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Florence Foster Jenkins

Singing so wretched I almost retched
For the most part, the characters in this movie only laughed at each other and I found that pathetic. So I didn't laugh at all. It's a true story that need not have been told, at least not by this cast and crew. I would have adored the mid-century scenes had they been shot from a vantage point that was the least bit interesting. In fact, I found ALL of the shots missed their mark. Hallways and rooms, streets and staircases that were cluttered or better yet empty were photographed dead-on, as with a point and shoot camera. I knew going in that I was going to hear off key singing but had no clue there would be sooooo much of it. I felt, from viewing the previews, that I would once again love Hugh Grant but might feel him mismatched to Meryl Streep. And I believe he was. If there was a show to be stolen then Simon Helberg is the brilliant robber as pianist Cosmé McMoon. But even he made me cringe pronouncing pianist (he said PEE-uh-nist) in an accepted manner but not the one that sounds like piano (piANist). Wish I could un-hear and un-watch this one.

American Crime

Art imitating life
Life doesn't happen in neat chapters where one part of the story wraps up neatly and then moves on to another. Life doesn't present its main characters always with perfectly coiffed hair and Hollywood-style makeup. And that's exactly why I'm really liking American Crime. It's a slice of life - a very sad and often confusing slice of life. American Crime festers in the dark side. It brings out the worst in humanity ... so far. I imagine as the series gets further along, there will be changes that come with plot revelations and character development. I'm enjoying the well-thought out plot so expertly put into words, the richness of the acting that brings that script to life and the occasionally brilliant and always good cinematography. The score by Mark Isham contributes just he right tension without becoming overbearing or, like so many other productions, just too loud. I can't think of a thing missing. This is the formula for a very, very good TV crime series. I hope each episode is as good as the first two that I so much enjoyed.

The Sound of Music Live!

Brilliant! and FREE
The last time I saw a Broadway play the evening cost me $500 (tickets and parking). This past Thursday, in the comfort of my own home, on my big screen TV with a great sound system, I was invited to watch a TV miracle: a three hour LIVE performance of the original Broadway play starring Carrie Underwood and a terrific supporting cast. It could not have been better. I wasn't lamenting that it wasn't true to the movie. I wasn't expected Carrie to win awards for her acting. I sat back and inhaled the fabulous sights and sounds that NBC and Walmart courageously brought to my home. The set decorations and costuming were spot on. The singing couldn't have been better. The musical direction and choreography superb. It was a wonderful tribute to a great work that has sustained over these many decades. I cringe when I read bad, even hostile reviews of this fabulous offering. Simply brilliant IMHO. And if you didn't see the special on the making of this program, look for it. Great insight into how this was all possible.

New Girl: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

The epitome of quirky
Since I've only viewed one episode, I can't comment on the likelihood of the future success of this new series. But if the next episode is as quirky and laugh-out-loud funny as the first, then I'm hooked. I found the premise of the show to be refreshingly different (and at age 63 and being a big TV sitcom fan, I've seen lots.) And then there's Zooey Deschanel. She not only does not disappoint, she reaches new comedic highs in this role that is tailor-made for her special brand of quirkiness. The chemistry between these young actors cooked up well in only 30 minutes. Hats off to all of the fine cast members. This episode had an ending I won't soon forget and each time I remember it, I will be laughing out loud. Bring it on! Bravo!! Encore!!!

Harry's Law: American Dreams
Episode 7, Season 1

Well-written, well-acted episode that is sadly based on truth
This episode was entertaining and informative. Sadly, much of it was based on the truth.

Google (the UN Refugee Agency), enter the search term ALBINO and read a February 11, 2011 story: East Africa: Albinos still targeted for body parts. Hats off to Hollywood writers who use fiction to highlight fact and focus attention on global problems in need of immediate resolution.

The stolen car side-plot was icing on the cake. It presented a great opportunity for the writers to insert a very interesting twist and for young Brittany Snow (Jenna) to show off her acting chops.

Corpse Bride

It would have been so easy to be better
Tim Burton has been quoted as saying that the budget of "Corpse Bride" was about "two-thirds less than any computer film," which can cost in excess of $100 million, but that "story, not cost, should determine how a film is be made." Bunk. Burton's puppets never came to life for me - not even the "live" ones. The look and feel of this movie is one of a cheap, creepy comic book rediscovered in a damp basement. The color palate was dismally and needlessly dull. Put it alongside Triplets of Belleville and it pales by comparison - literally. Infusion of some sepia tones for the "upstairs" characters might have provided the exciting transition we loved in the Wizard of Oz's fade from black (and white). The soundtrack was forgettable, save for an all-too- brief piano duet. The story suffered as so many characters were introduced and very few were allowed to develop. And I felt cheated knowing that Johnny Depp was a star of this film but was being held prisoner by a 2-dimensional stop-action puppet. The best part of this film was a corpse dog and as cute as he was, I'm not sure he covered the price of admission.

Beyond the Sea

You have to be a fan of musicals
If you're a musical movie lover like I am, then you'll probably love (or at least like a whole lot) this film. Musical lovers know that no matter what the main actors are up to, they're liable to break out into song and dance. The middle of a busy street is usually a great place. If you find this behavior disturbing, an interruption of the story line, then I suggest you go home or turn off the TV. But if you focus on performances, love music and don't expect a tremendously rewarding story line and the performances and music are good - great, even - then you're a musical lover and you'll enjoy Kevin Spacey being Bobby Darrin. Frankly, I don't care why he did it, how long it took, how much it cost. All I care about is that I paid $6 to get in and walked out with the same satisfaction I got for my $200 tickets to the Broadway show, Chicago.

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