.

The Righteous Gemstones

A great story with great comedy
Having an interesting story line with comedic relief, all the while holding a mirror up and exposing certain churches as money rackets

Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones

The problem with making 3 specials in 2 years
I love Chappelle. I love how uncensored he is and how honest he is. The problem is, yes the special was funny but he was using the same material as his other specials. Theres nothing fresh and new he is sticking to getting the assured laugh instead of taking chances. I don't know I guess all I thought when watching this was "this is a money play"

Salinjaui gieokbeob

Really good movie
I think people see stagnant but jesus put your phone down and watch the movie

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Unique and good
Its not Tarantinos best movie. There are parts that feel spoofy but all around it was a good movie and fun experience. I think it is also Leo's best acting performance since the aviator.

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